It was a beautiful day, the Embark's first caravan was trading, and the last of the butchering from the last bout of dwarven military frenzy had just been copmpleted, when a runner came up to me. "Sir!" he said. "We have Three Leprechauns at our southern border!"
I immediately called up our three man army. "Go bring me their golden hearts!" I commanded them. "And take the War Drakes, War Cragtooths, and the Wr BAdgerdog with you!"
.....turns out, Leprechauns don't have gold body parts or carry gold with them.
Sneaky little bastards. Glad I still smashed them to bits, though.
Kobold showed up at the trading post, and before I or anyone from my military could do anything, it was engulfed in Dragon Fire.
The merchants had a few guards, and a caged flash, fire landmine, ward of Armok, and a couple animals. The cone of fire definitely came from the trading post. No idea what the hell hit the Kobold, but it's pretty damn awesome.
Yeah, fire is spreading. at least 2 merchants have died from it so stuff! and so have 2 Tuskoxes. Lots of Meat!
Sucky thing is that now they won't trade. I wanted to get a goat/baderdog, maybe some metal off of them