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Author Topic: Middle Eastern/Central Asian Politics Megathread  (Read 19295 times)


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Re: Middle Eastern/Central Asian Politics Megathread
« Reply #150 on: October 22, 2014, 04:01:07 pm »

Oh, it's factually correct, sure. But saying "Taxi driver bump car into tram station" would have been just as correct (And just as misleading). When you say that, one pictures a Hamas operative stabbing a baby with a knife, not a guy (whose motives the police said were unclear, according to your article) ramming his car into a crowd.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2014, 04:07:12 pm by Sheb »

Quote from: Paul-Henry Spaak
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Re: Middle Eastern/Central Asian Politics Megathread
« Reply #151 on: October 22, 2014, 04:06:49 pm »

I think its fair to establish that his motives were pretty clear: killing jews. and i don't see how intentionally running over a baby is not as bad in your world. i mean, sure, that baby was just an evil zionist, but still, i don't think it mattered to her mother whether she got run over or stabbed.


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Re: Middle Eastern/Central Asian Politics Megathread
« Reply #152 on: October 22, 2014, 04:10:44 pm »

Were they? For all I know his brake broke and he panicked. Or maybe he had just been dumped by his girlfriend and wanted to commit suicide.

Also, nice strawman with that evil zionist thing.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2014, 05:03:39 pm by Sheb »

Quote from: Paul-Henry Spaak
Europe consists only of small countries, some of which know it and some of which don’t yet.


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Re: Middle Eastern/Central Asian Politics Megathread
« Reply #153 on: October 22, 2014, 04:55:43 pm »

And the cycle of violence continues...
Just ask yourself: What would a mobster do?
So we butcher them and build a 4chan tallow soap tower as a monument to our greatness?


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Re: Middle Eastern/Central Asian Politics Megathread
« Reply #154 on: October 22, 2014, 05:09:18 pm »

Considering his past, his family relations, the current situation in jerusalem, the hate speeches by multiple PA leaders and hammas leaders, the several direct calls for run-overs attacks and the fact he was continuing driving more than a hundred meters and accelerating to try and hit other people after hitting the baby (Video footage of some of it was released to the public), i'd say its pretty clear.

My wordings were not only factual, they were an honest description of the truth. the only reason we are having this silly, pointless discussion is because my "Strawman" argument was entirely relevant.


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Re: Middle Eastern/Central Asian Politics Megathread
« Reply #155 on: October 22, 2014, 11:51:04 pm »

True, I was playing devil's advocate here. Which is a dumb thing to do on this thread, it's flammable enough already.

Let's drop this line of argument shall we? It's not like the way you word your links has any relevance to middle-eastern politics anyway.

And yeah, this sucks. Funny how Nethanyahu immediately jump on it to attack the PA's decision to make a deal with Hamas. I think in the US he'd get a lot of shit for exploiting a tragedy, but then violence is probably common enough in Israel that this isn't even seen as such a tragedy?

More relevant, what's your opinion on the PA-Hamas deal? IMO, it's probably the best thing that happened to Israel this year. Sure Hamas sucks, but it's pretty clear that Israel's blockade and isolation policy doesn't work to get it out of Gaza. Having a Fatah-dominated PA back in control of Gaza would be a boon to Israel. Hey, it would even be an opportunity to prove that Israel really only was dickish toward Gaza because of Hamas, lift the siege and generally be nicer.

Sadly, Nathanyahu spend his time largely making everything he can to scuttle the deal. Surely there is a large mount of domestic political pandering at play (It would be admitting the failure of his policy, and "being soft on Hamas"), but it's hard not to think that he also do not want a unified Palestinian government because the division on the Palestinians has been used again and again as an excuse for Israel not to make a peace deal.

Quote from: Paul-Henry Spaak
Europe consists only of small countries, some of which know it and some of which don’t yet.


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Re: Middle Eastern/Central Asian Politics Megathread
« Reply #156 on: October 23, 2014, 06:33:33 am »

Heh, as if the failure of the peace process is the responsibility of israel. the truth is that this is not a territorial dispute, the root and cause for this conflict always has been the arab muslims desire to see jews gone from our home. its in their text books, its in their mosques, its in their leaders speeches, its in their charters. so long as they keep propagating this hatred, violence and ignorance, i see no reason to give them any control or land in exchange for empty promises we already seen they can't or even don't intend keep

The question is not whether the PA will take control over gaza, the question is how soon will hamas take control over the west bank once israel lift the blockade and allow them free travel between gaza and the west bank.

Since the blockade is the only reason the PA still has little to any control in the west bank and since the number of israeli civilians murdered by gazan terrorists vastly reduced, i'd say the blockade is quite a success. so ease the blockade? maybe we should also give the Golan heights back to Syria/Daesh? nah, foolish notion, i think that not only we shouldn't ease it, i think we should perhaps start considering imposing one on the West Bank and East jerusalem to protect ourselves from those religious nutcases.

And if anyone had any illusion that Fatah are any better than hamas:
Fatah officially praise the little terrorist calling him a heroic martyr and his terror attack a holy action. yeah, the lack of peace is totally in israel's fault.
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Re: Middle Eastern/Central Asian Politics Megathread
« Reply #157 on: October 23, 2014, 07:44:33 am »

It is an excellent breeding ground for such extremism.... It will continue to thrive under the current conditions imposed upon em.  Why Hamas controls Gaza now and will continue to do so as long as nothing changes.
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Re: Middle Eastern/Central Asian Politics Megathread
« Reply #158 on: October 23, 2014, 12:46:36 pm »

Anyway, since this debate is probably going nowhere soon, let's talk about the future. I honestly like to know where burningpet thinks the situation is headed, and where he wants the situation to lead to.


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Re: Middle Eastern/Central Asian Politics Megathread
« Reply #159 on: October 23, 2014, 01:05:37 pm »

I would also like to know how come Israel managed to make a peace with all its neighbor but Palestine if the problem is that Muslims Arabs hate Jews and want them out of their home.

Quote from: Paul-Henry Spaak
Europe consists only of small countries, some of which know it and some of which don’t yet.


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Re: Middle Eastern/Central Asian Politics Megathread
« Reply #160 on: October 23, 2014, 01:06:56 pm »

Because Israel will make you pay dearly for incursions, especially if they were attempted nowadays. The dictators trying to take down Israel since the 60's have learned that the hard way. I may disagree with Israel's internal politics, but I can't say it's a weak nation by any means.
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Re: Middle Eastern/Central Asian Politics Megathread
« Reply #161 on: October 23, 2014, 09:06:57 pm »

Just ask yourself: What would a mobster do?
So we butcher them and build a 4chan tallow soap tower as a monument to our greatness?


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Re: Middle Eastern/Central Asian Politics Megathread
« Reply #162 on: October 24, 2014, 12:05:15 am »

Exactly. Now, should Israel lets the Palestinian have a state, why wouldn't Israel be able to make peace with them? The reasons they keep sending rockets despite knowing full well that they can't beat Israel in a fight is because many feels they have nothing to loose.

Quote from: Paul-Henry Spaak
Europe consists only of small countries, some of which know it and some of which don’t yet.


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Re: Middle Eastern/Central Asian Politics Megathread
« Reply #163 on: October 24, 2014, 04:01:33 am »

Anyway, since this debate is probably going nowhere soon, let's talk about the future. I honestly like to know where burningpet thinks the situation is headed, and where he wants the situation to lead to.

Where the situation is headed? in the short term its not going for a good direction. we have been in a low-mid scale third intifada for ~4 months now and the world doesn't even twit about it, in fact, even the various news outlets in israel barely mentioned it up until this past week because of a decision at the top to try and hide it in the hopes it will cool down by itself. that baby was far from being the first terror victim since the last operation in gaza and israel is getting forced to abandon its "containing" policy which have given palestinians free reign in committing serious violent hate crimes against jews without a serious response. when israel will abandon this policy, and all signs show that this is the direction the palestinians lead to, then i will participate in another war as a soldier and the West bank will end out just like another Gaza and they don't really have the resilience and tools to be successful at such a conflict. the next week or two will be decisive and it all depends on whether the PA/Fatah/Various israeli arab leaders (I don't mention its muslim arabs, because christians arabs have petitioned to officially get recognized as arameans and the israeli government recently accepted that request) keeps flaming this hate like they had these past weeks.

The world will rage and european muslims who kept quiet when hundreds of thousands died in the muslim middle east countries, will suddenly wake up and remind themselves they are peace loving liberals that can't witness poor muslims getting killed and israel should be exterminated for that.

Where it will go after that? hard to tell. I think the world have had enough with the palestinians and muslims nutcases, but i also think that arab money and growing muslim immigrants in europe is a dominant factor so this status quo will remain, only with the west bank ever poorer. israel might get boycotted which will bother no one since everything that europe boycot, the russians and chinese buy at the same price with less hurdles. maybe we will see further violence by muslims in europe.

So long as UNRWA and the made up "Palestinians refugees" label continue to exist, there will be no solution to this specific conflict. settling the refugees, which is, ironically, not one of UNRWA's goals, means that UNRWA, which is one of the largest employer in the Palestinian territories, will have to shut down and i can't see that happening giving all the benefits and funds UNRWA and the palestinians gets just for keeping themselves refugees. so people have been blaming israel for the lack of peace, but how can israel achieve peace, when the palestinians economy is mostly dependent on continuing the struggle?

They claim they want peace and israel to return to '67 lines. fine, not a bad proposal for israel, but then again, what will that achieve? returning to '67 lines without resolving the refugees idiotic claims will not bring peace, it will simply preserve the situation, now with israel having far less power in defending itself. next they will want a return to the original UN partition plan which they completely rejected before so they could finally drive out the only sane, reasonable and progressive nation in this hell hole.

So long as the muslim countries continue to be muslim dominated and have strong say on things due to their monies, i don't see anyone seriously questioning UNRWA purpose and function nor the ridiculousness of the palestinians rights of return claims. well, some have started to question it, like Canada, but that, some suggested, might have cost them a seat at the security council.

When will it finally end? well, maybe when the whole region gets into a serious water crisis and turn to israel desalination technology for the rescue? not sure, considering how things are handled in their world, they will just buy the tech with one hand and fund terror attack against us with the other hand, Kinda like Ismail haniya, head of hamas, who sent his daughter to israel for an urgent life saving treatment a week ago because his palestinian doctors almost killed her in a surgery, but called us baby killers and praised the terrorist baby killer as a hero yesterday or abu mazen who had a quite similar situation with his wife, where he apparently trusted israel enough to send his wife to us for saving her, but found it reasonable to accuse us of wanting to genocide all the palestinians.

So long as the world support ridiculous claims like israel is an apartheid state and the palestinian narrative (, the conflict will resume. the only reasonable way out of this conflict is if the world realize what he actually deals with, and daesh is giving a pretty good display so that might eventually become a reality. once that happens and the PA/Hamas stop getting fat paid bonuses for breeding hate and violence in their schools and mosques and the West decide it actually need to slam the terror funding muslim countries, the palestinians will have no other option but to concede.

Will that completely stop muslims hate toward jews? no, that can only happen if muslims actually realize they have a problem. this is a good start, even granted its only a half job, but its a start: (

I would also like to know how come Israel managed to make a peace with all its neighbor but Palestine if the problem is that Muslims Arabs hate Jews and want them out of their home.

2/5 is not all. its not even most. :o (Don't know why i am even shocked anymore)

Egypt got the sinai peninsula, oil fields, complete control of the suez canal, american military funding and the ability to decrease their own spending on military. simply put, israel was too much for them to handle as they were crumbling under the constant war pressure they were putting on israel themselves. also, if it wasn't for the secular army who kept the muslim brotherhood in check, that peace would have probably ended, most likely not in a direct conflict, but egypt would have kept playing a role not too different than syria/iran (Which it actually started to perform under the muslim brotherhood).

Jordan had the rare luxury of having King hussein.

But go visit jordan and egypt, talk with the common population and then tell me if the peace is real or have any bright future. for all we know, Jordan could fall into the palestinians and/or Daesh hands in the next 5 years and completely reverse that peace.

Exactly. Now, should Israel lets the Palestinian have a state, why wouldn't Israel be able to make peace with them? The reasons they keep sending rockets despite knowing full well that they can't beat Israel in a fight is because many feels they have nothing to loose.

Or, well, maybe it has something to do with their indoctrinated hate toward israel? ( or the fact they know they will get a fat bonus check in the form of 5.4 billion dollars, 1.4 billions more than what they said they needed, which was an extremely bloated number as is in the first place? at the end of the day, during war times, khaled mashal hides in a luxury hotel in qatar and ismail haniya hide under a hospital because it knows damn well israel will not target it, so yeah, they have nothing to lose by telling their religious drones to keep sending rockets, while they got everything to lose by having peace.

This is simply an extortion scheme carried through deep religious racism of the wide ignorant population.

Since israel is neither the source nor the reason for this hate and violence, nothing that israel will do (Beside vanishing all together) will solve it.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2014, 09:59:07 am by burningpet »


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Re: Middle Eastern/Central Asian Politics Megathread
« Reply #164 on: October 24, 2014, 09:17:38 am »

(still reading the wall of text but...)
but found it reasonable to blame us for wanting to genocide all the palestinians.
phrasing :P
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