Something I would find interesting is if you could do something like say if I put a pressure plate and hook it to a bridge (or door, or gear assembly) where will the cart be when the bridge opens? When it closes? More advanced form, if I put a bridge (or roller hooked to gear assembly, or door, ect.) at this point in the track, where would I need to put a pressure plate so that it is open (or closed) when the minecart reaches it. Maybe given as a range?
I tested track switching with perpendicular rollers, there was 1 tile between the plate and the roller (gear) and it worked flawlessly with 40-50k speed. I'm pretty certain that it would work without the "safety tile", right next to each other. A door is also a fast switching component, so I'm guessing a plate can be right next to it to activate, although there's one thing to consider: crash/ramp/drop checks are executed in the
middle of the previous tile, and I don't know when a plate gets activated, so it may be tricky. I have not tested this, because effective door switching needs >50k speed to derail off a corner, I find rollers to be more easy to handle this way. Another thing to consider: At high speeds, around ~160k the cart starts to skip tiles, sometimes 1, sometimes 2 in a row. I have seen carts fly through highest tracks stops this way without slowing down, I assume they would fly over pressure plates as well.
Bridges: I have 0 experience with them, they cause lag when switching, they throw a cart around if it's on them when they switch, and they are sloooow to activate. You can use the calculator to find how long track you need to reach them until they activate. Regular tracks/features are 100% accurate, the tricky part is handling the ramps and the tiles before/after them, as they change distance units AND friction not on the tile boundaries, but between the middle and the tile boundaries.
- Distance calculations:
a: speed
b: base friction
c: distance units (length of a tile)
cdelta: lefover distance units
n: ticks/tile
n = (sqrt(4a^2+4ab+b^2+8bc)-2a-b)/(2b) -- rounded down
- Ramp distance units are ~1,4 times longer than regular tiles, but then they compensate for the longer distance. (Partly working
- Rollers start a cart from the beginning of the roller tile, a push teleports it to the beginning (not the middle!) of the next tile
- Logic checks: ramps/rollers/drop influence a minecart from the middle of the previous tile. Exiting a ramp teleports a cart to the middle of the next tile.
- Tile skipping
- Multi-tile rollers are calculated correctly
- No more corner column, corners are entered in D
- Only .xlsx (Excel2007) version.
I have determined that ramps are ~1,41 times longer (4890/3457) then regular distance units (the game handles them differently, on ramps the executed speed and friction calculations are ~0,707 shorter, it's the same really), and there is some compensation logic that adds extra (shorter then regular!) steps when travelling on ramps to make up for some lost speed due to the longer distance units and the tiles skipping behavior. More science is needed. Still. Grrr.
Entering a ramp will almost always result in mixed (regular and ramp) friction on a regular tile depending on how much distance units we need until the ramp. Sometimes we gain/lose some speed, other times we just enter. Tile boundaries are not set in stone!
When exiting a ramp the cart teleports from the middle of the ramp to the middle of the next regular tile, the friction of this tick is either regular tile friction or up-ramp friction depending on speed: exiting a ramp with max velocity will result in -4900 friction, so on the first regular tile we'll have 265k speed. On the other hand exiting a ramp with ~50k speed onto a track stop will result in -10 friction until we reach the middle point, and track stop friction on the next tick. So it's tricky...
highest roller, track, UP ramp, UP ramp, track, --> cannot go up, the cart rolls back
highest roller, track, UP ramp, track, UP ramp, track, --> cart exits with 25k speed leftover because it teleports from the middle of the UPs to the middle of the next tiles.
Rollers: they set the speed of a cart from the middle of the previous tile until the middle of the roller tile. Multi-tile rollers do this along their whole length, so they have a constant speed.
Last words: I hate you Toady! I'm starting to loose some hair trying to figure this out.