Make Survey path more interesting
consider a "power grid" style market
Limit # of buildings
Make Org less attractive
1) Survey isn't supposed to be too interesting. It's a way to make a little extra money (and resources if you have Survey Station), but you're focus is supposed to be on building a settlement, not exploring the planet. It has its uses, though.
2) Not sure that would help too much, since you're building production chains. Power Grid works because everyone has to buy from the market.
3) You mean limit it so that there are only X number of farms or whatever? That might make sense for a few buildings, like resorts, but not so much for most things.
3) What do you mean? Organization helps if you have unstaffed buildings, but otherwise you get more from having a different phase. First player is useful sometimes, but that's situational.
1) Buff build's on-play effect.
2) Nerf colonization's on-play effect.
3) Increase the building variety, especially I'd like to see some trade-related ones.
4) Make complexes look less like simply two buildings stacked together (lower the cost a bit or make them work like three buildings with a size of 2).
5) Make the game less linear overall (so there's some choice other than prison path and not-prison path).
6) Add some ways to play more phases or block phases other people play.
1) Buff it? Build's effect is awesome. You get to staff a building immediately, which means it's both available for use during that Production Phase and you don't have to rely on an Organization happening to get the building staffed.
2) Why do you think it needs to be nerfed? It'd be difficult to pursue a lot of strategies if you can't rely on getting the right colonists. Also, you have to be careful about using it too much. Colonists that you have unemployed at the end of the game cost you points, so you don't want to get too many that you can't use.
3) Some more variety is planned eventually, but right now I'm focusing on the basics of the game before I muddy the waters too much.
4) Been pondering what to do with those, but haven't come up with a decision I'm happy with yet.
5) Prison/not-prison is actually pretty minor as choices go. You have a lot of ways to go - goods production, machine production, laboratories, resorts, terraformer. We played a game last night, a friend of mine and I both got criminals. He went prison, I ignored them. Our scores were very close at the end.
6) Neither of those really fits this style of game. The point is to predict what other people will do and outmaneuver them. Blocking them or circumventing their choices would make it a very different game.