Also, no robot races, no mysterious translucent beings...
the 6th character is going to be an AI no matter what. In theory an all robot crew is fine but it would sort of detract from the 6th character. It's meant to stand out from the rest because it's a robot and its community driven nature reflects that. There will be robots hanging around but just for that reason I didn't put them on the chooseable character roster.
Now that I think about it though there will be a weird question if the community character dies. Do you get to pick a new character from any race or do I limit them to another AI.
I'll have to think about the AI/robot-race situation some more.
Translucency didn't cross my mind. Having transparent layers ends up looking weird if I try anything to complex but translucent skin might be okay, it does mean I have to draw organs though so that might not end well. It's also really annoying to have them turn around, doubly so if they have anything resembling a skeletal structure.
We're not planning to be original, are we?
It's hard to make a totally new body type that looks right to me. I can draw something unconventional and stick some weird method of locomotion on it but at this level of detail you have no idea what is going on. Where is it's face? Are those antenna or arms?
Most of the 'Original' stuff I think is just going to show up later with the racial dynamics and whatnot.
"how do I make a female version of an energy being/gas cloud/parasitic hivemind?"
I make them gender-less and have us suffer hell on earth...
inconsistent pronouns.Well I want a spot.
You've still got a chance later! If you miss that you'll just have to wait until someone explodes in gore.