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Author Topic: What's happening in your Fort.  (Read 192010 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #225 on: August 26, 2013, 06:11:07 pm »

Sorry about all these posts, but for some reason it's making a new post when I edit it???

Edit: It was an issue with my mouse. Switched to another one and it's fine now. Once again, sorry about the unnecessary posts.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2013, 06:15:54 pm by firefly68 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #226 on: August 27, 2013, 01:16:23 pm »

Nothing to exciting has occurred here at 'Monsterpit", not that anyone is complaining. Three years in and work hasn't even begun on the "pit" for which the fort is to be named, but our Cave Troll children still have a while before they are mature enough for it to be of any use anyway. There will be a pit though, and our Cave Troll's shall use it to create wonderful painting's for Armok.

The military is looking good with nearly two squads split between Axes and Spears, with a squad of Marksdwarves for support. Several Legionnaire and Guard immigrants have become very useful, although it has been asked that they limit the dismemberment a little.

We've had two Vampires so far, at least that's what the Guard Commander insists. The first was caught clearly as it emptied it's third victim. Sadly the witness was said victims infant child. Quickly jailed, more permanent holding was prepared, only for someone to disassemble the chain that held them and their sentence cut short. Thankfully the Commander had forgotten to punish the culprit for the first two that were drained and the creature bleed out after a series of significant beatings.

The second vampire, or supposed vampire, did not have the chance to cause any trouble. They were quickly quarantined after they began moving at incredible speed throughout the fortress. Closer inspection of their immigration papers only created a stronger case, but it has yet to be explained why they seem to have died from starvation since...

Finally the Dwarven caravan has arrived and started to unload their goods. The Mayor insists on also dealing with the forts trade. Having become an "Expert Trader" after simply arriving at the Depot and saying hello, with no prior ability in appraising, the old Broker doesn't seem to mind getting more time to focus on training our animals. Not that anyone would really care if they did mind.

Having been under siege by the Humans the year before, we were unable to trade, and the Drow refused to do anything but demand obscene profit margins. It's hard to say, but it would be really nice if the Elves would start coming, we have had trouble keeping the booze stockpiles filled, and a recent meat shortage hasn't helped the issue. We will hopefully have some new additions scurrying around the Dewbeetle pasture soon enough to make things easier.

But now it's time to trade. At least now that the Orc ambush has been dealt with.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #227 on: August 28, 2013, 04:48:36 am »

An extract from the journal of the dwarf Genlath Litastun, regarding her migration to the fortress of Urdimgoton in the spring of year 3:

“Earlier this day, I received a summons from the guild to join an expedition to the fortress of Urdimgoton “Towercults”. It will be a dangerous journey, across lands infested with goblins, orcs and worse but I have no choice in the matter. The fortress needed a new miner, and as the guild master not-so kindly informed me, I had been chosen. Even worse, the expedition would leave in just two days, which was hardly any time at all.

“I wasn't looking forward to the journey but my outlook did brighten a bit when I saw that there were about thirty of us going. It was a good sign that there were so many, since it suggested the fortress was doing well. I spoke with many dwarves and all had heard rumours of riches at Towercults, that I had missed while mining deep in the mountain. Of course, these rumours could all be lies but if they turn out to be true, it may not be that bad after all. There are few things your's truly likes more than swinging her pick into a vein of gold.

“It turned out that the journey wasn't as dangerous as I'd feared. We saw no goblins or orcs, and the only threat we faced was from wildlife, with the most dangerous being a small pack of wolves that were quickly put down by the one marksdwarf the mountain homes at spared for our protection. I wondered what he'd done to be punished with the responsibility of so many lives but I never sought to ask.

“When we arrived my first thought was: 'Where are the mountains?'. I hadn't been told that Towercults was located on a floodplain between a small river and equally tiny hill. The fortress itself didn't look like much from the outside - it was just a small rectangle of walls. Clearly, it was mostly below ground, which made up somewhat for the lack of mountains.

“Upon crossing the drawbridge, my breath caught. There, just in front of me, was a gigantic, living statue made of iron and standing as guardian of the bridge. It's eyes narrowed as we entered, but it made no move against us. On either side of it, the militia training grounds extended and our crossbow-wielding protector left us to report to the commander.

“We carried onwards, making our way towards the central staircases and I swear I saw a small heard of unicorns in the back corner before descending through to the barracks level. I received a work order there, as soon as I'd entered the fortress. I was needed on one of the deepest levels where  a vein of iron was being dug out for use in steel production.

 “As I made my way down the stairs, it was clear that the fortress had a very uniform design. Upon each level, the central staircases were surrounded by 4-6 workshops which were typically grouped by type. For example, the first level after the barracks was for woodwork and food, then it was textiles and then stonework. About 9 levels deep, there was a grand dining room where I was briefly stopped by an apostle of armok. I'd never been one for religion but, when the high priest starts talking about blood sacrifice, you take it seriously.

“It was only a few levels below this that I had to dive of the stairway to make room for two mithril golems that were storming towards the first cavern. I'm not sure what surprised me more. The sight of the golems, or the sight of the mithril. Either way, it filled me with a sense of riches and security. A few levels below that, I heard the familiar ringing of metal soon followed by the heat of magma."

“The vein was mostly dug by the time I arrived, and the reason was obvious. I had always considered myself decent with a pick, but I felt like an unskilled goblin next to Urdim Takuthdoshet. The way she wielded her pick was legendary, and I opted to learn what I could from her.

A few days later, I came across the pit where enemies were thrown to discover a dwarf trapped inside. I reached for the bridge leaver, but was stopped by the captain of the guard who informed me the dwarf was there as punishment. When I questioned the reason, he explained that the dwarf was an ashkin and had been sentenced to death for killing two other dwarves with his unpredictable fires. He would either be killed by a pitted enemy, or starve. It was a grim reminder that life can be harsh - A reminder that was not needed as summer approached and a tense atmosphere befell the fortress.”

“The militia has started recruiting, plucking dwarves straight out of the latest migrant wave to reinforce their well trained legionnaires and guards. Three times I've had them knock on my door, only to inform them that my job is too important to the fortress's lifeblood of metal to enlist. Indeed, whenever I go topside,  the guardian seems ever more restless, it's eyes constantly scanning the surroundings as the militia  subjects it's new recruits to an intense training regime. We have yet to see a serious attack but the ever increasing number of thieves and snatchers has us all on high alert.

In the hospital, the chief medical dwarf is preparing herself for the worse and the priest is no longer talking about blood sacrifices but is instead getting ready to bless the sure-to-come deaths in the name of armok. My work orders have become more intense as we strike iron and flux for the production of steel weapons and armour for the recruits.

It may be cowardly, but I'm secretly grateful I will be mining deep underground when the attack finally comes.”


"So, that attack finally came and a group of warlocks laid siege to the fortress in late summer. The recruits weren't ready for it, but the older military squads easily dealt with the threat. They didn't even make it across the river before they were mowed down by bolts. I thought I was safe underground, but then word spread of a troglodyte ambush in the first cavern which was discovered almost as soon as the warlocks were defeated.

The regular melee squad was dispatched to deal with them since the golems decided to not follow orders for a while. They seem fine now, but the cause of the issue is still unknown. The commander Gasis Tomemiteb was slain minutes before, along with the baby she decided to take into battle with her. It's a sad story, but the stupidity of some dwarves amazes me. In the meantime, the spearlord "Libash Dakonerib" is also in hospital recovering from wounds suffered. I've suggested to the mayor that she be promoted, since she is the most skilled of our warriors, has proven her sense of duty and ensured that my route to the alcohol remained free of trogs."
« Last Edit: August 28, 2013, 08:05:57 am by firefly68 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #228 on: August 28, 2013, 07:55:46 am »

I was wondering why I wasn't getting mandates from the mayor and decided to take a look at their likes and dislikes.  Was so amused I had to share:

"Muthkat Dodoknonshut has been ecstatic lately.  She ate a legendary meal lately.  She dined in a great dining room recently.  She talked with a friend lately.  She admired a fine Trap lately.  She slept in a great bedroom recently.  She admired own wonderful Seat lately.  She has been satisfied at work lately. 
She is romantically involved with Ingiz Smithdistractions.  She is a faithful worshipper of Rerras the Buff Trench of Ivory and a worshipper of Ust. 
She is a citizen of The Mysterious Terrors.  She is a member of The Crystalline Lute.  She is the military commander of The Crystalline Lute.  She is the manager of The Crystalline Lute.  She is the broker of The Crystalline Lute.  She is the bookkeeper of The Crystalline Lute.  She is the mayor of The Crystalline Lute.  She is the former expedition leader of The Crystalline Lute.  She arrived at Onolanban on the 1st of Granite in the year 101. 
She is fifty-nine years old, born on the 13th of Obsidian in the year 44. 
She is average in size.  She is average in size.  Her splayed out ears have large hanging lobes.  Her somewhat narrow eyes are wide-set.  Her hair is wavy.  Her very long hair is arranged in double braids.  Her lips are thick.  Her somewhat short nose is slightly upturned.  Her head is somewhat tall.  Her hair is brown.  Her skin is dark tan.  Her eyes are brass. 
She is almost never sick and tough, but she is clumsy. 
Muthkat Dodoknonshut likes gypsum, bronze, grand blood gem, giant bobcat leather, coral, dwarf staring at the shifting ore bone, feather tree feather fiber fabric, rabbits for their ears and dragon engines for their rampaging.  When possible, she prefers to consume nothing and eternal youth potion.  She absolutely detests rats. 
She has a great affinity for language, great analytical abilities, a great memory, the ability to focus, willpower and good intuition, but she has a questionable spatial sense. 
She is very distant and reserved.  She is very energetic and active.  She isn't given to flights of fancy.  She is uncomfortable with change.  She is very straightforward with others.  She finds rules confining.  She needs alcohol to get through the working day.  She likes working outdoors and grumbles only mildly at inclement weather. 

*MASONS GUILD* This dwarf is member of the most prominent of all dwarven guilds, the masons. Working with stone is an age old tradition among dwarven society and the masons guild has honed this skill to perfection. Members learn masonry, engraving and mining, as well as skills like architecture and archeology. The dreaded warpstone is only a minor nuisance for the miners of the guild. "
Someone, get the bug zapper! What do you mean that won't work on a bug the size of a house which glows? No, I don't want to hear it. Just get the damn zapper.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #229 on: August 28, 2013, 08:00:13 am »

Tsk. Kobolds sifting the black sand bag FTW.
Some of my old Stonesense albums, check them out!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #230 on: August 28, 2013, 01:33:33 pm »

It would appear I'm gonna keep getting attacked on two fronts. This time it was orcs above ground and antment in the caverns. Killed both forces without suffering any losses.

I also figured out what the issue was with my golems and not following orders, but it seems to be known:

Nothing I can do about the golem AI concerning burrows...

I normally use burrows to restrict Civs during sieges but it seems I might have to use the forbid orders instead if I want the golems to be at all useful :(.


Trog ambush struck a couple of mins after the others ended, when a lot of dwarves were in the caverns collecting ant-men drops. Killed 5, including 2 low-level marksdwarves. My military is really needing to stretch its legs...and I think I might need more of them :)
« Last Edit: August 28, 2013, 01:46:14 pm by firefly68 »


  • Bay Watcher
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    • worldbicyclist
Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #231 on: August 28, 2013, 01:49:00 pm »

I was actually working on a fix for the golems, but DF, yet again, made it impossible.  :-\
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #232 on: August 28, 2013, 02:19:51 pm »

Well, that sucks :(


Yet another ambush. I guess the trogs didn't learn from the one they launched 5 secs ago. Tempted to lock myself behind stone walls while my military gets reorganised, but forget that, CHARGE!!! :)
« Last Edit: August 28, 2013, 02:28:44 pm by firefly68 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #233 on: August 29, 2013, 04:30:13 am »

So, I ran into three Soggoths when mining some bloodstone. I read the description and thought that they might multiply a couple of time(figured worst case 4 times). When the last of my 8 militery guys died I had over 100 of these bastards crawling around my fort. I am thinking about reclaim it and with some heavily armed combat specialists. What can I do to kill these things, blunt weapons?

Before I got wiped I finaly got my book production going. God it is not easy fining out how to do things. It is realy hard to find info on the forum via the search function. So far my best source of info was digging through the raws. One thing I got stuck on was producing ink. I suggest moving this reaction to the dyers shop, it doesnt currently have many reactions unlike the craftdwarfs workshop which is drowning in them. It makes sence because to turn dye into ink you needs the dyer profession.
Also I have a couple of question regarding pets.
What animals do you guys use to collect feathers, leather, eggs?



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #234 on: August 29, 2013, 04:36:44 am »

I was actually working on a fix for the golems, but DF, yet again, made it impossible.  :-\

You can't just make golems a caste of dwarfs?
Let's Play Dwarf Fortress: Masterwork Mod Season 1 | Season 2
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #235 on: August 29, 2013, 06:01:13 am »

Also, is there a good way to use the weight benches without workshop profiles? I do not enjoy scrolling through 100+ dwarfs to assign all my soldiers to the 8 benches I built. Also what does the different reaction do? It seems like they sometime generate smoke when they pump it up.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #236 on: August 29, 2013, 06:40:00 am »

Quote from: The_Draf
I ran into three Soggoths when mining some bloodstone.

I've not actually encountered these yet since they're supposedly rare and I tend to not mine much living stone so I have no idea on the best way to deal with them.

Quote from: The_Draf
God it is not easy fining out how to do things. It is realy hard to find info on the forum via the search function. So far my best source of info was digging through the raws. One thing I got stuck on was producing ink.

Yeah, masterwork adds a fair amount of new stuff for you to learn, although it's all pretty useful. I also got stuck on producing ink for a while since I didn't realise which skill it required (although, now I know it seems a bit obvious). I agree with your suggestion to move it to the dyers shop, that seems more logical to me.

As for finding information, the manual is a fairly good source but it doesn't cover everything in enough detail. You've also got the masterwork wiki, although it's also not that complete. Best source is probably just to ask on here.

Quote from: The_Draf
Also, is there a good way to use the weight benches without workshop profiles? I do not enjoy scrolling through 100+ dwarfs to assign all my soldiers to the 8 benches I built. Also what does the different reaction do? It seems like they sometime generate smoke when they pump it up.

I haven't actually used the weight bench but I can't think of another way to restrict the workers without using burrows, but then there'd be even more work involved. It'd be a lot easier if workshop profiles (and noble selections) could be searched through like the stock screen since then you'd be able to find the dwarves you need quickly. That'd need a custom plug-in for dfhack though, and I have no idea how to do this. While I'm at it, MDF could also use one for weapons. So many new ones in this mod :)

As for the smoke, I would guess your referring to the effect clouds produced when you run some of the masterwork reactions. I'm not a modder, but I think they cause custom syndromes - to put it simply, they make changes  (training stats in this case) occur to your dwarves, that aren't possible otherwise. There are also other syndrome clouds in the mod, so you'll see a lot more of them.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2013, 07:08:37 am by firefly68 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #237 on: August 29, 2013, 08:57:56 am »

Quote from: The_Draf
I ran into three Soggoths when mining some bloodstone.

I've not actually encountered these yet since they're supposedly rare and I tend to not mine much living stone so I have no idea on the best way to deal with them.

Quote from: The_Draf
God it is not easy fining out how to do things. It is realy hard to find info on the forum via the search function. So far my best source of info was digging through the raws. One thing I got stuck on was producing ink.

Yeah, masterwork adds a fair amount of new stuff for you to learn, although it's all pretty useful. I also got stuck on producing ink for a while since I didn't realise which skill it required (although, now I know it seems a bit obvious). I agree with your suggestion to move it to the dyers shop, that seems more logical to me.

As for finding information, the manual is a fairly good source but it doesn't cover everything in enough detail. You've also got the masterwork wiki, although it's also not that complete. Best source is probably just to ask on here.

Quote from: The_Draf
Also, is there a good way to use the weight benches without workshop profiles? I do not enjoy scrolling through 100+ dwarfs to assign all my soldiers to the 8 benches I built. Also what does the different reaction do? It seems like they sometime generate smoke when they pump it up.

I haven't actually used the weight bench but I can't think of another way to restrict the workers without using burrows, but then there'd be even more work involved. It'd be a lot easier if workshop profiles (and noble selections) could be searched through like the stock screen since then you'd be able to find the dwarves you need quickly. That'd need a custom plug-in for dfhack though, and I have no idea how to do this. While I'm at it, MDF could also use one for weapons. So many new ones in this mod :)

As for the smoke, I would guess your referring to the effect clouds produced when you run some of the masterwork reactions. I'm not a modder, but I think they cause custom syndromes - to put it simply, they make changes  (training stats in this case) occur to your dwarves, that aren't possible otherwise. There are also other syndrome clouds in the mod, so you'll see a lot more of them.

thanks for the help, I will ask these questions in the [DWARF] - Gameplay Questions thread as well, should have put them there in the first place. I was kind of worried about the clouds being caused by dwarfs dropping the barbells on thier heads or something.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #238 on: August 29, 2013, 11:31:43 am »

I was actually working on a fix for the golems, but DF, yet again, made it impossible.  :-\

You can't just make golems a caste of dwarfs?

Can dwarfs immigrate to your fort if they have the immobile token? Dwarffortresswiki had this to say on immobile token
The creature cannot move. Found on sponges. Will also stop a creature from breeding in Fortress Mode (MALE and FEMALE are effected, if one is IMMOBILE no breeding will happen)
« Last Edit: August 29, 2013, 11:34:11 am by Varyag »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #239 on: August 29, 2013, 05:13:05 pm »

The King has arrived!! Hurrah!!

Wait a minute... Where's the King? And I'm really not sure how I feel about one of the noble Ladys being a Drider...

Well. I guess the Countess gets to take the artifact decorated quarters then.
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