Griffionday, your case is pretty bad. I don't even know what you're doing, but it's not showing anyone that NQT is guilty. If anything, your insistence that she is guilty seems to point instead to your own guilt.
I'm in the same boat as Solifuge here. Your points are really only showing that NQT is new Town. Her being voted and telling you that she'll attempt to play better is NOT a scum move. That's, at best, a null move. You don't even seem convinced she's scum in the least. Even just touches small parts, here's some issues:
- Contradictions that didn't really happen or are stretched to the very point of breaking. Example:
Lady NQT:
Firstly, please stop directly contradicting yourself in the same post, it's rather poor form.
Obviously, if the player isn't scum you won't draw anything of use out of someone.
Neither: asking people's wincons sometimes brings surprising results. Currently, in the Witch game Tiruin spilled out that she was a third-party and wasn't actually directly interested in hunting that game's equivelant of scum.
This is NOT a contradiction.
It's also a blatant rules violation, but that doesn't matter right now (what is with everyone trying to cheat these days?) It can be assumed that scum contains the mafia and third parties. Town would have you not learn anything from such a question, but her example is, of course, Town.
- Mediocre, at worst, Townplay = Scumplay no matter what has happened. Example:
Get back to you in what fashion? If you meant for me to try again to answer your question again why did you not bring this up when you next talked to me here? Possibly you should have pursued that inquiry at all.
I'm not sure where your misunderstanding here lies. I asked you an ambiguous question, you answered the question one way, I implied you'd not answered the way I'd intended you to answer, you asked me why I didn't ask me the question again, then I asked the question again freely admitting that I should have reasked it sooner. I didn't reask it sooner because my focus on the game was not sufficiently strong. This isn't a scum-tell, it's just me being distracted. Now I'm more on the ball, I'm determined not to let things get to Great Temple levels where I was town but utterly ineffectual.
Poor town play is not a scum tell. Got it.
The "confusion" as you call it stems from the fact that I deliberately didn't follow up on your original question in this post to see if you were interested in the point or just trying to ghost your way through the first day. You didn't follow up. Not a flawless test of scumminess by any means, but I feel a fairly solid one on how interested you were in the question you posed me. The fact that you didn't let it drop, but instead said "my bad, let me rephrase that" feels like a cover-up.
On that note why are you so focused on playing better now? If you're not feeling pressure from me why does my vote and discussion seem to have kicked you back into playing better? Or are you merely trying to take advantage of the fact that Bay12 Mafia seems to primarily vote for whoever is playing the worst the first day, rather than who's been the scummiest?
So, if we're going for the same tests of scummitude here, just quickly, you ACTIVELY AVOIDED A QUESTION. This, of course, proves you're scum, as it would be considered bad Townplay. Or, is it different if you purposefully miss a question versus accidentally miss a question? But, hey, is that poor play or just scumminess?
Let me tell you something about that second part, while I'm here. You see, nobody WANTS to be voted. That's why you usually play as much as you do. If you didn't play, you'd be lynched. So, you have to play a certain amount to avoid that. Now, if you're playing that much, and people STILL vote you, then you're playing to remove those votes. You have to play better than what you were playing before, because it clearly wasn't good enough. People found something you were doing to be bad, so you either improve yourself or you find a better case. Both of these show that NQT is correct in improving her play. I can attest to having to play better or get lynched multiple times. This is a terrible point to make, and please remember that for the next time you play, because you have a fairly solid 98+% chance of being lynched.
- You managed to somehow prove she was town through your own fault. Example: SHE HAS THE TOWN WINCON.
This is, by far, the worst mistake you could've made. I'm not even sure if you realize this. The people that are voting you have seen the wincon. They know it's their own. I know it's my own. We're confused as to what you don't see in it. The worst part is that she could've easily asked Vector, "What's the Town wincon?" and gotten it, but, either way, you fell straight into it. You NEVER ask a question like that, one, because it breaks the rules, and two, because if she's your target, you just made yourself look like a fool. NEVER ask a question that only Town should be able to answer and then continue pursuin the target, even if scum could answer the question.
Your best bet right now is to reexamine your case on NQT. Nothing in it strikes me as scummy. If I can attribute all of it to meh townplay, then it's a terrible case. And if you are still insisting your case when several people have pointed out that it's terrible, then you're going to look foolish when these people vote against you. There are a few reasons to stick to your guns, but there are just as many reasons to drop them, and this is one of the drop it cases.