what's a newer pvp server? i wanna kill some dudes along the line
Uh, I don't think they released any new servers for pvp. There's the old Chaos/Wild pvp server and then there are those four Epic cluster servers which also have pvp (Serenity, Elevation, Desertion, Affliction).
I've never played on any of the PvP servers my self so I can't recommend any. To be honest I don't see the point of PvP in a game like this. But, correct me someone if I'm wrong, I do know there's free movement between the epic cluster and
one of the Freedom clusters (that is, either the 4 old PvE servers or the two new PvE servers). So for example if you used to play on Independence and moved to Epic, you can then go back to Independence. But you can't go to Pristine or Release. Likewise if you play on Pristine or Release and go to Epic, you can go back but you can't go to Independence (and the other 3).
Important thing about Wurm is to acknowledge that settlements aren't permanent. You flitter in and out, move from whichever is active at the time, improve your skills but don't put a ton of investment into the infrastructure of a single village. Individuals become rather more important than a village itself - when I played it wasn't unusual to grab loose players for a few days to do things or go on pvp raids.
I agree with this. The relations you make with individual people are far more important and worthwhile to build up than some guy's dream of a giant Shinobi training village. However it's still worthwhile to work together for some common tasks. If you're in a village that's still setting up it might be worth it to help build the community buildings first (such as the kitchen, blacksmith, animal pens, whatever) before you build your own house. It'll be faster than building your own house alone, and at the same time you'll have access to it all once it's set up and ready.
Just stay away from villages that are one-man power lust dreams and look out for those that are more focused on
everyone having fun.