Irving stopped running when he felt the wind get knocked out of him, and a sharp pain in his gut. Looking down he saw a knife, his blood staining his clothes. His hands and fingers twitched, curled and bent, his eyes jitter to and fro as his pupils shrunk to pin points, then grew to quarters, then back to normal. All that was present was an all consuming
fuzz, a static that slowly enveloped all of his senses until it was all that remained...
[1] - Horror
...Then it faded as quickly as it came. My name is Irving Love and I live in this doomed city. ...World, I suppose, I've never left although I'm not sure if it was from lack of opportunities or... Fear of what I would find out of it. The inhabitants, twisted. Horrible mockeries of what they once were, monstrosities that I hesitate to describe for fear the sights finally effect my numb thoughts. I figured I was going to die out here, one of the last few Unchanged, one who still retains his sanity despite this horror. But then I found a curious object, a crown of iron and wires that allows me to see through their eyes, fight against them by using what they are.
Its rather ironic really, I discovered something that much disturbed me, the monsters see as if nothing was remiss, as if things had gone back to the way they were before the catastrophe. So what they've become has been their greatest weakness, to show them past their fogged, addled minds to see what has become of the world, what they are, see through
my eyes, what I've had to see for what feels like forever now. They think me mad, but I am the one who sees, and I know that despite what they see they still serve their form, their base hunger. Which brings me to where I am now, actually.