>Phoenixdown: If you understand Irish you're going to groan at my name.
>RHATrinity: Jeez, you serious?
>RHATrinity: At least my pun isn't immediately obvious.
>RHATrinity: And I don't think Maria and Anima have punny names.
>Phoenixdown: Hey it's only a pun if you understand Irish. And it's not as bad as it could be if I ended up doing the same thing as Matt.
>LancelotHunting: Mine's just something to do with something my brother once told me. So yeah.
>Hellbound: I tried to be creative.
>Hellbound: Don't the Irish speak English?
>LancelotHunting: Gaelic, I think.
>Phoenixdown: This is turning more and more into Homestuck as time goes on.
>Hellbound: What's Homestuck?
>RHATrinity: The only thing that has more shipping than this.
>Phoenixdown: And a lot more player death.
>Hellbound: When have we shipped anything?
>Nuriel: Not that kind of shipping.
>Faustian: We've been shipping constantly, in fact, the previous subtitle of this thread was "Let the shipping commence!"
>Hellbound: What kind of shipping are we talking about?
>Nuriel: Look it up on TV Tropes.
>Nuriel: We shouldn't see much of her for a while.
>RHATrinity: *clap clap clap*
>Phoenixdown: Isn't a little inappropriate to have sex while on the phone?
>Faustian: Why are you asking that? Angel will see that message eventually.
>Nuriel: And Selina will see that Angel saw it.
>Nuriel: And she will flip out.
>Airhead: Dude, what the fuck?
>Phoenixdown: That's the noise people make during sex.
>Faustian: Speaking of which, why are you asking about that stuff?
>Hellbound: Can we talk about something else, please?
>Faustian: I think this is Selina's cue to look at Angels phone...
>RHATrinity: This is....vaguely disturbing.
>Airhead: Angel, are you still mad at me?
>Hellbound: Are you Kyle?
>EmpressLoverHierophant: Hello.
>Airhead: Who else would make the air related pun?
>Faustian: So, Empress, are you Maria?
>Hellbound: What do you think?
>EmpressLoverHierophant: Actually, I am Anima.
>Faustian: Ah, sorry, I just thought that you may have been Maria considering her Tarot motifs and all.
>RHATrinity: Actually, that would be me.