Shoot Dr. Strangelove in the lumbar region, with a hearty "Just kidding!" added. She won't expect that. And it'll be a demonstration of our own confusion, if not outright friendly intent.
Then open diplomatic communication, with such interesting questions as "Who are you?" and "Who am I?" asked of the woman, with the odd "I get the feeling my thoughts and memories may have been insidiously manipulated for a nefarious goal, do you have a similar feeling?" thrown in.
With a small shout of "Just kidding!" you shoot Dr Strangelove in the lumbar region, eliciting a small groan and a "Damn women.." from him. You then shift your aim towards the now thoroughly confused woman, who is rapidly switching between you and Strangelove with her aim. Seeing you turn your attention to her, she aims her gun at you.
"I want to know who the hell you are and how you know me and Dr Strangelove!" You say, trying to sound more confident that you feel. You have never shot anyone before. "And i want to know if you know of any way of tampering with memories. I feel like mine have been tampered with, although i cannot find any discrepancies....." Staring straight at the woman, you use both hands to steady your aim. You dont want to appear frightened.
The Woman smiles. "Aaaaah, all in good time, dear." She giggles and starts targeting Strangelove again. You pull the trigger and send a round flying past her head.
She scowls at you. "That wasn't very nice." She turns back to you. "If you must know, my name is Alisandre. Only Alisandre, as that was the only name given after......" She pauses, shakes her head and changes the subject. "As for you? I know you, of course. You are Adrianna Figueras 'Figs' Lucero, biomedical engineer, neurosurgeon and cardiovascular surgeon. You and your lover.." She says the word lover with disdain "...worked with Dr Strangelove on his projects." She smiled. "I bet you dont remember that, do you?" SHe takes a few steps towards you, reducing the distance to only a few feet.
"As for whether there is something that can manipulate or, in your case, remove memories, you will just have to ask the one person who created one...." She says, pointing towards Strangelove, who is shaking his head. You hear a faint "Damn" come from his direction.
Alisandre tries to get closer to you, but you back away. "Any more questions, mother?" Alisandre asks.
Do you have any more questions for Alisandre? What do you do now?