I am uploading the map presently! My computer seems to be somewhat opposed to the process however, so I will try a different browser before blaming the ISP and making a journey to the Caffeine-Siren Lair, being sure to tie my wallet to the car equivalent of a mast lest I-- ohp! nevermind it appears my mission has been successful. Potential Trip I Do Not Wish To Take averted. I will edit it into my OP presently as well as copy+paste the text I added for the sake of being thorough.
Wait, you mean you don't just murder them for their bones because of the security concerns and resource requirements involved with grazing animals? Huh.
Also yes, your writing style is spectacular. It's got that element of wit and self-aware sarcasm that I just gobble up.
I have a severe animal hoarding problem. My first Fortress was lost due to a blight of small, yellow yard-fowl that inundated everything. I have considered reclaiming it though, as it is possible I won't have to pack much in the way of food due to the numerous bird corpses from my attempted gendercide. I have since learned to keep my egg layers in a readily collapsed or flooded or otherwise doomy environment.
I probably will lose the goats and cart-pulling animals though, or would have. I'll clear up my meaning on that later because reasons.
As to my writing, I don't actually know how to respond because anything I come up with is either insincere, bland, or hard to present in a non-godawful way. It is the kind of compliment that pleases me, however, so it helps to immediately endear me to you if that is any replacement for GOLLY GEE THANKS!
I had a bit of an oops in my game update because I forgot to carefully assign channel digging in a one-by-one fashion resulting in Miners in two dimensions. I've reverted to an earlier save I had the presence of mind to make since then, but as I don't wish to slow the pace of my fortress progress I made another copy of the save and did some cheating because I feel like my temporary caravan solution is pretty worth sharing just because of all of the dumb involved. Also it let me make a slightly prettier fortress design by virtue of getting a second stab at the execution, so I am considerably less ashamed of how it looks now.
Also I'm wondering if there might be a better way to share it than screencapping, I haven't had cause to use such a utility until just now.
***PSEUDO-UPDATE***I have made the Caravan Solution! Sorta. This is mostly just an example of what I'm intending to do in my mildly-set-back run but it will be pretty much the same construction only with less adamantine and nethercap and oodles more gabbro because that's been the most abundant rock so far. I read about this particular trick on the Wiki. When the caravans arrive I'll just close the door behind them and they can use the mostly safe ~*magical*~ sky-bridge out.
Stupid bridge trick! Floors require much less support than you'd expect, I just had one hang over the edge enough to get the bridge settled. This spans only two z-levels (excluding the rather lengthy series of ramps required to get to that point, but that is even more out of the way so it doesn't matter) and definitely is not going to get in my way; also it doubles as a way to get my immigrants in.