Wonder what happened to my turn.
Make him un-hungry and un-tired with a miracle.
Wonder why the GM didn't take my suggestion. Shrug.
(4) A piece of bread appears in front of the prophet. After eating it he is refreshed, and continues walking.
you, prophet, and the followers there, will subdue this village and either make them worship me or build a temple with their skulls and worship me in it there okay great
also give the prophet a ridiculously booming voice he can use when he needs to but make it toggleable
(2) The prophet and his 5 followers look nervously at the retreating mob and ask "Couldn't you just smite with balls of fire or something?"
(4) All of them get +1 to combat
(2) You fail to give the prophet a booming voice.
Followers: 1 prophet (+1 to combat), 5 men holding torches and pitchforks (+1 to combat)
Enemies: 1 village
Have my followers continue on to a new village.
(3) Your followers continue the journey, until they see something in the distance, then stop for the night.
Holy Book: Manuscript of The Martyrdom of the First Prophet
Followers: 1 historian and his family of 10 + 3 servants
Enemies: The Followers of the God of Sleep
Prophet: Continue to preach in the town square.
Thug: Try again.
Cloth merchant: Sell some cloth while subtly attempting to convert customers.
Healer: Tell anyone she heals that she learned her skills from the god Zarut and by extension Zarut saved their life.
(4,6,6,1) The prophet continues preaching, the thug continues talking about his conversion, and the cloth merchant goes to sell cloth. Unfortunately the healer refuses to violate the healer's oath by lying about her healing powers and leaves the fold.
(1) Then your prophet gets massacred by some angry healers.
(6) All of the village's seedy underbelly gets converted to your religion by the thug, not the best endorsement. Your thug becomes your prophet.
(6) Meanwhile, the merchant is making loads of money selling cloth, but doesn't convert anyone.
1 thug prophet
1 really rich cloth merchant
49 thugs
5 assassins
30 prostitutes
15 bandits