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Author Topic: What's happening in your Fort.  (Read 191861 times)


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #360 on: October 02, 2013, 08:59:02 pm »

Had the fortune to host a home for a vampire mage. She is a legendary Sorcerer, Druid, Archer and Thrower. Problem is that she lusts for blood. I do not have evil glumptron trees to further advance in magic nor make her black staff and black aura, but I have plans.

She kills sleeping dwarves, and I did put her in jail for a month. She was only delighted to have so short sentence. But it did not make her stop the killing of fellow dwarves, so I planned on giving her trapped prisoners to feed on in a pit. Had a pit ready for archery practise from the fortress wall. Prisoners go in to the pit through red hatch and bodyparts come out over a retracting black bridge.

Burrowed the vampire with food and drink stockpiles. She was a 1 woman squad, armored with boots and a magic aura [in right hand (bug?)] with 'defend burrow' order. Burrow is named 'True Blood Bar'.

First victim was Fishman thief. Vampire beat her to death with her aura quite fast. But she did not drain him. Well, maybe she did not like fish blood. Might be too cold or smells funny.

Second victim was Bat man thief. The cape crusader lasted longer with the aura bashing, but the blood was not tasty. The vampire started to be thirsty, but it was thirst for alcohol.

Last victim was a Berserker thief. That orc was tough. Aura could not kill him. Page after page (25+ pages) of punching and bashing and life force sapping magic but no draining, alas. Called the archers to finish him off as vampire was about to starve in hunger and thirst.

Now, may have to keep her longer in the pit or some hut so her urge to bite necks arises. When I'm sure she has the urge, I can release her on invaders. Let her back again into the fortress from the pit to sleep in her cozy room.

Other plan is to make her a nanny. Lock her in with the children...

Perhaps she needs wrestling skill to manhandle non-sleeping victims. Might give her vigorous wrestling training (in library :)))

In picture....

The pit area is in the East side. Outside from the fort. Two rows of cage traps (64 traps) go along the moat. Next to the traps a 3-wide cage stockpile that acts as caravan road that goes to the main gate at South-East corner. On the palisades stand vigilant archers. Setup is pretty good, but the hostiles in pit freak out civilians on the road.

« Last Edit: October 02, 2013, 09:38:58 pm by Jamu »


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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #361 on: October 03, 2013, 05:56:38 am »

I think they can only feed on sleeping dwarves, IIRC.


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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #362 on: October 03, 2013, 06:35:11 am »

Spring is in the air at Innmouth, as we enter our second year.

We've waved off the Dwarf and Kobold caravans. We didn't have much to trade with them, but it was sufficient to restock our fruit and vegetables and get some brewing going. Harder farming almost brought us to drinking water. It's also rather put the kibosh on my steeloak farming for now, as I'm still waiting for my first 5 acorns to come up. As I can't afford to waste a single plant, I've set only dedicated farmers to do the harvesting.

With the arrival of spring, my two dedicated farmers are scurrying around on the surface doing what they can with the all too brief outdoor growing season. The crops I planted underground last spring will be ready to harvest soon also.

The population of 17 is not high enough to trigger any moods, or, I think, invasions, though I expect there'll be another migrant wave shortly. I've still not decided what to do with the Lich.

Metals are looking to be a bit of a problem. No gold or silver, or indeed copper and nickel. I do have tin, zinc and iron, and plenty of fuel and flux, so steel shall be the order of the day for now. I want my mithril though, for which I need silver, so exploratory tunnels are heading off towards the desert and under the lake. If they don't turn up anything useful, then I shall have to wait for foolish enemies to come in silver and gold hats.

The Research facility is up and running. My first steel will be needed for building a blast furnace.

A pack of Rhesus Macaques topped up our meat and finally allowed us to make the large sorts of bone armour. My squad is now five strong, armed mostly with a random selection of rusty steel weapons that the archeologist dug up for us.

As soon as the stream melts it will fill my well chamber, above which I've built my hospital. Hopefully I've managed to get the water pressures right this time, and we won't need to get the mops out.

Dark Stranglers or Beak Wolves will be upon us soon after the next migrants. Likely just a single squad of them. Is my little army ready for them? I think so, though I expect the hospital will see some work. I've equipped them as best I can at this point, but they lack skill.

Edit: The Migrants arrive. 27 of them. Good grief. I'd better make some more beds.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2013, 06:46:17 am by Arkenor »


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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #363 on: October 03, 2013, 08:18:39 am »

So long as they have something resembling armor and some weapons they should be fine. A few attack animals to take the heat off might help but unless they manage to bite and latch chances are they'll break and run after a couple casualties.


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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #364 on: October 03, 2013, 08:44:39 am »

After almost six hours of world generation I finally managed to create a world where the dwarv civ is dead.   I started with 80 dwarves, and 150k embrak points.  RP is that these are the last dwarves in the world who were scattered when the Automotons destroyed the mountainhome led by visions from Armok to a long forgotten storehouse to make their final stand.

I set forward two potential 'victory conditions' for this fort.

First, I could repopulate the dwarven race.   If I manage to get to 200 adult dwarves in my fort, then we'll be able to start expanding into new forts.

Second, vengance on the Automotons.  Using legends I figured out who dealt the death blow to my civ.   If it was a titan the I would wait for that titan to siege us and kill it.  Because it's a civ, I figure an eye for an eye works.  At start the Automoton civ has 3260 members.  If I kill 3260 Automotons over the course of the fort, that will satisfy Armok.  (I have no idea if that's possible.)

Embarking with so many dwarves and embark points was very different from normal and had pros and cons.

On the plus side, military was pretty easy.  I had 10 dedicated axedwarves and 10 dedicated marksdwarves all outfitted in steel armor with rigid leather underneath from the get go.

On the down side, mandates started immediately, and even with 10 dedicated miners it still took almost two full seasons to get the essentials dug out.   Lots of people were pissed off to have no dining room or bed for so long.  Priorities were a large food storehouse (very large, I embaked with over 3k food and 3k drinks), a very deep moat outside, farms, workshops, a hospital (every dead dwarf is a major step backwards) and guildhall and garrison.  I embarked with 100 gold bars to make sure I could get people into the guilds I needed them in.

The two mandatory migrant waves have come, bringing me to 93 adults.   Farms are established, and booze goats are starting to have kids.

So far I've only lost one miner.   While digging the moat he somehow fell and critically injured himself.

I'm trying to keep a path to the outside world open just so I can get some human or elven caravans.   I want to make sure I keep my booze and food stocked.  If that's too dangerous, I might just wall myself off completely.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #365 on: October 03, 2013, 11:07:27 am »

Late Spring, Year 2. The Elves arrive for the first time, and start making their way over.

The first Siegeforce arrives, and to my dismay it is the Frogmen. The massive migration wave has skipped me all the way to rank 2 opponents. I don't think I want to let my meleers anyway near them, what with them having rather large copper pikes which will likely dice my untrained lads into dwarfchunks. Luckily, the Frogmen tend to run away pretty easily, so if possible I'll just shoot them a bit from my castle towers. That may not be possible if the elven merchants don't get a move on. I will not be pleased if I have to go out and rescue them.

I am very lucky that I'd just finished fortifying the ocean side of the Fortress. The Frogmen would have happily swum right in.

I am not much of a castle-builder. I'd knocked that up as quick as I could to protect from low end enemies, but I'm going to need to do much more

The arrival of the massive migration wave, as well as bringing opponents I'm not ready for, jogged me into sorting out a ranged unit. Simple wooden crossbows, with bone broadhead bolts. I have found broadhead to be vastly more effective than piercing or hammerhead. Piercing does some damage but takes forever to kill anyone, while broadhead merrily slice off limbs to the left and right. I do usually use javelineers, though, so will have to see how effective crossbows are in comparison. Went with crossbows to make the most of my limited resources for now.

Missing out on Dark Stranglers and Beak Wolves has deprived me of a lot of melee training, not to mention meat, hides, and bone. I expect they'll turn up eventually. Hopefully before the snakemen do.

Down in the depths, I've located malachite and a little galena beneath the desert. Working on getting that over to my ore processors.

As expected, the Frogmen fled easily. Only one of them actually died. I'm missing my Javelin launchers. I'll switch over to them when I have the materials.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2013, 11:27:16 am by Arkenor »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #366 on: October 03, 2013, 06:36:35 pm »

Well, I decided to play Kobold mode, because it looked like fun. I've never touched pottery before though, and I didn't realise that shaping fire clay crafts involved creating magma and burning down the entire camp. It looks like the few survivors are going to starve, because I've lost all the animals.


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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #367 on: October 04, 2013, 02:43:33 am »

Was playing as the kobolds.  Above ground, wood fort.  I get attacked by a Wereiguana, who sought to teach me why to fear the night.

I send in my Ogre, who sought to teach him why it should fear its fists.

And then he turned back to normal form.  An Ashkin.  Who prompty taught me why I should fear fire.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #368 on: October 04, 2013, 10:39:47 am »

Innmouth, Summer of Year 2.

Summer brought the Dark Stranglers at last. A single squad made for a very short fight, but it was exactly what I need to top up my supplies of meat, bones, and hide.

Resources continue to be a bit desperate. Harder Farming is fairly brutal, and I'm still waiting for my first crop of most of the underground plants. Above ground plants grow a little quicker, and I'm just beginning to harvest some of what was planted at the beginning of spring. Still, as I only allow dedicated farmers to harvest, we're getting enough to keep everyone boozed up.

I'd like to start training up some of the dwarves into guilds, but have still not found any gold for coinmaking. I'll be able to buy my first Trade License when the Dwarf caravan comes in Autumn, allowing me to get one of the shops up. Normally I'd sell spare steelwood for gold coins to the shop, but with Steelwood taking a year to grow, I don't see that being an option for a while.

Some giant hornets somehow got in my back door from where I dug down from my initial wagon. It was hatched and locked, but it turns out that giant hornets are unimpressed by such things, and ate the hatch, ending up in my starting chamber that I was still using for my creatures. A battle commenced, resulting in two dead hornets and two dead Cragtooth children. Time to move the animals somewhere sensible and seal off this tunnel for good.

At this point the Lich decides to wander over, and raises one of the hornets into a Bone Golem, who, retaining the hornets dislike for us, proceeds to run amock. Fortunately, my military had been summoned for the hornets, and arrive just in time to stop the golem killing anybody. The Lich himself had run off as soon as he'd seen what he had wrought.

That's it, Lich. You're a menace to this fortress. I'm going to make a little room downstairs, and you're going to stay in it.

Autumn, Year 2

The Lich was nicely sealed away, but, unexpectedly, he began to starve. Firstly, I was under the impression that he was beyond needing to eat. Secondly, to be on the safe side, and because I am a compassionate Overlord,, I'd sealed him in with a pot of beer, and a pot of prepared food. He's either scoffed the whole lot, somehow, or something peculiar is going on. So I've had to let him out again.

And then a Vampire Lord arrives. I am warned of his great speed. I really hope the merchants don't turn up just yet.

After the Dragon business in my last Fort, I am *somewhat* prepared. In the desert I have built a chamber, baited with lovely destroyable furniture, and an animal. For extra credit, I'm using an acid landmine as that creature. If I can get the vampire to go in there, and pull the lever in time, I'll be able to keep him under lock and key.

I have never fought a Vampire Lord, but I'm going to assume that he's not someone I want a pitched battle with. I send the order down to the dining room to raise my main drawbridge and hopefully seal us in safely.

Let's see what Legends has to say about him:

Code: [Select]
Unamez Riddledglorify the Typhoons of Might is a vampire lord 1 born in -259.
Caste: Default
Type: Standard

Kills [Load]
the orc Nuyo Mysterioustunnel, in 114 (Struck)

the orc Fecowu Menacingpoisons, in 142 (Struck)

the raptor man fd Roz Gangfights, in 148 (Struck)

Event Log [Chart]
In 1, Unamez settled in in The Beaks of Braving.

In 107, the stranglerfd Storur Worktar ambushed the vampire lord 1 Unamez Riddledglorify the Typhoons of Might.

In 107, Unamez fought with the stranglerfd Storur Worktar. While defeated, the latter escaped unscathed.

In 114, the orc Nuyo Mysterioustunnel confronted Unamez.

In 114, the orc Nuyo Mysterioustunnel was struck down by Unamez in The Beaks of Braving.

In 142, the orc Fecowu Menacingpoisons confronted Unamez.

In 142, the orc Fecowu Menacingpoisons was struck down by Unamez in The Beaks of Braving.

In 148, the raptor man fd Roz Gangfights confronted Unamez.

In 148, the raptor man fd Roz Gangfights was struck down by Unamez in The Beaks of Braving. /code]

Hmm. He hasn't got too many kills to his name. But maybe that was lack of opportunity. I'd best not give him that.

The Peril! The Horror! What shall I do against such a, oh, he just ran into a cage trap I set up to catch some rabbits. Panic over!

I'm not joking about the rabbits, either. There was a little pack of them over in the desert, and I figured I'd catch thgem for a bit of a wheeze I'm going to try. Rabbits breed quickly. They're also one of the few annoying grazing creatures. This creates an opportunity. By pasturing rabbits near the lich, underground, they will eventually stave to death, and he'll raise them as pasturable friendly bone golems. A devilish scheme that will almost certainly go horrible wrong and doom us all.

The Kobolds arrive to trade, closely followed by the first siege force of Beak Wolves. Beak Wolves are a bit more dangerous than Dark Stranglers, but I decide to take the risk of sending out my squads to intercept the Beak Wolves before they devour my kobold friends.

We deal with them without trouble, but disaster! The Dwarves do not arrive before the onset of Winter, kept away by the Beak Wolves. I really needed that Trade License, and much else they carry, but I'll have to wait another year.

The Kobolds bring much leather and cloth. I buy out their vegetables also, and quite a large amount of wood. They also brought a unicorn and an ogre for sale, and given that I'll not need the trades for the Dwarves any more, I pick those up too.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2013, 01:28:21 pm by Arkenor »


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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #369 on: October 04, 2013, 11:23:23 am »

Spring, Year 2.

Werebear plague.

Every few minutes, our militia commander, an herbalist, and our only Baby go on a blood-fueled murder-fest. I COULD lock them in a room, or some such, but I figure it would be more fun to see if I can infect the whole fortress.
Congratulations, you've managed to weaponize air.


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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #370 on: October 04, 2013, 06:35:09 pm »

Innmouth, Winter of Year 2.

Dark times for our Fortress. It began well enough, as the White Tigermen came for their first Siege. White Tigermen need paying attention to. They're  quite strong, and carry copper equipment that is more than capable of doing some serious damage through bone armour.

Even so, a single squad did not cause me concern. I sent my forces out to meet them and the opening volleys of javelins were enough to break them before my melee even reached them. They routed back to the west with my lads in hot pursuit.

Then the Dark Stranglers arrived. Lots of Dark Stranglers. That'd be OK, except they came mounted on War Raptors. 4 squads worth of stranglers, all mounted on War Raptors, Giant Grey Langurs or (less frighteningly) camels and giant hamsters, along with a squad of riderless war raptors.

"Come back, you fools!" I cried to my meleers, the mighty Jade Jousters, but it was too late. They were going to chase the Tigermen to our borders, scattering as they went. If a Strangler squad got one of them on their own they'd have no chance. I had no choice. I sent my ranged unit, the Pointy Pokers,  after them and sealed the gates behind.

In the end we managed to get through with just two dead dwarves and one less bone golem (I'd tethered it outside my gate). The dead were relatively fresh melee recruits who took too much on. One was shredded by the raptors, and the other had his leg pulled off by a giant grey langur. The ranged squad did what it could to rescue the scattered meleers. When they ran out of javelins they got stuck in with the steel bayonets I had only just finished fixing to their weapons.

It'll take a while to bring all the bodies and bits in. There's going to be a ridiculous amount of meat, hide and bone to play with, as well as feathers from the raptors. I'm hurriedly digging a mausoleum for the fallen. The mood in the Fortress is a little low but will be OK.



  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #371 on: October 05, 2013, 01:03:28 am »

I'm extremely lucky to have built that moat.. otherwise all my dwarves would be on fire which my level 1 fire mage started while hunting. Wow. I had no idea fire was this destructive. Ash everywhere.


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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #372 on: October 05, 2013, 04:20:14 am »


Alright, this needs a bit of backstory.

Currently in year... 5? of my fort.  Barony, some 140 dwarves.

I've been under pretty consistent siege by warlocks this game.  I've fought them off each time - usually at range if I can manage it.  However, a bit ago they managed to get to the Depot, mainly because I'd yet to replace my losses - all I have is a single Swordmaster who's fully kitted out in Steel+.  So, they went after the Depot. Where there was a landmine.  Not sure what type it was, as it wasn't mine - it was one of the merchants.  Just sitting there. It went BOOOOM.  Not sure what type it was, but the combat log said blasted by dragonfire.

No more warlocks.  And no more Depot.  Or merchants... Or... well.  You get the idea.

Strangely enough, one thing DID survive that conflagration.

A single Warpstone Turret.  Not mine.  The merchants.  I tried removing it by the simple expedient of having one of my recruits go up and kick it, and got a dead recruit for my efforts.  But it was cool though.  Just sitting right outside my entrance.  Pretty much right where I would have placed it myself.  And so long as I didn't poke it, it didn't kill my guys, so I said 'Hey! Fortress defense!' and let it go at that.

Now, quite some time ago I was at the Embassy.  This is back when I still had a full 10 man unit of dwarves ready and geared for combat, rather than the single Swordmaster (who was the sole survivor of the prior siege - the same that ended with the Landmine).  I decided to be cheeky and Challenged a Great Beast to combat.

... well.  Seasons passed.  I lost the unit and was left with a Swordlord (a Legionnaire), Etur Bibarlolok.

Finally... the Great Beast arrived.  A Cyclops.  But not just any Cyclops.  This Cyclops was worshipped as a Diety.  By the Warlocks.  Who came with him.  19 Warlocks, led by two Spearmasters, all riding Giant Rats, Ants, Beak Dogs, and Giant Drowspiders.

Meanwhile, I have a single Swordlord training alone in his barracks, with the only way into my fortress being through him, a derpy Marksdwarf who refuses to drop the Javelin Thrower for a crossbow despite only having bolts (which I hadn't realized he'd taken up or I'd have fixed it), and the Warpstone Turret.

My poor hunters outside the walls manage to give a decent accounting for themselves.  Unsurprising when they're the mages I've been getting as migrants.  But they only kill a few.  The warlocks converge on the Warpstone Turret... which proceeded to lay waste to the poor fools.  I'd never seen one of the Masterwork Turrets at work, but it was... quite effective.  Perhaps 3/4 of the force died to the turret before the Cyclops took matters into his own hands, quite literally, by clubbing the turret to death.  The would-be Diety burst the door down, personally leading the charge against the barracks guarded by the one Swordlord... who had been very, very bored.

At least seeing a foe to fight, he leaped upon it foe with glee with his short sword.  After a short battle, he hew his foe's head off, leaving the warlocks in disarray at seeing their Diety gone, fleeing for their lives.  Alas, their foul spells and poisons left him wracked with pain, and even now he dies a slow death...

But the fortress is safe.

For now.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #373 on: October 05, 2013, 06:42:06 am »

Im not even a month in, my carpenter hits a fey mood and creates a 54k worth splint from wood and a single uncut gem..
first migration mave brings not only 44 dwarfs (7 of those babys and 4 children) but also an ambush by some 30 odd goblins.
Needless to say, fun was had and my precious dwarfs never got to see their undergound sleeping quarters and dining room.
I never had that before. I dont know what even happend there i was like 10m in game and already got killed XD


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #374 on: October 05, 2013, 07:54:02 am »

The Mountain Tuskox: When used en masse, pity the poor bastards who get caught in the path of their angry moos and sharp horns. Some warlocks met a rather messy end at the hooves of a group of the beasts.
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