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Author Topic: What's happening in your Fort.  (Read 191900 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #1605 on: October 01, 2016, 09:06:55 am »

The human have some interesting instruments available.
"☼Perfection☼ in the job puts pleasure in the work." - Uristotle


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #1606 on: October 01, 2016, 07:22:11 pm »

Current dwarf fort in 8th year.  Just about to hit 100 pop.  Pretty settled.  No real sieges still.  I have my whole population, except the kids, trained in the whole hth spectrum.  Haven't given them even shields though.  This is all book-larnin in the libraries.  Has them at 5 in shield, melee fighting, biting, kicking, striking, wrestling, and dodging.

So here's what happens with the latest mandrill invasion.  About 6-8 came in (I didn't even notice until the combat reports started) through my fortified entrance (which I leave open).  Two went into cage traps, but the rest ran into a lone trader who was hauling some vermin from outside or something.  He killed the one that jumped him, then I think some other dwarves came running to clean up and drag away the corpse, and it furballed.  I sent in a couple combat pairs training close, but they got in later and only finished off one.  A woodcutter also took a head off with his axe.

Had a few tuckered out dwarves, a bruise or two, but no wounds.  The bruises were from falling while dodging on the one-wide path over a single layer deep drop zone to force things dodging traps back through the maze.

I picture the combat like some of those martial arts flics where the two antagonists go at it for minutes with hand moves blocked and countered.  Except these fights didn't last that long. 

Here's the entry:

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Some amusing combat reports:

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #1607 on: October 02, 2016, 06:29:59 am »

intresting i really need to figure out how books work just got a tavern so far... but im building a Church and plan on putting a library in it.

Nelia Hawk

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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #1608 on: October 02, 2016, 02:38:04 pm »

so far "yin yang fort" (aka Outpost Durkuro, "Empiresrings") went as expected... as in nothing really worked out as planed :)

little picture how it looks at the moment in late spring: (nothing really too interresting)
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it all started below that east road where the wagon got stuck near the now corpse/bone and blood filled ponds (a dog skeletton and 2 human corpses that drowned i think in there after fighting undead birds or hands or something).
layed out a bit of a road network and the plan was to have white in the north part with temples, guildhalls, silk farms, hospital, noble houses (the mirthfull area with white feather trees and blue tuber plants) and black in the bottom half with barracks, tavern, farms, workshops (the haunted area with willow/birch and glumprong trees).

most of spring was used to plant all the potato,cabbage,carrot and roper reed seeds and to chop down all the trees in the area to get anything even build uninterrupted, it was as heavily forested as the east part still is.
all the wood was planed to be sold at the merchants, but they refuse to buy anything that wasnt a feather or gumprong tree so we couldnt afford the marble and obsidian blocks from the human merchant to build white and black buildings... so we ended up buying granite stones, tuned them into blocks and managed to get the first building up and running... the coin vault of course.
then the buildings for the merchants (wood,stone,food,drink) and the trade depot. priorities...

the barracks is still a lonly armor stand at the right side of the south road between weapon/armor and food stockpile where also most of the combat so far has happened with all the undead ravens and keas (that have to be "killed" two or three times till they stop moving) harrassing the outpost constantly over spring and summer. but our two guards with leather armor and copper swords could take care of them most of the time, the other time the peasants themself where kicking the undead bird heads into trees as some sort of sport.
apart from the undead birds from the south there wasnt much else running around... a few pegasi where seen once in the north forest but also disappeared as quickly as they came, a shame they could have been great mounts.
so spring passed away pretty uneventfull.

in summer a wave of migrants wanted to join... so we gave them something to do... as in removing the 2 tile wide roads and replacing it all with 3 tile wide roads, because the caravan wagon leader was complaining that his cart got stuck all the time on the way to the depot. deja vu?
we traded some gold coins for rope,silk,food,drink,seeds, a bin full of leather... the usual basic stuff but we used most of the gold coins for granite to roof off some of the buildings.

a few days later the farmers where complaining that they are out of seeds... a quick look over the fields showed emptyness and withered plants... thats what you get if you assign the migrants from armorsmiths, clothiers and butcher courtesans guilds to farming. its probably best not to know why she calls herself butcher courtesan. atleast the two fisherman manage to get enough raw fish that we can sell with the special trees at the merchants for some beer and meat.

a peasant gathering the spider silk in the east and south forests once saw a group of man lurk around the trees... but when the guards arrived they where nowhere to be seen... just the smell of wine was in the air. who knows, maybe some drunks where mistaking our outpost with a tavern and stumbled away again, as we surely dont have a tavern here.

early fall one of the woodcutters refused to pickup his axe to go into the forest mumbling that the trees are trying to murder him... even threatening him with militia service against the constant undead bird plage didnt change his mind... a small woman said "then i will do it, i want a house with a bed anyways" picked the axe up ... or tried to ... multigrasping it with both hands more pulling the axe behind her than carrying it...
a few hours later she ran screaming out of the woods yelling "the trees are haunted and are following her" with the axe nowhere to be seen. a group of bored farmers joined the guards at the south of the village to see what the screamng was all about when two trees where seem actually moving after the yelling woman.

one of the treants let out a loud roar when he noticed all the dead trees chopped to bits everywhere got enraged and charged the group of people (guards argueing with farmers that they should go back to work) cats (playing with the falling leaves) and dogs (on guard from all the yelling).

the little group around some merchants and woodcutters that journeyed from nearby towns to the outpost of Durkuro (where apparently lots of high value trees grow) arrived to the north of the outpost and slowly made their way to the buildings they could see from the forestedge.
half way to the north road they were purred (?) at by a few cat corpses sending some of the merchants scared back a bit and some of the more adventurous fighting the undead.
the "fighting the undead" part took way longer than the expected "few undead birds near the outpost" the migrant wave heared about in the next town.
the south part was covered in red... mostly leaves from the trees... but also blood everywhere from all the dead on the ground... and undead walking around.

turned out that one treant with clawlike branches managed to take down most of the outposts people (punching and copper swords did nothing), cats and dogs... somehow a cow and puppies survived and gathered around the wagon once most of the dead were dead again. the named treant left the map sometime when everyone was dead or unconcious getting "purred" at by undead cats and the other treant didnt even fight us.
from the 13 people of the outpost just 3 where found... kind of alive... 2 died getting clawed and purred to death over weeks by undead cats untill the fall migrant wave appeared out of nowhere (was close to retireing as it was just a matter of time till the 3 unconcious people die... but i waited it out) and started to wrestle the undead for some more weeks (seriously... wrestling undead cats leads to nothing but wasted time :D ) untill some actually decided that it might be a good idea to do something else than brawling with undead cats and started to build a hospital...
building the hospital took forever while half of the people wrestle undead somewhere in the woods... so we decided to sell some featherwood and buy two steel halberds from the merchant to help out with the undead population.

while the undead "everything" was dealed with and chopped to bits atleast twice, the hospital was instead build where the stone merchant was before (it was one of the only buildings with a roof for the beds.)
from the first 7 and first migrant wave just one of the two guards survived and from the fall migrant wave 6 survived the undead cleansing.
the surviving guard was dragged to the makeshift hospital, where one of the new migrants takes care of everyone wounded. and once the guard was consious again he was declared caravan leader and military commander, as he is the only one left who actually knew what happened.

he and one of the migrants armed themself with the steel halberds to protect the now again 7 people of Durkuro.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2016, 03:06:22 pm by Nelia Hawk »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #1609 on: October 02, 2016, 03:52:20 pm »

You're certainly having !fun!

I'm just making artifact beds and boots and bell-shaped pig-tail skirts.  Sending value of fort up.  Hoping the whitetigermen I know are around will go green with envy, throw caution to the wind and send everyone to attack me.

We're a duchy now and nothing but a couple of megabeasts down in the caves.  One wandered away, the other tangled with a swarm of something moderately dangerous and lost.

Found magma finally, way down at level -18 (surface is 110).  Decided it's easier to lug up minecarts of magma than move everything forge related all the way down there.  About 2/3 complete.  Rest of lignite in this hill can go to making steel.

Still no books written here.  We have three "full-time" scholars.  Dwarves interested in knowledge are rather uncommon.  The do talk a lot, ponder a while, then they go party in the tavern.  If we do get a book, it will be on migratory patterns, I suspect.  That seems the most common topic.

Starting to toy with Meph's carpets.  Need dye which we have to import since the quern isn't working right for grinding.  Suspect it's a vanilla bug, but haven't looked it up.  May set up a steam engine or water generator and see if a millstone will grind things properly.

Tavern is sorta fun, but performer immigrants are pretty useless (and problematic with all the drink pushing).  Mercenaries are a lot harder to train than natives.  Can't school them, or guild them.  But they do work okay in squads.  I think I will put together a full merc squad once I can give them more attention.  I have four signed up right now.  They can be cannon fodder with the dwarves jumping in after they engage.  They will have good gear, at least.  Steel is no problem here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #1610 on: October 02, 2016, 10:11:51 pm »

Finally!  Though it's a bit more than I expected.  128 by my count, so far.  Whitetigermen force with lots of mercs and large animals (war elephants, etc.)  Hoping to pull them into the gate maze and slam the door behind them, then let them get chewed up by traps and shot up by marksdwarves and ballista.  Then, and only then, with these numbers, let loose the dogs and send in the troops.  Gonna be very bloody.  We're outnumbered about 6 or 7 to 1 (my pop is 100, though there are another 20-30 visitors.)

I think I got everyone inside, though one silly dwarf was ignoring the alert and burrow limit and heading out to get something outside.  Slammed the hatch in his face to snap him out of it.  He went back inside and I opened the hatch again.  Want the crowd to get at least part way in.

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It has begun.  A couple visitors must have gotten wind of something and tried to leave.  Ran into the scouts in the upstairs.  Died.  Then the scouts popped into view of the marksdwarves and the bolts started flying.  A couple went into the two cages.  A silly jeweler who really wanted to get something outside, or in the stairwell, was almost to the outer hatch when he changed his mind.  He was ignoring the burrow restriction too.  An elf recruit punched him and he ran.

Small pile of dead near the entry hatch now.  I count two dead (one in a cage) and three badly wounded (one of these in a cage too.)  But this is just the advanced scouts.  No casualties for us, visitors aside, so far.

You can see the jeweler up near the ballistas.  Three crossbow dwarves are in the firing positions and a fourth is either off for ammo or about to start in whacking with his steel crossbow.  Hope it's the former.

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Meanwhile, upstairs in the tavern, it seems we have a fifth column of artistes.  At least one of them died to the tavern brawl.  So far.  The tavern cat did a lot of damage to his head.  As in about three pages of tearing tissue on his head.  Nasty.  Most of the tavern crowd fled to the west.  There was one trainee in the crowd and he reamed someone good pretty fast.  A human poet, I think.

I assume they went hostile because the incoming force has human, orc and elf mercs, at least.  Didn't survey them all.  Puts new light on taverns for me.  Maybe I will keep foreign spies out in the future!  :o 

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One amusing bit from the tavern brawl:

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Mayor sure stuck up for her town!

Looks like things have calmed down in the tavern after that one spy was dealt with.  Meanwhile, downstairs, the jeweler made it back inside while the bows shot up the last scout and ran him off.  Then about ten war dogs came in and we killed or run off.  The main force is trapped against the river to the northeast, with only a trickle crossing the bridge to come towards us.  This is good.  Making more bolts as fast as we can.  I can hear war elephants stomping around above us.

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Nothing has made it to the weapon traps so far.  The two cage traps are kaput, both have a corpse in them.  The ballistas probably won't get any shots off.  I haven't really hardened a crew for them.  The couple siege gunners are running in and out.  Maybe if they get them loaded they can get the odd shot off later.  Those should sweep the maze nicely.  Should.

Heh, bad idea, human axeman.  Leaving now is contraindicated, but if you insist... There are about twenty hostile just outside the stairs down.  The axeman can try...  Oops, they just started down the stairs.

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Axeman died in the rush out of the stairs.  The bolts knocked the incoming silly though.  A dozen are below after dodging off the maze top.  Two ballista did shoot. First shot was did not go straight down the path it targets or it would have wiped out a few.  Second shot was middle ballista and nothing was in front of its perfect shot (of course!)    Still nothing has reached a weapon trap.  Lots more coming.  They are bunching up on the stairs now.  This is gonna be a terrible mess to clean up.  The miasma!  That's one nice thing about topside forts.

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The blood is getting deep!  The leaders hit the first weapon trap.  It ate one, maybe two, of them.  Hard to be sure with parts scattered below.  About a dozen down a level but they are working back up the ramp near the hatch.  The bolts are hitting harder, either due to closing range or rapidly improving skill.  Just look at what those ballistas could do... if only.

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First casualty coming.  Idiot farmer decided he just had to clean something out there.  They really ignore the burrow restriction.  Annoying. He ran into the first living hostile and ran, but made the mistake of dodging and went down into a cluster below.  Would take a teleport to escape alive, I think.  He's already hurting.  Trained up planter too.

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Yep.  Oh well, lots of room in the cemetery.

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They do seem to be moving backwards now.   ;)  Yep, definitely slowing down.

One good thing about the Duke, besides his being a good shot and silly brave, his mandates are for broadhead bolts. :)  Easy to keep happy, especially while we're fighting off a major invasion.  "Keep making those bolts, boyos!  We're burning through them fast!"

And another wave coming.  They are running into some self-inflicted biowarfare now.  Miasma time.  There are a bunch in that purple haze.  Bolts are iron often now, those hit harder than the bone ones.  Had more visitors leave.  Haven't noticed them being ignored.  Artists aren't so bright, I guess.

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I think I will train the meleers in use of siege engines.  They can man those until the hostiles hit the war dogs, if they get that far.  These civilian gunners, even placed in a squad and activated, just run away.

And another cleaning casualty.  Our soap-maker just had to clean the maze.  I've issued a ban on all cleaning jobs until the battle is done.

Siege engines still not right.  Even hardened crews won't man them.  My Commandant and his partner run away too.  Discipline should matter.  They both have 20.

And in the middle of a war, a mood.  Lovely.  Should have all the materials though. Legendary bone carver.  I better keep an eye on him.

About 50 casualties on the death list.  They should break soon.

Yeah, moody dwarf is fine.  He's constructing now.

Whoa!  A ballista just fired.  Didn't see who did it. No combat report shows a hit and the targets are getting thin.

Is that the fat lady I hear up in the tavern?

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Something is missing from the upper left corner of that!

Yep, sound the all clear and break out the soap!  You can clean again, boyos.  And you have lots of it to do!

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Party time!  Hey, who has the soap?

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Yeah, we're on lockdown while cleaning.  One siege at a time.

« Last Edit: October 03, 2016, 12:53:40 am by vonsch »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #1611 on: October 02, 2016, 10:32:33 pm »

One of my original seven, Rakust Stakudonul, the chief medical dwarf of the dwarven Town of Adlogem (pop. 100), just had a polite discussion with local rivals and now I have to build a royal suite. I really had not planned on becoming the mountainhome. Well, he likes statues and shields, so no real problems there. It's only my third year! Oh well, I can still order things from the humans.

Nelia Hawk

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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #1612 on: October 03, 2016, 01:49:36 am »

hmm one of the dead cats did rise again... and is pretty much unkillable so far.
4 guys (2 unarmed, 1 copper battle axe, 1 steel halberd) fought it so long that all got thirsty, tired, overexerted or fell unconcious while clawed at by the cat...

3 of my guys are resting in the hospital from wounds, 2 are unconcious in the corner of the trade depot where the at is cornered and getting clawed on... and 2 just have "no job" since weeks and refuse to do anything.

why a steel halberd doesnt manage to do much damage to a dead mutilated cat corpse is beyond me. its just fur,bones,fat,muscle etc... the cat isnt armored in mithril or so...
maybe months of punching etc it raised the cat stats so far that its impossible for the pretty "novice" skilled people to hit the vital spots?
but over weeks they fight... at some point the steel halberd should have done something damageing...

got rid of the cat of hell by retireing, just to unretire with orcs -.- (have all races enabled and didnt recheck the race), so retired again and unretired with humans this time... and now i got hostile orcs on the map and 3 wagons stuck by that pond :D
currently its neutral coexistance between the humans and orcs... who knows, maybe they even work together against whatever undead appears next... but whatever happens i am sure it will be !FUN!

actually its not just the orcs that are in the hostile list, but also the old human population (now healed fully), THE guard is also in the list still wearing the steel halberd and now ebony plate armor and a tungsten helm. them old humans are already fighting undead ravens again.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2016, 03:32:11 am by Nelia Hawk »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #1613 on: October 03, 2016, 01:20:58 pm »

Don't f^%k with pet rock!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #1614 on: October 03, 2016, 02:19:50 pm »

Don't f^%k with pet rock!
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Just got back, updating:
(0.42 & 0.43) The Earth Strikes Back! v2.15 - Pay attention...  It's a mine!  It's-a not yours!
(0.42 & 0.43) Appearance Tweaks v1.03 - Tease those hippies about their pointy ears.
(0.42 & 0.43) Accessibility Utility v1.04 - Console tools to navigate the map


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #1615 on: October 03, 2016, 04:17:47 pm »

These poor giant skinks just can't catch a break. They never attack anyone, never hurt anything, they are about as timid as a regular skink. And yet, everything in my fortress wants to murder them.

 I just had five dwarves gang up for a serious skink beating session. They stomped the poor thing into oblivion before I could even send my military over to finish the job so they could get back to work hauling logs.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #1616 on: October 03, 2016, 09:49:31 pm »

Tenth year: Beak Wolf siege, if it can be called that.  There were about 8 and a goblin and an orc.  Unfortunately, they were exceptionally stupid and six of the total didn't manage crossing the stream at the map edge.  They could have walked 30 tiles west and used the perfectly good bridge, but nooooo.

One of the others ended up in a cage trap.  A second's corpse ended up in the next cage trap all shot up.  A third died on his second attempt of the maze.  The fourth ran.  End of siege.

But we are now at war with the beak wolves too.  That makes white tigermen and beak wolves coming to play.  Maybe the goblins will turn up yet. And the orcs.

Going to build a bridge across the stream at the map's edge, but it may be a mistake in the long run!

Aaaaannnnddd... One of my scholars has written two scrolls! 

« Last Edit: October 03, 2016, 11:33:22 pm by vonsch »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #1617 on: October 04, 2016, 10:41:38 am »

I had some Great Fiend Spiders attack my Fort... i was littel late closing the gate but it did not matter much they swam through my moat and climbed my 3 tiles high wall like itīs nothing My wooden arrows turned out the be to weak to penetrate the Spiders chitin... my Iron weapons even though good quality were no match.. i really need to invest in finding some flux on this map or i gonna have a bad time...

Also half of my Mercenerys turned on me mid fight? like what the hell???!! never gonna employ melee Mercs ever again fn stupid.

« Last Edit: October 04, 2016, 10:44:52 am by Bainin »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #1618 on: October 04, 2016, 02:09:50 pm »

That's a purdy fort.  Blood aside.

Bone meal is flux.  Grind dem bones.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's happening in your Fort.
« Reply #1619 on: October 04, 2016, 02:16:52 pm »

Purdy..? and thank god because i just realiced i have no flux in my location >.> gonna make some flux now..
*edit* uhm my millstone gives me no option to grind bones just alot of diffrent items into dust or sand/plants* ...
« Last Edit: October 04, 2016, 04:07:08 pm by Bainin »
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