Ustrint Zigula
You play around some more with magical effects.
[Pot:6+1] And you get a huge golden sphere. It thuds down hard enough to shake the ground.
Shrug. Walk over to the north ledge.
You wait off the murder for now.
Ah, well dang. In that case, Sit down and wait for my magics to come back to me. If someone attacks me, MAD protocols, just to a lesser extent.
Twiddle them thumbs.
Summon Inner Saiyan: Potency Focus!
If there is anybody immediately around me get away from them, then try PM spells.
Nah, you're pretty alone. Magic time!
[Pot:4+1] A cone-shaped hunk of cloth falls to the ground in front of you. Um... useful?
[Pot:5+1] This gives you a large chunk of obsidian.
Attempt to get better control of the pony then do actions!
Without any tack, this is probably as good as you can get. If only you had a carrot on a stick...
[Pot:4] You get a small fireball and a gust of wind. The pony jerks back and away from the fireball, but you don't lose your grip. That might be a problem.
..."Curse this place. Josionp." she said, cradling the stump of her arm while examining the area and pointing the wand at a space in front of her.
You swear at the world for putting you here, then try more magic.
[Pot:5] A large chunk of steel forms and falls to the ground. Not helpful.
You're very lightheaded now and feeling faint. Maybe you could try to bandage the wound?
Be ready to defend
You posture for an attack that never comes. Well, that was anti-climatic.
Man, I barely got any dice rolled that turn.
Corsair: Hale - North side, Grand Room (2/3 Pool) {Right arm broken}
Gamerlord: Shane - Center, Cavern
Dermonster: Derm - North Ledge, Grand Room (3/5 Pool) {Face badly burned} (6)
Piecewise: Bob - West edge, Magma Room (Body is force and electricity over gold) {Half Size} (3)
Tiruin: Myra - South side, Cavern [Holding sheet of rubber, Wand] {Left arm is gone, bleeding out, very faint (Two turns from passing out)}
Vakothu: Somnus - Center, Spike Room
DaveTheGrave: Dave - South side, Grand Room [Riding leathery pony]
Sarzael: Alish - Center of Bridge, Bottomless Pit (Body is greenish liquid)
Derm and Hale will have full pool at end of the turn if they don't reengage combat.
Spoiler: Derm will attempt to murder waitlisters next
Just a question. Is there going to be long term consequences for non-bleeding injuries? Because I remember that Derm got his face badly burned, and I was wondering if you were going to start applying some nasty effects that would be happening in the real world to a human that had his face badly burned, and didn't treat it in any way. Or even treated, frankly.
Not really. Blood loss is one thing (see: Myra) but I'm not going to model an infection- that's juts a bit too much detail for me to worry about.
Now, if someone slaps him in the face, it's going to be a lot more painful than without the burn.