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Author Topic: Whispersships: A History of Insanity (Succession Game; Looking for Players!)  (Read 24941 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Odd, I figured with no claws or teeth, what could it possibly do?

As I said, a half-evil glacier is the best of both worlds. Zombie attacks and weird rain. But a place to bury dead and butcher animals


  • Bay Watcher
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Odd, I figured with no claws or teeth, what could it possibly do?

As I said, a half-evil glacier is the best of both worlds. Zombie attacks and weird rain. But a place to bury dead and butcher animals

The animals were cart pullers, and they would have died from lack of non-ice to eat


  • Bay Watcher
  • There are only so many bees in a hive.
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Half-evil glacier, as in half of the "terrifying" biome, and half just normal? I feel like that might fuck us in the long run.

Anyhow, if Sloth wants to give it a go, I can e-mail him the world files, since I already had a turn, so to speak. I'm more in the mood for a different game today, so I don't mind not going again.


  • Bay Watcher
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Half-evil glacier, as in half of the "terrifying" biome, and half just normal? I feel like that might fuck us in the long run.

Anyhow, if Sloth wants to give it a go, I can e-mail him the world files, since I already had a turn, so to speak. I'm more in the mood for a different game today, so I don't mind not going again.
Yup! Half terrifying, half untamed wilds.


  • Bay Watcher
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I don't think I'm going to take a turn. I've never tried any really difficult embarks, and I'm fairly sure I would kill us all within a year.
Hell, if nobody's suffocated because of it, it hardly counts as a bug!


  • Bay Watcher
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I don't think I'm going to take a turn. I've never tried any really difficult embarks, and I'm fairly sure I would kill us all within a year.

Don't give up so easily. Some terrifying biomes are mild as anything. Main thing is don't rely on the military against undead until they have trained a bit. Seal inside, generally.


  • Bay Watcher
  • There are only so many bees in a hive.
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Believe me, this is all new to me. I usually embark in challenging areas, but rarely in an evil one.

Enolate can start first, then, if he wants. I'd like to see someone else start.


  • Bay Watcher
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Believe me, this is all new to me. I usually embark in challenging areas, but rarely in an evil one.

Enolate can start first, then, if he wants. I'd like to see someone else start.

I'll do my best. How do you upload saves and images?


  • Bay Watcher
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3 Timber, 250

50 Hammerblows! 50 Hammerblows! My life is flashing before my eyes. My one chance is to plead with the Baroness. Tell her that it is the Furnace Operator's fault she didn't get her black bronze chain, not mine. After all, I was the loyal one. I made her the regular bronze chain, which was the best I could do with the metals on hand. That should count for something. Maybe, she'll see reason. Maybe she'll commute the punishment. I'm a loyal worker. Besides, what's the worst she can do? Sentence me to 100 hammerblows? I wouldn't survive 3.

4 Timber, 250
What do you know? The baroness saw reason. Said my pleas showed honesty and initiative. She commuted the sentence entirely. In fact, she gave me a promotion. I am to lead 3 wagons on an expedition to a new Mountainhome, a tropical paradise called Nekikakgos ódad Setnek, Coldclinch the Feast of Buzzards. Sounds a lot better than this dump, if you ask me. I shall start rounding up men. Hmm, we'll need about 7 or 8 per wagon. I suppose we'll need protection, and a source of food, and my favorite anvil. I think I know just what to take.

Captain's Log: 8 Timber, 250
We're off! I put Matoro, Tieranus, and Sloth with me, as well as some unfamiliar faces. But I'm sure we shall be fast friends by the end of the trip. The other wagons are just about ready to leave, I am told. The Baroness gave me some instructions to read once we start our journey. Yet, those can wait a few moments. I feel strangely tired. Sure has been a busy few day.

Captain's Log: 28 Obsidian, 250
Woke up to find Matoro tending me. She claims I slept for over three months! Three months! Man, we should be close to our tropical paradise by now. Everyone is shivering with anticipation. You can almost see their bated breaths. I will just check our bearings and read the instructions I was sent.

Captain's Log Addendum
A strange, wet, glassy substance covers the ground. The wind chills the bones. And there is not palm tree in sight! The other two wagons are nowhere to be seen! The Baroness's letter was a single sentence: "Next time, you make the chains or take the hammer." That lying bum! She sent us here to die, didn't she. And I stupidly believed her! Some grand expedition this is. My men look at me anxiously for orders. But I do not know what to say. No. Scratch that. I know exactly what to do. We'll show that bitch. Coldclinch will be the best, damn fortress Dwarvenkind has ever seen. And Lazy Urist's precious Plateloaded will become a pathetic backwater.

Captain's Log: 1 Granite, 251
Pulled the wagon over today. It's all the same for miles. So this spot is as good as any. From these wastes will rise a new order! But first, shelter. Can we pierce this wet glass?


  • Bay Watcher
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Actually, the aquifer doesn't stretch everywhere. But there is a strange, repulsive goo that rains down and knocks everything unconscious. Keep it?


  • Bay Watcher
  • There are only so many bees in a hive.
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Actually, the aquifer doesn't stretch everywhere. But there is a strange, repulsive goo that rains down and knocks everything unconscious. Keep it?

Yeah, why not. I had a game where an Execrable Vapor drifted nearby quite often, and it was mostly hilarious because it just knocked out random dwarves and traders when they were outside. Makes for entertainment.

You can upload pictures to a site (I use imgur, because it's easy and quick), then you use the image tag to make them appear in the post. The spoiler tag around That keeps it hidden until you click on it. Saves, on the other hand, you can use Dropbox or the like, and just send the link to whoever is next.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2013, 12:08:43 am by Tieranus »


  • Bay Watcher
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Captain's Log Addendum
Checked our supplies. They do not seem as useful now, as previously.
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In addition, it appears all wastelands are not the same. In this one, the dead walk. There is a skeletal polar bear not far from camp. I have told Matoro to grab his sword and mail, but I dearly hope it does not come to confrontation. She is a stout fellow, but I fear the unnatural. I have ordered Bim Gusillolok to begin digging into the adjacent wall immediately. The sooner we get underground, the better.


  • Bay Watcher
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Captain's Log Addendum
Checked our supplies. They do not seem as useful now, as previously.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
In addition, it appears all wastelands are not the same. In this one, the dead walk. There is a skeletal polar bear not far from camp. I have told Matoro to grab his sword and mail, but I dearly hope it does not come to confrontation. She is a stout fellow, but I fear the unnatural. I have ordered Bim Gusillolok to begin digging into the adjacent wall immediately. The sooner we get underground, the better.

Captain's Log: 2 Granite
The dreadful bear creeps ever closer, and this ice is slow digging. There seems to be no way to avoid a confrontation. Matoro looks ready, but is she?
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: July 15, 2013, 12:24:08 am by enolate »


  • Bay Watcher
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Captain's Log: 4 Granite 251
The polar bear seems confused and does not know which of us to target. So far I have not let Matoro engage. I have told our miner and planter to aid her with pick and axe should we have to confront. But we will almost certainly lose one. We appear to be able to outrun this foul beast, so we shall continue running until Matoro can lead her squad on the best possible terms.


  • Bay Watcher
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Captain's Log: 8 Granite
The Polar Bear has been chasing a cat for the last four days. Better than us. I was right not to trust Matoro. She got so scared, she dropped her shirt and sword upon the ice as the bear lunged for her. Yet, so far we all survived. The shelter is just about ready. I will order everyone inside, if possible. But without stone, we have no trap.
Captain's Log: 15 Granite
That damn bear is still out there. Yet, we are all safe in here.  Our cats were  real heros. They successfully led the bear far off into the ice, before dying to it. The bear has now gone, but it does not have our food. Nor our precious anvil. And most importantly, it does not have us. The cats served their purpose, I suppose. The weather has been odd. I was told that it was raining some strange goo. I went out to check and the stuff is damned nasty. Paralyzes instantly.

Captain's Log 11 Slate
Stuff also causes bleeding. Nothing serious compared to the paralysis. People are not happy, but we have used the remaining wood to construct beds. Oddly there is a small amount of sandstone between what I am told is a glacier and the ocean. We are using that to construct a dining room, and morale should improve apace. I have built a butcher shop and tannery. We cannot keep our work animals without grass. My theory is that provided the butcher shop is not under a glacier, their meat will stay dead.

Captain's Log 21 Slate
Urvad murdered our boar. Not butcher murder, punch to death murder. It is unnerving. Almost as unnerving as the elephant seal corpses wrestling outside. I freaking hate that baroness.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2013, 01:33:57 am by enolate »
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