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Author Topic: Whispersships: A History of Insanity (Succession Game; Looking for Players!)  (Read 24961 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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I'm surprised and saddened that hippos here are not the man eating killers they are in real life. Originally, I thought we couldn't get war hippos because hippos are born war-trained. But they have the BENIGN tag.

we could  mod it  in... making them war trainable isn't hard.

Only if we all agree on it ofc.

Anyone want a dwarfing? I've got like 45 unnamed dwarves.
I do. Random dwarf, preferably male,

You got it. I picked a male dwarf at random, and you are taking over "Mafol Lordodok," a farmer, recent immigrant, who has been working the farms and moving plants/seeds around. We're mostly farming plump helmets and sweet pods this season.

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No content tonight, way to tired from work, but I think it's likely that I'll make enolate a henchman, a step up from a minion. It comes with a decent bedroom, shiny statues, and all sorts of other perks to being one of the henchmen of an evil genius.

On another note, i finally got a decent image-sharing thing to work, so expect FAR more pictures in the next few updates.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2013, 01:27:22 am by bp920091 »
I must make a note to buy some cats from traders at the next opportunity and see if I can chain up a breeding pair someplace clean. Having kittens wandering the hallways will be a good way of identifying patches of paralytic poison that still need to be taken care of.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Hole in beach digger
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we could  mod it  in... making them war trainable isn't hard.

Only if we all agree on it ofc.

No objections on my side, having war animals that can swim will come in handy in this terrain.


  • Bay Watcher
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Farmer, eh? Good, I'm the key figure of whole drinking industry. Who controls the booze - controls the fortress.

If we have cows here - make me milker and optionally cheese maker.

Also, what is up with the hatred of leeches in this fort, it's in like 9 dwarf's bios.
Just google some images of leeches, and you'll hate them too.
Did you know that the Russian word for "sock" is "no sock"?
I just saw a guy with two broken legs push a minecart with a corpse in it. Yeah.


  • Bay Watcher
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Also, what is up with the hatred of leeches in this fort, it's in like 9 dwarf's bios.
Just google some images of leeches, and you'll hate them too.

I prefer to fear sea lampreys

Also, someone put up a poll to decide whether out not to make hippos trainable. the image of a horde of them barreling down zombies or catching wild birds is too funny NOT to put in

You think of your girlfriend as a cheesemaker? Gosh, dude. Why don't you just call her an animal caretaker and be done with it. :P

Unless she actually makes cheese in real life, cause that would be pretty cool.

No no no, she wants to be a cheesemaker in my forts aswell so I requested the same job. :P

We actually dont have any cheesemakers... Any other suggestions?

First fort where i didnt get at LEAST one in the first big wave
« Last Edit: July 25, 2013, 12:04:46 am by bp920091 »
I must make a note to buy some cats from traders at the next opportunity and see if I can chain up a breeding pair someplace clean. Having kittens wandering the hallways will be a good way of identifying patches of paralytic poison that still need to be taken care of.


  • Bay Watcher
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9th Felsite:

We've struck cobalite, as the miners keep telling me. There's not much down in the initial windmill bedroom access BESIDES cobalite, and Diorite. Sure it looks like ore, but you cant make anything out of it.

We've uncovered a few low value gems (rough rubicelles).

I have decided to scribe down the current layout of the fortress, for future reference.

General Overview:
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Hippo Swarms:
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10th Felsite:
Degel Azinkosoth has announced to the fort that he's a miner...

He's been mining for months now.

I have also dug out a dormitory, which is now nearly smoothed, filled with beds, and adorned with statues, for those dwarves who do not have bedrooms yet (make that everyone, the miners wont finish a level before moving on...)

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13th Felsite:

In order to speed up bed production, ive had a secondary wood stockpile designated, on the surface, near the back access shaft. It's quite large, and it's where all wood will be delivered. The stockpile has a direct link to the active wood stockpile (that is right next to the carpenters), cutting down on time to haul for the wood cutters, the haulers, and the carpenters.

16th Felsite:

We've struck clear zircon, alexandrite, and Rock Crystal down in the deep stairwells for the barracks

17th Felsite:

An elven caravan has arrived. Time to get the forges pumping, kicking out as many copper spiked balls as possible (those elves love the kinky stuff). I have tasked enolate specifically for this. If he succeeds, he will recieve a promotion, with extra privlidges. His own office, a noble's bedroom, and my personal voice to the fortress. His words would carry much of my weight if he succeeds.

23rd Felsite:

the elves have arrived and are unloading their good, along with the forges running out of charcoal. While i have ordered new charcoal to be created out of the wood, i have also congradulated enolate on the job well done. He is now my personal henchman. He'll get his own room... as soon as we can make and furnish it...

27th Felsite:

We've struck small clusters of blue garnet and black pyrope.

I also saw something that terrified me today. As i was chatting with the elves (who are currently being sprinkled with elf blood), a lungfish bounced out of nowhere, landing at my feet, shrieking, thrashing about, and exploding in a puff of smoke. Keep in mind, im at least 100 feet above the lower river, and about 250 feet away from the waterfall.

I have no idea why it happened, other than it was in the evil biome...

28th Felsite:

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That lungfish is now flickering in and out of existence on top of a dense common reed, making a sound that i cannot possibly describe... Have i taken any of those hallucinogens that i gave to the previous leader?

AN: Seriously, i have no idea why it's there, and it's kinda freaking me out.

29th Felsite:

As Ast Oddomthidas is currently juggling the duties of bookkeeper and broker (and cant seem to actually do his broker job), i have given the role to Lor Oddomthidas, a broker by trade, one of the recent immigrants who wasnt worth mentioning until now.

5th Hematite:

Bromrek Eturdesor, a ranger, has been stung by a honey bee... I TOLD him to keep his bees inside that damn room that he made.

On the subject of the previous overseer, what the hell did he TELL the elves

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We trade a steel crossbow, the trap components, a few drinks (in rock barrels), and the useless crafts the previous overseer was making for a gargantuan amount of cloth and thread (mostly cloth)

AN: Also, I will be writing more as an evil genius in the future. One of their most underestimated and overlooked qualities is in organization (you dont get an organization of faceless, completely loyal minions without some SERIOUS human resources skills, and keeping them stocked and fed is a logistical nightmare).
« Last Edit: July 25, 2013, 12:57:50 am by bp920091 »
I must make a note to buy some cats from traders at the next opportunity and see if I can chain up a breeding pair someplace clean. Having kittens wandering the hallways will be a good way of identifying patches of paralytic poison that still need to be taken care of.


  • Bay Watcher
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Apparently, that is common behavior in lungfish.  :o Also flight


  • Bay Watcher
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15th of Felsite

Ahh, cutting up trees sure can set your mind at ease. Especially since those pointy ears will be around soon and stumps, covered in elven blood, will hopefully make some of them cry. Nevertheless you have to be careful how to swing your axe, don't want to cause an accident again. Poor Adil will never be the same after getting hit by it, though it was only the hilt it sure hurt his rock nuts. Almost sounds like one of them damn elves now.

Something real quick, my brain still isn't quite there, too early to work properly. Will add more after it booted completely.  :-\


  • Bay Watcher
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14th Hematite:

We've struck Cats Eye, or some sort of gem in the bottom areas of the bedrooms.

Everyone's currently sleeping in the dormitory, with 18 beds for a fort of 49.

On that note, we are finally able to start furnishing the bedrooms (minus the coffers, which seem to have vanished).

Each bedroom recieves 1 bed, 1 coffer (or chest, depending on type), 1 cabinet, and 1 door. It is a 4x1 configuration, and they will all be smoothed (eventually).

15th Hematite:

We've struct clear tourmaline

18th Hematite:

The merchants leave today, grateful to be out of the elf blood.

We've also got 3 hunters that are trying to purge the area of ALL wildlife (they will be quickly drafted into the military as marksdwarves if we do recieve an... invitation from Terry.

10th Malachite:

Not much happening, except that the miners have finished the bedrooms. All of them. Nine levels of 28 bedrooms means that this fortress now has room for 252 dwarves, all in a tiny, enclosed location.

The bedrooms sure have not been funished yet, but at the moment, everyone is assigned to a bedroom that has a bed. Most have doors, some have chests, and a few have cabinets.

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25th Malachite:

Some Migrants have arrived:

10 of them, all useless... No metalsmithing, no cooking/brewery, and no military skills to speak of (except one dude who said that about 30 years ago, he fired a catapult at a tree. Once. He said that he also missed).

« Last Edit: July 25, 2013, 01:34:37 am by bp920091 »
I must make a note to buy some cats from traders at the next opportunity and see if I can chain up a breeding pair someplace clean. Having kittens wandering the hallways will be a good way of identifying patches of paralytic poison that still need to be taken care of.


  • Bay Watcher
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Worn out from attempted work writing. But enolate's log will continue with the new material. What happened to the lungfish?


  • Bay Watcher
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Worn out from attempted work writing. But enolate's log will continue with the new material. What happened to the lungfish?

It's still there. It followed the elves out, then moved back to the bush it inhabited.
I must make a note to buy some cats from traders at the next opportunity and see if I can chain up a breeding pair someplace clean. Having kittens wandering the hallways will be a good way of identifying patches of paralytic poison that still need to be taken care of.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Hole in beach digger
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Looks worse than expected, but you get the idea.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Looks worse than expected, but you get the idea.
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Wait a second, a fish out of water, hiding in the tall grass...

It's a Pokemon!
I must make a note to buy some cats from traders at the next opportunity and see if I can chain up a breeding pair someplace clean. Having kittens wandering the hallways will be a good way of identifying patches of paralytic poison that still need to be taken care of.


  • Bay Watcher
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Blarg, no update tonight, expect a decently sized one tomorrow.
I must make a note to buy some cats from traders at the next opportunity and see if I can chain up a breeding pair someplace clean. Having kittens wandering the hallways will be a good way of identifying patches of paralytic poison that still need to be taken care of.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Hole in beach digger
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That's fine, play whenever you got time. I imagine that writing down all the important bits and bobs at the same time will take a while.
Also, if any of you want a scrubby drawing of something in particular be my guest and let me know.

Oh and what are we doing with the hippos now? War trainable or not? Maybe if we had war lungfish...


  • Bay Watcher
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I'm fine with making them trainable.

Amberjewel had a trainable yetis. Which actually meant that the fort was full of yetis that could flip at any moment back to wild and slaughter everybody.

Hell yes.
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