To my knowledge, SAP isn't being funded by the goons. NOFAP is a small split of one of the other Facepunch alliances because they wanted an exclusively western alliance. They're small, but damn do they have a hell of a lot of cash. NOFAP offered some cash to the fledgling SAP alliance, and they seemed to like all of that cash VERY much. I doubt SAP is going to get super big, as the current contender for any African nation is the AU. They except pretty much anyone, and you don't even have to do anything to be in it. It pretty much just serves as a safe haven and guarantee of not getting attacked, just due to being affiliated with the name. I foresee SAP getting big due to the aid money NOFAP is no doubt constantly sending, but it'll just lead to a relatively small alliance with a lot of cash (Like NOFAP.) The African Legion is sort of involved in this, but they're not politically active. They have similar goals and beliefs, but I doubt NOFAP is going to let them in on the treatment SAP is getting. It could happen, and if it does they'd be a formidable force to deal with since they're so strictly into their western ideology.
I hope some kind of new, African Communist alliance springs up besides us. It's unlikely, but if it does happen we could use them as a proxy and pretty much just lure them to our side with the promise of equality and cold, hard cash.