For future reference (because we certainly don't have the power/resources now), could we theoretically use time magic to get a preview the potential future of us stepping into the circle?
A limited sort of precognition? I won't say it's impossible, but it is certainly far beyond my current abilities. At a wild guess, I'd need to carefully regulate the ratio of present and future aspects in a pair of glasses to throw only my senses forward in time... And at the moment, such regulation is a complete mystery to me.
The glove of mage hand is practically the opposite of mentalism. Mentalism involves doing magic with no equipment, and the magic glove (as far as I can tell) does a magic effect using only equipment.
Correct. Mentalists require very little training, and can access a broad range of magic with nothing but the raw materials. In exchange though, they are limited only to those spells they can completely hold in their minds at once - any complex magical device can work wonders far beyond even the greatest mentalist, but is also a significant investment of resources.
Anyway, after a cautious approach through use of my glove, I'm able to get close enough for a better look at the magic circle without triggering it's effects... Barely. The stone I used to test it's reaction to motion triggered a reaction a mere step past the point I was able to get a decent look at it, and is now glowing a bright blue - same as the circle itself is.
((Bah, can't get transparency working right...))