You should consider adopting my system for the CTF Variant. Allow people to have up to +3 or -3 in stats to start with, with an equal number of each, but no points for killing people.
Will is the most powerful stat if you use it correctly... It wouldnt be a good idea to give people a chance to have a +5 to it. -3 Strenght, Increase Will. -3 Endurance, Increase speed. Words+Will would allow you to have a +5 to will and a +5 to speed... Rolls 11 to will, the whole other team explodes.
Well, let's change that to one team with dexterity and will, while the other has speed and strenght. Would this be way more unfair?
Yes. A person with pure strenght cant do a thing agaisnt someone with high will, not even being faster. Let me put it like that: A Person with 7 Will can control three creatures at a time, and 3 Channeling gives him the ability to do an item if he knows the word, which allows him to control everything. Even if that person is slow, you can control literally anything you can imagine, including minds. And for the ´´What im thinking of`` word there is not a limit range, a willmancer could be making heads explode from his base while protected by three powerful summons, no matter how far they are.
Still, you can have an Strong Metal Lion, Speedy Electric Hawk and Winged Diamond Sword to protect you, and not only that, will allows you to increase some of their stats without using words, so you can make a metal lion with +2 rolls to strenght, or a metal lion with +1 strenght and +1 speed...
Those three creatures theirselves wouldnt be so dangerous if they werent a mere distraction. A turn and some luck is all what needs a person with will to make your blood as heavy as quicksilver.
And Will can also heal and do many other things the other stats lack.
Angle: They arent that hard to learn nor rare. If you already have knowledge of what to expect you can learn to use it quite fast. And rare... You only have to test each page once to get a general idea of where it may be. With a team of people that wont take long.