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Author Topic: Battletrials - Wayward Warriors (Community)  (Read 27526 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battletrials - Wayward Warriors (Community)
« Reply #165 on: August 18, 2013, 09:56:11 pm »

Oh, and you should put at least Elite squad on a strict fitness regimen, maybe pumps.

Showing my n00bness here, is that where they do nothing but operate pumps until they resemble The Hulk?

Or give him bonecarving so that he can make deadlier bone bolts from the carcasses of animals that he hunts.

Easy enough... although, don't you only get stacks of 5 bone bolts? Would that mean you had only 1/5th of your ammo capacity? Or am I reading the Wiki wrong? :)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battletrials - Wayward Warriors (Community)
« Reply #166 on: August 19, 2013, 05:47:35 pm »

you do only get stacks of five, but they can carry 5 stacks of 5 bolts at once, so they can still carry 25.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battletrials - Wayward Warriors (Community)
« Reply #167 on: August 19, 2013, 06:05:55 pm »

you do only get stacks of five, but they can carry 5 stacks of 5 bolts at once, so they can still carry 25.


OK, update coming up this morning, after this all the requests from the last page will be actioned. :)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battletrials - Wayward Warriors (Community)
« Reply #168 on: August 19, 2013, 09:07:19 pm »

Time marches on

The goblins of The Carnal Worker-Witch, normally so consistent in their raids on Battletrials, had been conspicuously absent. Their last major raid, which the dwarves were still cleaning up months later, had carved a significant chunk out of their standing army. Atu the Law-Giver was in the middle of a recruitment drive to bolster soldier numbers but, for the meantime, Battletrials was left to its own devices.

The dwarves didn't rest on their laurels, not on the slightest. They continued the massive clean-up job, with other 80 corpses worth of clothing, armour and weapons to gather. The job was made easier by the arrival of a fresh load of migrants.

Jester and Shorast met the newcomers at the gates, welcoming them to the fortress. They then gave each new arrival either a hunting bow, seed bag or mason's chisel and set them to work on the three things the fortress needed the most: meat and bones, plants and coffins.

With each new coffin, another dwarf was laid to rest. For each dwarf, a small memorial service was held, honouring their memory and swearing swift vengeance on the captured goblins and trolls.

But there was also important training work to be done. Jester met up with the fresh volunteers who had signed up to be part of the Battletrials militia force. Each soldier, bar the squad captains, was decked out in leather armour and handed their assigned weapon.

Jester addressed the crowd of eager soldiers. "This weapon is your new best friend. Live with it, love it, so that when the time comes, it will keep you alive and bring you glory!" The troops roared. "Now, to training!"

Constructed works

While Jester played soldier with his recruits, Shorast kept the craftsdwarves and masons busy in the workshops. They all rallied around Rimtar, who triumphantly put the finishing touches on her masterpiece work. It was proudly displayed on the workshop wall to inspire the other masons.

One of the new masons had been transfixed by Shorast's stories about the history of the fortress. She was especially interested in the tales of Lalasa, a well-liked dwarf who unfortunately died after a single blow to the head. In her memory, a statue was carved of the heroic dwarf.

While a debate raged about the best place to put such a statue - the barracks or the fortress exterior being the frontrunners - the architects and masons got to work on an even grander project: an archery tower for the marksdwarves.

Shorast selected the location, just to the east of the corpse stockpiles. There was enough spare land so as to not crowd the ridge, while also covering the eastern and southern approaches to the fortress.

Quick as a flash, the foundation of the tower was complete, a strong granite wall to hold back any invading goblins.

Shorast sat down with one of the architects to plan out the second floor, as well as the access stairway which would lead from the fortress.

"I think the second level should be a solid wall of fortifications on all sides," Shorast said. "This way the marksdwarves have a full 360 degrees of vision."

The architect ordered the masons to get to work, and before long, the second floor started to take shape.

The stairwell was also dug, which would lead from the second level of the fortress straight to the inside of the tower. Ustath the marksdwarf captain inspected the stairwell, after which he declared himself pleased with the progress.

Winter fell

There was one final project which Jester had asked Shorast to oversee... the diversion of the river. As winter had engulfed the area, the river iced over, then straight through, becoming a solid block of ice meandering its way through the landscape.

Shorast and the mining crew ventured down to the river edge. The miners started dragging their picks through the soft sand, marking out a long channel which would connect two points of the river.

As the mayor watched on, the miners got to work. As most of them had been a part of the fortress since it was first founded five years ago, their digging skills were legendary throughout Battletrials. Even Shorast was surprised, though, at just how quickly they completed the new channel.

The masons wanted to dig out the ice near the new channel and build a wall to dam off the old river path, but as it was approaching the end of winter, the last thing the fortress needed was to lose dwarves down a flooding river. Shorast therefore ordered the masons to focus on the archery tower; they would wait until next winter to finish off the river diversion.

The dwarves strike back

As construction work continued around the fortress, the dwarven activities attracted the attention of some unwanted guests. Goblin and kobold thieves had tried to sneak into the fortress, desperate to get their hands on whatever trinkets they could.

Unlucky for them, the cage traps surrounding the front gates were more than ready for intruders. The dwarves celebrated the capture of even more enemy scum for the arena's eventual re-opening.

One of them managed to escape the cage trap, but the roll they performed landed them right next an axedwarf.

The axedwarf attempted to strike out at the goblin thief but, unfortunately, it deftly parried the blow and managed to escape towards the north.

But this was nothing compared to what came next... The goblins sent an ambushing party!

The three archers and the solitary mace goblin stalked their way around to the northern approach to the fortress, lying in wait for foolish dwarves to try and cross the bridge to the other side.

Meng the axe squad captain and one of his recruits were on a training exercise in the dunes. They were caught off-guard by the goblin ambush. Cut off from the fortress, they had no choice but to try and fight their way through.

In a savage display that shocked even Meng, his recruit slapped the mace goblin in the upper arm with the flat of her battle axe blade. The goblin's arm bone splintered and bruised under the blow, which was made worse then the recruit tackled the goblin to the ground. With three swings of her blade, the recruit sliced off most of the goblin's arms and one of its legs. But the final blow was delivered not with an axe swing, but a swift kick to the head.

The recruit, covered in drops of blood, charged towards the other goblins. Meng, still blinking in amazement, followed suit. The ambushing goblins, stunned by the loss of their mace-wielding comrade, turned and fled towards the west.

Upon returning to the fortress to deliver the news, Jester and Shorast declared a rest day for the whole fortress. They celebrated as only dwarves can... raucous drinking.

Getting serious

Several days passed without incident, with construction work and training continuing unabated. The dwarves, taking advantage of the frozen river, had started to build a channel underground to deliver fresh water into the fortress.

Floodgates were set up near the channel, which led on a long path towards a selected area underneath the fortress. Once the right mechanisms were set up, a lever could raise the floodgates, send water flooding into the channel, before being closed again.

Shorast the mayor, who was consultation with the manager, was interrupted by one of the Hunters, who had come running into her office.

"Shorast, great news! The dwarven liaison has arrived with a caravan!"

The mayor clapped her hands in excitement, standing up and moving towards her office door, leaving the manager behind. "Get your colleagues out there and guard the caravan," Shorast said, "Last thing we need is another dead liaison at the hands of an ambush."

The dwarven merchants and the Battletrials broker split off into the trading post. Supplies were carted into the depot then back out again as the merchants traded all of their wood, weapons, bars and armour for the fortress' supply of crafts and gems.

Shorast took the outpost liaison to her office, then sat down to make herself comfortable. "Welcome to Battletrials, Vabok. It's good to see a liaison survive the journey to our humble fortress."

Vabok smiled, putting his vestments down onto the tabletop. "Yes, we heard about my predecessor's fate. As well as yours."

Shorast nodded her head. "Yes... terrible business, vampires and all that." Vabok clucked his tongue in sympathy, then unfurled several pieces of parchment and laid them out onto the table. "Let's get to business, shall we?" he said.

"The leaders at The Massive Helms have taken a great deal of interest into your efforts out here in the desert," Vabok continued. "How do you think the fortress is going?"

Shorast considered her response. "Better," she said finally. "It was touch and go for a while after the goblin sieges, but the dwarves are in high spirits. Our militia commander has re-organised the military and we are putting the finishing touches on our first construction projects."

Vabok wrote down a few notes on his parchment as Shorast spoke. "That's great to here," the liaison replied. "The Massive Helm's leadership group was hoping you would say that. They have given me leave to deliver this news to you."

Vabok picked up a piece of parchment. It had a royal seal. Vabok opened the letter and read it aloud.

Shorast's eyes widened as she took in the liaison's words. She sat back in her chair, momentarily stunned. Vabok finished reading, walked over to the mayor and shook her hand. "Congratulations," he said, "But do you want to accept?"

Shorast looked Vabok in the eye and smiled broadly. "Of course! And at the risk of sounding self-centred, I can think of nobody who can do a better job at being a baroness than myself.

Vabok smiled and clapped Shorast on the back. "Excellent. Welcome to a new era, for yourself and for Battletrials, land of the ream of The Massive Helms."


Hurray! We've gone legit.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battletrials - Wayward Warriors (Community)
« Reply #169 on: August 19, 2013, 10:25:47 pm »

Yay! We are finally a true kingdom! And how goes the creation of Halt's house/burrow? It would probably be best if the butcher's shop/bone carving craftsdwarfs workshop were all in the house, along with an ammo pile, a 2x1 crossbow pile (one for hunting one and for soldiering), and a well connected to the river so he doesn't need to make booze would be helpful. But, on the other hand, you could make him harvest plants from the surface to brew with.

Please note, these are all just suggestions, and I don't mind if you disregard them completely. In fact, if you already have different ideas, I would rather be surprised by his setup.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battletrials - Wayward Warriors (Community)
« Reply #170 on: August 19, 2013, 11:15:45 pm »

I bet history will be repeating it self. More suspense, more twists. Still enjoying it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battletrials - Wayward Warriors (Community)
« Reply #171 on: August 20, 2013, 03:56:19 am »

Yay! We are finally a true kingdom! And how goes the creation of Halt's house/burrow? It would probably be best if the butcher's shop/bone carving craftsdwarfs workshop were all in the house, along with an ammo pile, a 2x1 crossbow pile (one for hunting one and for soldiering), and a well connected to the river so he doesn't need to make booze would be helpful. But, on the other hand, you could make him harvest plants from the surface to brew with.

Please note, these are all just suggestions, and I don't mind if you disregard them completely. In fact, if you already have different ideas, I would rather be surprised by his setup.

Just about to get started on Halt's house. I have taken your suggestions on board, and have chosen the appropriate dwarf. He will feature in the next update. :)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battletrials - Wayward Warriors (Community)
« Reply #172 on: August 20, 2013, 08:13:42 pm »

WHAT?!?! This thread went all the way down to the SECOND PAGE?!?! This is unacceptable!!!


Also, good to hear about Halt. I hope he doesn't die to the first goblin ambush that comes his way.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battletrials - Wayward Warriors (Community)
« Reply #173 on: August 20, 2013, 09:27:15 pm »

WHAT?!?! This thread went all the way down to the SECOND PAGE?!?! This is unacceptable!!!


Also, good to hear about Halt. I hope he doesn't die to the first goblin ambush that comes his way.

I hope so too. I forgot to upload images before I left for work this morning but, in essence, the plan is:

*     *
*     *
D     *
*     *
*     *

* = wall

D = door

So 5x5, with outdoor workshops and a farm plot outside the southern door. The roof will be as you laid out, with fortifications, some ammo and a ramp with a floor hatch.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battletrials - Wayward Warriors (Community)
« Reply #174 on: August 21, 2013, 04:49:44 am »

New bling

Stakud the Gem Setter was very busy dragging a rough gem up from the depths of the first cavern, when he came across a pile of uncut emeralds. He was suddenly gripped by an idea.

A brilliant idea.

One involving gems and leather and rocks.

He grabbed one of the rough emeralds and ran straight back up to the fortress. He had planning to do!

He kicked one of the other gem setters out of the Jeweler workshop. "This is MINE!" he yelled, scaring off nearby dwarves as he started darting in and out of the workshop, gathering various materials.

After what seemed an age, and dozens of trips, Stakud commenced construction of his vision... due to the number of gems and stone blocks in use, he had attracted a curious crowd, including Shorast the mayor and Jester. They kept the crowd at bay while the Gem Setter's hands whirred away.

The crowd numbers ebbed and flowed as the show continued, but, eventually, the dwarf finished. He stood back, exhausted, as the other dwarves gathered around. They positively salivated at the object which now sat before them.

The glittering green coffer sat pride of place in the centre of the workship. It was covered in leather, pewter and bone. The dwarves had never seen anything so beautiful.

Jester leaned in close to Shorast. "That would be worth a bit, wouldn't it?"

Shorast nodded, not taking her eyes off the coffer. "Sure would."

New recruits

The soldier training continued unabated. A few troops had decided to take other names, in honour of their completely changing lifestyle.

Marisa, a female gladiator who had volunteered for the Bezerkers, had suffered an unfortunate training injury in The Massive Helms before she moved to Battletrials. Her upper lip was completely missing, so she always looked like she was snarling - something which she knew would come in handy.

Maverus was another Bezerker, who was attracted to the idea of dying in a blaze of glory. Jester assured him that given what had happened in the past at Battletrials, his death would come soon enough. Maverus' response was to grin manically.

Lokum's Lambda also celebrated a new recruit. Efficiently named Sloth II, one of the legendary foundation miners of Battletrials wanted to do his bet to contribute to the fortress. His steel pick would certainly come in handy.

Lastly there was Hark, a Marksdwarf who joined the Lambdas as a Bowyer - the other dwarves were so excited by the idea of custom decoratve crossbows that they promised to show him just how to shoot, to enhance any crossbows that Hark made for them.


Shadowy figure

One of the Hunters was stalking prey - a Buzzard - through the sand dunes at the northern end of the fortress. Upon locating across his target, he silently raised his crossbow and centered its sight on the Buzzard's head. Before he could squeeze the trigger, a bolt fizzed in from the north and sliced clean through the Buzzard's neck, severing the bird's head completely. The Hunter looked up, bewildered, as a shadowy figure - the same size as a dwarf - charged in from the north, grabbed the dead bird and ran back the way it came.

The Hunter, intrigued, followed the retreating figure as it crossed over the bridge which spanned the still-frozen river. The Hunter spied, nestled amid a snow-covered dune, a small hovel. It looked like it was under construction, with a few stone wall segments placed, and a tent pitched in the middle of the site.

The Hunter creeped closer, remaining hidden amongst the snow-swept dunes, until he was close enough to see the dwarf's face.

His jaw dropped. He'd seen enough engravings carved across the walls of Battletrials to know exactly who the mysterious figure was.

Adventure time

The Hunter had scrambled his way back up to the fortress as fast as he could. He made his way down to the barracks, interrupting Jester and the Lambda soldiers who were trying out one of the elite squad's new archery ranges.

"Jester!" the Hunter called out, panting and resting against the wall. Jester turned and, upon seeing the Hunter, sighed. "For once can someone deliver me news without barging into my training sessions?"

The Hunter hesitated, not sure whether Jester was angry. The militia commander saw the Hunter's hesitation and cracked a smile. "I'm kidding. Go ahead."

The Hunter nodded, relief visible on his face. "I was out hunting in the north, and I came across a hovel concealed in the sand dunes. There's a dwarf living there and... well..."

A look of concern crossed Jester's face as he saw the Hunter trail off. "Well?"

"You need to come and see for yourself," the Hunter said.

Any normal dwarf would have berated the Hunter for wasting the time of the militia commander. But Jester was weird. He sensed something fun. Shrugging, the militia commander grabbed his war hammer. "Alright. Lead the way."

Left of field

The Hunter and the militia commander trudged through the dunes, following the Hunter's footsteps from his first venture towards the hovel. As they approached the tent, the mysterious cloak-wrapped dwarf emerged from inside the temporary shelter. It was carrying a crossbow.

Jester hesitated, throwing his arm across the front of the Hunter to stop him in his tracks. The Hunter raised his crossbow, its sight trained squarely on the head of the dwarf.

"Hey!" the mystery dwarf shouted in a male voice, raising his own crossbow. "I'm not afraid to shoot you where you stand."

That voice...Jester rolled his eyes and gestured to the Hunter, who lowered his crossbow. "Alright, we'll play it your way. If we drop our weapons, can we approach? It would be for the best, I have a lot of eager recruits in the fortress who would love to get some dissection practice if this goes sour."

The cloaked dwarf hesitated. "Fine. Approach, but don't try anything funny. Especially you, Jester."

The militia commander raised an eyebrow, then looked at his Hunter companion, who merely grinned. They both approached the mysterious dwarf, keeping their hands on their weapons as they made their way into the construction site.

When Jester got close enough to see who the dwarf was, he had to rub his eyes for fear they were betraying him. He knew he'd heard that voice before...


The dwarf slowly pulled back his hood, revealing the face of the former leader of Battletrials.

"It's Halt now," he simply replied.


Fikod finally has a use again...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battletrials - Wayward Warriors (Community)
« Reply #175 on: August 21, 2013, 08:11:27 pm »

Woo! Sorry I didn't reply earlier but a berserker dwarf is fine by me.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battletrials - Wayward Warriors (Community)
« Reply #176 on: August 22, 2013, 01:42:47 am »

Woo! Sorry I didn't reply earlier but a berserker dwarf is fine by me.


Also I have just edited 121 web pages. So I will put up an update tomorrow morning. Nuts to more story-writing today. :P


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battletrials - Wayward Warriors (Community)
« Reply #177 on: August 25, 2013, 06:15:12 pm »

*pretends that he didn't just disappear for 4 days :P*

I will be doing an update tomorrow morning after playing tonight. Will be expanding upon what happened to Fikod since the rebellion (all those pages ago!) and getting some of those prisoner goblin numbers thinned out.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battletrials - Wayward Warriors (Community)
« Reply #178 on: August 26, 2013, 06:42:02 pm »

Well that was a plot twist. Very good one, too. I wonder if Fikod has given up his greedy nature, or if he will steal from the fortress to fill his house with shinies...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battletrials - Wayward Warriors (Community)
« Reply #179 on: August 26, 2013, 07:30:31 pm »

Well that was a plot twist. Very good one, too. I wonder if Fikod has given up his greedy nature, or if he will steal from the fortress to fill his house with shinies...

Why thank you. When you gave me the idea I was like "There is only one dwarf that can pull this off."

Also, with his house, I plan to put a crop garden (walled off) by the southern wall, so he can brew things.
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