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Author Topic: @)~~}~ (RPG) Magia Exquisitis: Bloodrush ~{~~(@  (Read 16261 times)


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Re: @)~~}~ (RPG) Magia Exquisitis: Bloodrush ~{~~(@
« Reply #105 on: July 28, 2013, 05:04:14 am »

While the others are dueling in the snow, laying dead in a farmer's field or bemoaning their fates; Jeremiah tries to prepare a tactical report about the Dutch Bloodrush Co. Unfortunately, he has never actually done this before.
Spoiler: Jeremiah's Notes (click to show/hide)


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Re: @)~~}~ (RPG) Magia Exquisitis: Bloodrush ~{~~(@
« Reply #106 on: July 28, 2013, 06:06:38 am »

((Yeah I doubt weird will give it to me for free, I will probably have to spend a FP on it))

Alice looked toward the sky once again as Miles did appreciating how beautiful the snow was, she smiled as she watched it spiral down wishing that they had had more snow in London.
“I can stay out here and train longer, it sounds like it would be best to have a little tutoring to start with. Anyway I quite like the snow it actually makes the place quite beautiful don’t you think?”
* greatorder smothers Kansa with earwax


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Re: @)~~}~ (RPG) Magia Exquisitis: Bloodrush ~{~~(@
« Reply #107 on: July 28, 2013, 06:25:21 am »

"Always try to enjoy what you can, even the little things...the whole worlds not magic and monsters." Miles said quietly. Maybe to Alice, or maybe to himself.


He and Alice stood a ways in the field, not long after.

"I'll show you how I learned..." He said, taking a dueling stance-it was vaguely like a martial arts maneuver.

"Now, concentrate-the glove responds to your inner energy. Imagine, say, you're holding something very hot in the palm of your hands-living fire...but, it won't hurt you if you're careful. Concentrate on that warmth. Coalesce the reality of it. Imagine what you want to do with that fire...let's say, you want to protect someone?" He smiles.

"Don't worry. We're close enough to friends-you can't hurt me purposely, and neither can I to you. What we have to be careful of is subconscious thoughts...guiding the energy where we don't want it. Try throwing some energy now-maybe, bust up that ugly gargoyle sitting on the fountain over there...I'll take a first shot." He says, pointing to it.

It is fact, quite an ugly sculpture. Miles wonders if it might not be something worse than merely ugly, but who knows.

Miles makes a delicate gesture with his hands, a thick beam of angry orange flies out, forking at the end-it strikes the gargoyle, which shudders and cracks.

"It's ugly, isn't it? More ugly now! Who made such an ugly, comes the release. I imagine I'm carving away a gem to reveal something beautiful underneath. I also imagine I'm protecting you, Alice. It's really that simple. Much easier in fact, when you don't have to imagine...

Now you try, Alice.

Use your imagination. Why do you want to destroy that thing?"
He asks.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: @)~~}~ (RPG) Magia Exquisitis: Bloodrush ~{~~(@
« Reply #108 on: July 28, 2013, 10:25:51 am »

Alice watched the gargoyle in silence, thinking about why she wanted to destroy that thing. It really was an ugly statue just like Miles had said, as she thought more about it her mind drifted back to the orphanage. There had been a statue near that place like this one, a gargoyle just as ugly if not more than the one that stood before her now. As she thought of that place anger began to flare inside her, this thing deserved to be destroyed anything connected to that place deserved to be destroyed. She would make sure that what happened to her would not happen to her or anyone else again, she would protect them whether it was from man, demon or god.

“I want to destroy that thing, because it reminds me of that place. I will protect people from places like that by destroying it” she was no longer smiling her face was a mask of grim determination as she mimicked the gesture of Miles. A thin beam of red flew out of the gauntlet striking the statue and sending another crack through its surface. She felt the anger drain out of her as she let the image of the orphanage vanish from her mind. Instead she turned her attention back to the statue, looking at the thin crack that she had sent down its body.

It had been nowhere near as devastating as Miles’ blow but it was a start, a smile formed back on her face as she looked up towards the merchant.
”I did it”
« Last Edit: July 28, 2013, 10:59:05 am by Kansa »
* greatorder smothers Kansa with earwax


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Re: @)~~}~ (RPG) Magia Exquisitis: Bloodrush ~{~~(@
« Reply #109 on: July 29, 2013, 04:10:41 pm »

Spoiler: Dreams (click to show/hide)
* greatorder smothers Kansa with earwax


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Re: @)~~}~ (RPG) Magia Exquisitis: Bloodrush ~{~~(@
« Reply #110 on: July 29, 2013, 04:31:25 pm »

Forum turns locked and rolled.
Still alive, amazingly.


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Re: @)~~}~ (RPG) Magia Exquisitis: Bloodrush ~{~~(@
« Reply #111 on: July 30, 2013, 08:05:36 pm »

Thursday, December 19th 2013, Week 1, Day 5


Innsmouth turns out to be quite the lonely place. Sweeny was out of town when you arrived by train, but had foreseen your arrival and sent somebody to pick you up at the station. You are put up in a large suite in Sweenies residential compound which includes a well furnished bedroom, kitchen, and bath, and a large mostly barren living room where most of the furniture has been removed and replaced with training dummies.

You find a single book lying on your bed, it is old looking and has no title on the cover. A note, simply reading 'This book is on your situation, I'll be back tomorrow, -Sweeny' is taped to it. Deciding to start your day studying you flip it open and start reading. It is not an easy read; although it is in english alot of the terminology and word use is quite dated, and it is a highly technical book as well that seems to assume alot of prior knowledge. Luckily what you can understand is a whole bunch of Information and Theory on Eon Seeds.

It is believed that an Eon Seed somehow acquires the body and mind of an innocent mortal being from the realm in which it has been deployed to perform in. A mentally weak mind, or one that is unaware of its true destiny will eventually be driven to do whatever it has been sent to do. A strong enough mind, however, can ignore its calling and use its powers to achieve its own ends.

It is hypothesized that although an Eon Seed will favor casting spells that manipulate universal laws, with proper training it should be able to tap its internal supply in a broader fashion like any other internal mage. Some academics have gone so far as to speculate that Eon Seeds may be able to manifest bits of their destiny, desire, personality, and/or subconcious thoughts into the world as beings with god-like power.

Result = 9

Eventually you get sick of reading the difficult book, and decide to let out some pent up agression on the training dummies in an attempt to learn some new spells. This goes well, and by the time you are exausted you have learned two new cantrips.

+2 New Cantrips
Result = 23

You crash on your bed to exhausted to even bother changing clothes after your workout. Sleep does not come easily, Innsmouth just feels unnaturally cold and damp, but eventually you nod off.


You stay up late on the night of Francis' death, and put together a new Star Cloak to be given to Miles. You finish the job the job without incident, and sleep in an hour the following day.

+Star Cloak
Result = 16

As soon as you get up and get breakfast in you, you head to your now well hidden portal and set about traveling to the Congo. Upon your arrival you track down the Ugyone, and debrief him on the situation in Arkham. The creature nods.

"Nothing I wasn't vaguely aware of. Nor is it of much concern to us here. No faction involved in that mess, excpet perhaps Goldberg's army, is expected to be a particularly threatening enemy nor an ally when the time for conquest comes. Use the Bloodrush to grow strong and wise by experience, and seek to spread immortality and faith by the sword."

It puts a paw on you, and stares into your eye. "We have patched up the hag you brought in. She is waiting here until we can get her set up in a proper coven. As she is your conquest, you are entitled to compensation from the conqueror for returning her to us. You can choose to waive your right to ransom, and will likely earn a point of favor in our god's eyes. If you would rather receive a material reward, you may request a compensation hearing with Alexander, the high priest in charge of this base."

The Ugyone flicks its tail and grins. "As for the Vichin you have brought into us, we have identified her as Eirl. We don't know how she became inactive, but she served Athena during the second conquest and has yet to work off her penance for doing so. She is not on good enough terms with her father to know of this compound; We will store her until she is ready to be awakened however. High Priest Alexander has ruled that her penance is almost served, and can be completed by servitude towards you for a time equal to the duration of your natural life, or ending 40 years after you obtain a greatly extended or imortal lifespan."

+New Opportunities
Result = 17

Returning home you corner the Jarl, and after a sharing a few drink, you manage to get him to teach you a general healing spell that most gods are able to support, as well as the corresponding ritual to prepare it. You go through a few practice runs and eventually feel that you have it down.

+New Spell
+New Preparation Ritual
Result = 19

Deciding to get some more traveling done, you spend some money to hop a teleport to Cambridge begin your investigation of local cult activities there. You ask around the enclave, and find the tavern where the Chaos Circle hangs out. You head on over, and instantly get alot of dirty looks. You know that many cultists have Piety detecting spells similar to your own...

As you take a seat, the talk shifts loudly to security systems and reasons as to why their secret hideout would make a poor target for theft. They don't give any specific details, and seem to just be trying to scare you off. Eventually one young woman, who must have detected exactly which god you worshiped, begins bragging about how she managed to turn up evidence depicting a battle in which the circle stomped a coalition of at least 8 Earth Gods and 'That outer being loser Vich Gor'Teerech'. She then begins to brag that she is writing a paper with her mentor Dr. Tulip on the event, which will go a long way towards discrediting the gods.

You smirk and leave. She must have failed to notice, or failed to understand the gravity of, the fact that you worship Aijorluk as well. The poor girl had just all but given you permission to rob and torture her. She also heavily implied that she was a grad student, and dropped the name of the professor she was working with, so you doubt that discovering her identity will be to difficult.

...That said, your encounter had also proven that it may be nearly impossible to blend in with the cultists. You might have to take what you want via third party, or with overwhelming force.

+New Opprotunity
Result = 9

Alice + Miles:

The pair of you get to work on a few practice duels. All goes well until Alice's pair of Backup Armlets begin to malfunction and begin shocking her! Perhaps she lost control of her emotions... or perhaps he armlets were a piece of shit.

The girl drops to her knees in pain, and Miles rushes to get the Armlets off before any real damage is done. The merchant eventualy manages to liberate his friend from the faulty hardware, but Alice is out cold by the time she is rescued, and it looks like her overall vitality may have been harmed as well... Furthermore it would seem that the malfunctioning armlets seem to have ruined the gems powering them.

Alice Skips the rest of her Forum Action!
Alice Loses 1 Point in the HP stat
I'd think twice about trusting those spare Armlets again if I were you...
-1 Blood Quartz
-1 Mage Emerald
Mile's Result = 11
Alice's Result = 7 (Crit Fail!!!)


You decide to stay out of the Jarl's way while he tends to Alice, and cool down from your hectic morning with a trip to the Library. Deciding that some future training may well be in order, you ask the librarian about books on magical combat and internal reserves. Carl is quick to track down and show you some of his favorite books on the matter, and allow you to check them out for 14 days.

Fourteen Day Checkouts for the Following Books:
Mundane Tips and Tricks for Combating Non-Mundane Foes
Reenacting the Good 'Ol Days: Maintaining and Using Dueling Weapons of All Sorts
How to Get the Most out of Your Meerly Human Magical Reserve
Intro to Internal Magical Theory: The Basics of Reserves and Containment
33 Efficient Cantrips (And Tips to Use Them Efficiently)

You drop the books off at the Hostel, and then grab a teleporter to Innsmouth. Interestingly enough you find the crowds at the market. You track down Alan, and ask for a lesson. He agrees, and takes you inside a restaurant where you grab a table and practice de-embeading items. Alan is only able to the most basic and primitive of de-embeading techniques in the amount of time you have for studying, but at the very least now you should be able to physically claim items in beads that you purchase.

+New Ritual
Result = 14

Returning to campus, you visit the computer lab and try to purchase a plane ticket. For some reason however, the purchase just doesn't go through. After several tries a mech-sprite appears on the screen, pulls out a hammer, and smashes the browser and desktop with a cartoon hammer until the machine just gives up and BSODs. The blue screen displays an unusual message.

"You are going to have to be a bit more clever than that if you want to get in touch with Lynch. I AM a mystic you know. I can read your moves and will shut them down if I can afford to do so. Hope you enjoy your stay on every no-fly list ever Mr. West.

P.S. It would seem that your darling Kathryn has finally decided to launch a counter attack against my allies and I. I foresee that the man she assigned to lead the assault is driven to get us, and doesn't give a damn as to how many innocent people he hurts to do so. Kathryn wouldn't allow that stuff to happen on her watch, she is a better person than either of us, but she will be too busy trying to hold down the home front to keep an eye on what.

I wonder who's side you will be on when her mooks express air their frustration and try to do what I have done to their home turf? I'd avoid the market in Innsmouth, they'd burn that to hurt me if I let them."


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Re: @)~~}~ (RPG) Magia Exquisitis: Bloodrush ~{~~(@
« Reply #112 on: August 01, 2013, 10:40:22 pm »

Friday, December 20th 2013, Week 1, Day 6

The party reaps the rewards from their time at the ball or their RP with Sweeny. Everybody gets 1 GP and some cash as a reward for completing the job. It is also pay day, and you all get a signing bonus, so the grand total of your winning in cash is 4500 USD each.

David wakes up the next morning at Elenore's place. After breakfast, she usually keeps food around for human dates, she shows you her sword collection. The collection takes up all four walls of a rather large room. After giving you the tour, she plucks one off the wall. The weapon looks to just be a wireframe mockery of a sword, until you touch it, at which point it erupts into the form of a blade of living water. She explains the blade only works for a Druid, and inflicts damage of the element of the last nature spirit he or she contracted with. As Elenore is not a Druid, she lets you have the blade before taking you back to the Hostel.

+ Druid's Sword for David!

You dream that you are dancing with Miles across the clouds and through neon colored alien streets. Random floating kitchen appliances cheer you on.

You wake up to a dull pain in your right arm, which to your shock and mild horror now has a tattoo of a dragon running down it. You find a note under your pillow. "Just stopped in to let you know I'm still your friend. I don't care what sort of scary things they told you about me. I decided to give you a gift, my hobby is making enchanted tattoos. Hope you enjoyed the sedation magic, should have made for some interesting dreams. It should make you stronger. Have fun watching the others freak out when they find out I can sneak into this place and give somebody an honest to gods tattoo without being caught. -Diane"

+ Enchanted Tattoo for Alice
+ 1 Rank of Contain Magic for Alice
+ 1 Point of Attack for Alice
+ 1 Point of Magic Attack for Alice

Jeremiah dreams he is standing in front of a giant eyeball that speaks in a sickeningly sweet female voice. It is only after you hear its words that you figure the being before you is Fen-Fwa, or one of her agents. "Go to Boston my pawn, and seek out Archmage Goldberg. Let her know you are both a priest and a Blood-Rusher, and she will give Frederic a job. If your allies perform this job, you will moved along one of my plans, and will reap worldly rewards as well."

+ New Revelation for Jerry

Vortanna's constant on and off philosophical discussions with Sweeny is starting to pay off a bit! At the very least her reasoning and debate skills are improving...

+1 Rank of Rhetoric Skill for Vortanna

Miles wakes up the next morning to find that the talk at the table is all about his date to the ball. It would turn out that Mary is a known supporter of the Lynch Archmagedom, and Thorton was dumb enough to tell her that Sweeny was dying after you passed out. Not only does this take care of the task of warning Kathryn, but it also means you just exchanged numbers with somebody who lives in LA and is on her good side!

+1 Potentially Useful Contact for Miles


Journal Prizes:

1 FP and 1 GP for Miles, for two journals and some good RP.
2 GP for Alice for a journal and some good RP
1 GP for Vortanna for a Journal
1 GP to Jerry for a Journal


Post yer actions now!


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Re: @)~~}~ (RPG) Magia Exquisitis: Bloodrush ~{~~(@
« Reply #113 on: August 01, 2013, 11:11:22 pm »

alright, got some very specific works to do.

6 hours training Education: Magical Frameworks.

6 hours researching a Summon/Create Pattern Spider Spell.
Quote from: Wing, via Discord
I want a coat that doesn't make me look like a rear admiral from the East India Company


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Re: @)~~}~ (RPG) Magia Exquisitis: Bloodrush ~{~~(@
« Reply #114 on: August 02, 2013, 12:05:56 am »

3 hours: Teleport to Boston. Look for Goldberg at the Archmage Headquarters there. Tell her that Fen Fwa says she has a job for the Bloodrushers. Because when a God says do something, you go do it right away. -150$, Charm 3d6+2.
1 hours: Next I'm off to Innsmouth! Offer to drop off Vortanna's pay and say hello while I'm in town to practice with Linus.
1 hours: Warn Linus that this "Daintyroot" woman is in Arkham looking for him and that he should watch out.
3 hours: Let's play some skate-basketball, ice giraffe polo or whichever sport Linus has lined up for today. Mage sports are weird. Some sort of Body Check, probably 2d6-1
2 hours: Teleport home. Go to the Observatory and look at the stars. Relax, draw some star charts. It's been a stressful week. 2d6-1 to see if any actually get made.
2 hours: Pray for Future Healing. Once for me, once for Vortanna. Piety: Fen Fwa 3d6+2 x2.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2013, 12:27:01 am by Grek »


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Re: @)~~}~ (RPG) Magia Exquisitis: Bloodrush ~{~~(@
« Reply #115 on: August 02, 2013, 01:00:13 am »

David Savett sat on a table in the lobby of the bloodrushers building lightly prodding two puncture wounds on his left arm that were still sore. He contemplated the wiry sword. He didn't quite understand why he was given it. Or how he ended up at her place for that matter. He was genuinely interested in her martial abilities, not her, other abilities. Well, whatever, he hated owing favors, but it seems like he might very well have to do so for now. Reaching over he grabbed the sword, watching as it turned to water in his hands. He shrugged, it could become very useful to him, and put it down. Perhaps it would be more useful if he actually learned how to use a sword.

He laid back on the table, wincing slightly as a line of scratches on his back touched the cold wood. Contemplating the day ahead. Apparently they got a lot of time off. Not at all what he was expecting... But fledgling mages would need it he reasoned to himself. Bringing up the question of why the BloodRush hired people like him and that singing girl in the first place. He got up and jumped down, tugging his shirt back on and grabbing his coat.

"Whatever. I got to much work to do to sit around here."

1 hour: First stop! David spends a hour getting more specifics about the other members of the blood rush and what they do. Once he finds out what Zhao does he purchases a list of the nature spirits in the area and how to contact them. Presumably no roll.

5 hours: Using the list gained from Zhao (if Zhao requires time to make list, do next action first) seek out and make contact with nature spirit(s). Exotic typed spirit(s) are a plus, but any will do. DC 5-7, ??? skill (Connection 4? Intuition 2? Research 2? Perception 2?)= ?d6, Time bonus = +2, Druid bonus = +2, Spirit Capability = 1 Mind Capability = -2. Final Roll is ?d6+5 or +2.

6 hours: Seek out Thortons when he has free time. He seems like he would know how to use a sword, maybe even a magic sword of awesome. Try to learn. DC 7 most likely. Mundane combat? = 3d6 Time bonus = 1d+1 Body Capability = 1 Final Roll is ?4d6+2?


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Re: @)~~}~ (RPG) Magia Exquisitis: Bloodrush ~{~~(@
« Reply #116 on: August 02, 2013, 04:01:05 am »

Miles woke up the next morning groggily, wondering why he smelled like apples. Then he remembered the Vampire he had been paired with, and...ugggh...he probably had looked like a fool last night. To Alice.

Oddly, he couldn't recall anything about the vampires face and her name was only a vague first syllable. He could only recall her breasts in perfect clarity. Oh boy...


He met the new member of Bloodrushers not long after, at breakfast. He was not eating his customary breakfast, trading the spiced meat and eggs for a ridiculous stack of pancakes, drowned in fruit, peanut butter and maple syrup. Very sweet, more like desert.

He eyed the man through a mouthful of food, wondering if this was a bad 'first impression'. He hadn't seen much of him last night, having arrived late to the party, and the fellow had stepped out quickly. He looked to be in a rush. Miles chased his food with a glass of cold nog to clear his throat, marveling at the spice.

"...It's Mr. Savett, right?" Miles asked, using his fork to spear a banana slice with merciless accuracy.

He was already reading '33 Efficent Cantrips' at the table, being careful not to get gunk on the pages, and he closed it now and slide it a bit a ways. The librarian would probably turn him a frog if he returned it in bad condition.


3 Hours: Reading up 33 Efficient Cantrips (And Tips to Use Them Efficiently), honing my Contain Magic skill and learning some cool stuff (Reading 4d6, +1d1 time bonus)
3 Hours: Reading Intro to Internal Magical Theory: The Basics of Reserves and Containment as above (Reading 4d6, +1d1 time bonus)
4 Hours: Get Snooris to help me brew two potions of temporal marketing-one to the past, and one to the future. Download an atomic clock app onto my phone to help get the time right. This also may require moving a grandfather clock around the kitchen... (Craft Brewing 2d6, +1d2 Time bonus). Also try to pick up some brewing tips from the crochety old dwarf.
2 Hours: Making a Gem (Craft: Gems 3d6)

Beads Used
Gem 1
tbs of clown makeup
set of 7 petri dishes
« Last Edit: August 02, 2013, 04:08:12 am by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: @)~~}~ (RPG) Magia Exquisitis: Bloodrush ~{~~(@
« Reply #117 on: August 02, 2013, 08:16:49 am »

David was sitting back in his chair, blowing on a cup of coffee and trying to wake himself up fully when the man across from him spoke up. He didn't really get time to meet with this guy before, hopefully he could get a handle on him now.

"Yeah. David Savett. Druid." He nodded. "I didn't really get a chance to meet you last night, sorry about that, mind if I ask your name?"


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Re: @)~~}~ (RPG) Magia Exquisitis: Bloodrush ~{~~(@
« Reply #118 on: August 02, 2013, 08:23:20 am »

"That'd be Miles West. Merchant, Time Broker, Old Crusader." He replies, nodding.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: @)~~}~ (RPG) Magia Exquisitis: Bloodrush ~{~~(@
« Reply #119 on: August 02, 2013, 08:33:46 am »

"A merchant? I guess you buy and sell stuff with magic, so, like that Vamp who got me the suit last night." David take a drink, thinking, then looks up frowning. "But what is a time broker? And a... Old Crusader?"
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