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Author Topic: ☼LittleVillage the Tribe of Hope☼ - Restarting the Camp, Who wants first turn?  (Read 4427 times)


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Lets do a restart with the new version of the mod. Who wants to start?

« Last Edit: July 24, 2013, 04:11:31 am by Meph »
::: ☼Meph Tileset☼☼Map Tileset☼- 32x graphic sets with TWBT :::
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Re: Masterwork Kobold Camp - New fort with the big update.
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2013, 10:21:31 am »

I'm certainly interested in watching/being 'bolded/generally faffing about the thread, especially as the other Kobold Camp threads have died off.


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Re: Masterwork Kobold Camp - New fort with the big update.
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2013, 04:34:47 pm »

Never done kobold camp with the new update, ill take a read through the manual and sign me up for a turn.


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Re: Masterwork Kobold Camp - New fort with the big update.
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2013, 01:53:18 am »

A fine spring morning Urist and his six fellow dwarves were doing what dwarves do best. Happily striking their pickaxes into the helpless earth, humming a jolly tune while doing so. Underneath the deep, grumble tone of the humming, some rather highpitched, and very off-key singing could be heard. Urist stopped.

"Hey, Tekud, stop singing, will ya?
"Wat? It aint me singing."


Suddenly, the dwarves stopped humming. And yelling. And moving. And still, they heard that high and horrible singing. Urist gathered all seven settlers and moved to the nearby crest of the hill, to see what might be the cause for the disturbance. He crept, relatively slow and quite for a dwarf, to the top, then came down faster then dwarves should. After he caught his fall, he mumbled to the others.

"We'd better go."
"Wat is it?"
"I dont know. But its at least twenty of them. Running around, singing that damn song, not being afraid of anything. Whatever they are, they must be well protected. No harmless fool would be found in this territory. They outnumber is 3:1, so we gotta move. Now."

And so it came that the beautiful place on a lake in the middle of the desert was conquered by the Kobolds of the Muddy Legends. Lead by Meph, the brave bold, enemy of the sickened Barbary, the evil goblins, the Kobolds were looking for a new home. They wanted a little village for themselves, to live and strife and fish and eat. They would call this little village... littlevillage. Hopefully, no one will call it their grave.

Meph, the brave bold. Warband Leader, Machetebold, only named bold in the camp.


`Meph, the brave bold' Jibabachobins has been happy lately.  She dined in a legendary dining room recently.  She took joy in slaughter lately.  She slept in a good bedroom recently.  She talked with a friend lately.  She has complained of the lack of a well lately.  She has been satisfied at work lately.  She admired a fine Table lately.  She had a nice bath recently. 
She is a worshipper of Shintens Towerwood the Primitive Fin and a faithful worshipper of Shaninens Greencanyons the Sandy Trail. 
She is a citizen of The Lusts of Jaundice.  She is a member of The Muddy Legends.  She is an enemy of The Sickened Barbarity.  She is the warband marshal of The Muddy Legends.  She arrived at Chanintishonons on the 1st of Granite in the year 31. 
She is ten years old, born on the 19th of Galena in the year 22. 
She is incredibly skinny.  Her muzzle is somewhat broad.  Her snout is somewhat short.  Her copper skin is very smooth.  Her somewhat long hair is somewhat greasy.  Her somewhat narrow yellow eyes are close-set.  Her somewhat high eyebrows are slightly sparse. 
She is possessed of amazing recuperative powers, but she is flimsy, susceptible to disease, very quick to tire and quite clumsy. 
`Meph, the brave bold' Jibabachobins likes fine light red brick, welded cobalt, clear diamond, the color white, blowdarts and steppe eagles for their silent vigils.  When possible, she prefers to consume giant harp seal and dwarven wine.  She absolutely detests crows. 
She has an iron will, a great kinesthetic sense and a good feel for social relationships, but she has an iffy memory, a shortage of patience and lousy intuition. 
She is a nervous wreck.  She is very slow to anger.  She almost never feels discouraged.  She is confident under pressure.  She is very distant and reserved.  She can be very happy and optimistic.  She appreciates art and natural beauty.  She prefers stability and security to ambiguity and disorder.  She finds helping others very rewarding.  She would rather intimidate others than compromise with them.  She is modest.  She is not easily moved to pity.  She is occasionally given to procrastination.  She takes time when making decisions.  She  tenses up when she's nervous.  She likes working outdoors and grumbles only mildly at inclement weather.  She is getting used to tragedy. 

*VIPER* A small, dog-like humanoid with long drooping ears.  Kobolds born under the Sign of the Viper are not shy about close combat with knife nor fang.  Like all Earth Sign kobolds, they begin to thrive upon combat once they get a taste of it.

A passerby would have heard the following conversation this fine day:

We stop here!

Why? Why not there? Or there? Or over there? Or on the hill? Or the other side? Or under this?

Because look at sky. See the mighty golden eagle. I like eagles, so we stay.

And so it was decided. The Kobolds of the Muddy Legends settled down to erect their camp. Littlevillage. Nestled on the shoreline of a great lake on the fringes of the vast shivan desert. Climate hot enough to empty ponds and dry grass in the heat of the sun. Barely any trees grow here.

Twenty bolds did survive the great raid of the orcs and the slavery of the goblins. Seven of them were even trained in the military, which means as much as that they are good dodgers and know which end of a pointy stick or even machete to hold.

The kobolds stopped their wagon on the lakeshore. Their rats around them, with a safe place to start their camp, they went to work.

Put this here. No... here... no... there... Ah, I do it myself.

Set the wall along there. Yes, next to the butchery. Yes, right next to it.

Stills? We dont need booze, you have to work, not drink.

Dig the tunnels into the soft soil. Then put the rats underneath, they must be safe... We must eat.

And stick the seeds in the ground, even if we only have a few. Kobold bulbs and Rat weeds... good for poison and smoke.

Leather. More Leather. I SAID MORE LEATHER. Build the tents, armor, cloaks and pouches, we need that stuff.

Make bone armor. And whats that? Hemtati? Hemita? Hemti-what? Oh, IRON? Thats ok. Makes good weapons.

Seven we are. Machete and Sticks we wield. Bone we wear. The Fed Grubs we are. Melee bolds, to the death.



Wow. Rancor corpses are heavy. And we are still alive. Wow.

In the meantime, a new, experimental way of digging was invented. The great kobold architect Shin Binibonus had deviced a way to probe the solid rock under our feet, by digging downstairs every so often. When softer rock, ore or gems were found, the dirt diggers could use their shovels to conquer parts of another level. Ever so slowly, more and more of the precious ore and gem could be found, and the bolds reached unknown depths, 10 levels underneath the earth. While digging our the animal pens, compact peat was found as well, which can be used as fuel.

The summer harvest was brought in, even though no one of the kobolds seemed to be interested in eating any of the plants. At least kobold bulb could be used for poisons, and rat weed has several uses, for tea or tobacco for example. Even the rats flourished, and the camp was drowning in jackrat babies. Time for the butcheries to go to work.

Next to the wooden walls, which has been made of cheap, wooden planks from the sawmill, a tunnel had been dug for the traders. Only kobold caravans would come, without wagons, without guards... they have to be protected. And the best protection is not having to fight at all. The tunnel was connected with the camp, but otherwise locked from the outside world. Some channels, some walls, some raised bridges here and there, and soon traders could arrive without a worry. The underground depot, next to a few backup traps and the trader warren, proved to be a good investement. Our bonerattle armors brought us many usefull items, for wells and hospital, new pets and more wood.

You worry too much. I dont worry. I am brave. Brave Bold!

I'm not unbrave. I just say: We not save enough.

Forest Imps only the beginning. Badgers cant fight forever. What then? What when Badgers dead? Who fight then?

I will fight. The Fed Grubs will fight. 10 good bolds. Good, strong iron weapons. We killed Rancors. We will kill more.

And then, the war began. The year had been quiet. A few direlions. Three dragon raptors. A great shadow that flew over the lake, the horned owl. But nothing else. Twice voices and steps were heard. Twice brothers and sisters from the tribe were welcomed. First six, then four... after this, nothing. Nothing unusual in Littlevillage, almost the entire year went by. The solstice was near, a new year, a new leader... but then... the war began. AMBUSH! was the yell that woke the camp, Goblins. The Sickened Barbary is here. A group of 7, maybe 8 goblin bowmen. The leader, flying on a giant ant drone, scaling the walls, raining arrows upon bolds. A buttock gets shot off. The fisher gremlins, surprisingly, charge first. The warband marches to meet the lone flying archer, taking both him and his mount down, hacking it to pieces with iron weaponry. The entry tunnel underneath the lake, unfinished. Maybe 10 cage traps. No flooding. No killing floor. No weapon traps, no archers, no double-locks. Only a bridge with a 5 level drop, an empty ogre cave, four giant war badgers, and the brave bolds of Littlevillage.

On the way to the entry the goblins seem to multiply. They were 8, or 9, or 10... but now its 20. No... 30. Without mounts... Now on mounts, giant roaches and ants, horrible pincers and hard chitinarmor. Archers with rusty bodkin arrows, Lasher with scourges. 60 enemies at the gate. 10 brave bolds to hold the line.

Hold. I said hold! You, pull the lever. You! Get the badgers. Everyone, hold the cages ready.

Yes...YES! Did you see? 5 of them fell into the pit, and only a dozen or so got in. Oh. Wait. THEY GOT IN! GET READY!


We got them. Check, everyone ok? All bolds alive? All bolds unharmed? Wow. You, why are you crying? ... Oh... I didnt know. We will bury the war badger with honor. But now get ready. MORE OF THEM!

Hihihahaha, look at them. All in cages. 8 of them. Lets release them, one by one, we need the cages for the traps. COME ON OUT!

Bloody. Bloody all of the cages, but empty. Lets reset the traps, then open the gate.

AGAIN. STUPID GOBLINS. 6 fell down. 9 in traps. And the 5 in the hallway we got. THEY CAN NEVER DEFEAT US!

Wait... what do you say? 30 more of them? Behind the wall, near the trader tunnel? On WHAT? FLYING BATS?


I have to go... they are coming...

War Badgers dead... not enough cages...

The bats... our walls, useless...

Be bold.

- End of Entry -

While the battle raged on, taking place not only in winter, but also the first month of spring before a stalemate could be found, the camp itself flourishes amids the chaos. 30 bolds call it their home, 11 levels deep they dug, many buildings and crafts they created. This is the chronik of their labor, the little village called Littlevillage.

Their leader, the Warband Marshal Meph. Decked in bonerattle pieces and armor of lightest mithril, found by dirt diggers in old ruins. Wielding a mighty iron machete, ready for the worst.

Save: Download - Uses slightly modified raws of MasterworkDF V.3c

OOC: I wanted to stop 1st of spring, but I thought it would make sense to solve the goblin problem first. Turned out there were 5 more ambushes in waiting, so the current player has about 80 hostiles running around. Wood is extremely scarce, so make it all the scrapwood first, to double the income. Save 10 for the "super secret tunnel", I already managed to steal the plan. I also managed to steal an arena plan from the goblins, so build one of those if you like. The solve the goblin problem, constantly steal from warlocks, build a voodoo totem, and curse the race of goblins. Please do this. :) I really want to see it in this fort.

You only have three levers. The two at the depot control the bridges that lock the trade-tunnel, and the one on the surface next to the main entry tunnel control the bridge that locks the main entry tunnel. Simple stuff. The military has 10 bolds in one unit, 7 of them have good dodging and weapon skills, 2 have mithril axes, 1 is a lasher-bold. Their weapons are iron grade, armor is bone/irongrade, so dont expect too much.

Please continue the exploratory mining, I really want to see how deep we can go. :)
::: ☼Meph Tileset☼☼Map Tileset☼- 32x graphic sets with TWBT :::
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Re: Masterwork Kobold Camp - Littlevillage - Who wants year 2?
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2013, 02:51:26 am »



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Re: Masterwork Kobold Camp - Littlevillage - Who wants year 2?
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2013, 03:18:51 am »

Did you get those 60 goblins because of the secret thieves tunnel?


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Re: Masterwork Kobold Camp - Littlevillage - Who wants year 2?
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2013, 03:53:51 am »

Maybe. I did steal a lot from them, even managed to steal a arena building plan from them. So, yeah, its possible.

Next player should look into Orc and Warlock loot. Orc loot enables the "ceremonial grounds" that can regrow trees (we need wood) and Warlock loot enables the "voodoo totem", which can curse all goblins, instakilling all goblins on the map. It spawns magma on top of them, so the goblins in cages should be disposed before running the reaction, otherwise the hallways will burn down.

While playing I found a couple of bugs, 2 I already fixed in the running save, but for example tobacco doesnt seem to work.
::: ☼Meph Tileset☼☼Map Tileset☼- 32x graphic sets with TWBT :::
::: ☼MASTERWORK DF☼ - A comprehensive mod pack now on Patreon - 250.000+ downloads and counting :::
::: - Follow my bike tours around the world - 148 countries visited :::


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Re: [Masterwork] Kobold Camp V2 - Littlevillage - Players wanted.
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2013, 06:49:32 am »

Sign me up :)
#Edit. I'm slightly busy for a few days. Can I've turn 3?
« Last Edit: June 23, 2013, 08:24:04 am by Godlysockpuppet »


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Re: [Masterwork] Kobold Camp V2 - Littlevillage - Players wanted.
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2013, 09:52:46 am »

Good lord, what have I gotten myself into:
State of the tribe:
28th Granite, Year 32, Early Spring;
Being a god ain't all what it's cracked up to be, I'll tell you that. There are constant rules to be followed, hundreds of multiverses to manage and maintain, prayers to be answered (Hint, the answer is always Yes, No, or Magma), and the idiot mortals are always fighting over you. Sure there are some perks, like worshippers, but it's a lot of work. I'm glad I'm not Armok...or a god that has to do any of those things. You know what's worse then being a god of a bunch of idiot dwarves? Being a god of a bunch of idiot kobolds. A FORGOTTEN god of a bunch of idiot kobolds. I haven't had a prayer in decades, ever since that upstart Griblin went and got himself godhood through an incredible stroke of luck. I've just been sitting bored in the blackness that is the "wonderful" multiverse while Griblin went and hogged all the glory. But not anymore. Much like Armok, I've decided to start inspiring certain kobolds. The strong willed one's I can't order directly but I can certainly influence and direct the weaker willed ones. I found a nice little village called...littlevillage of all things. I've even decided to temporarily possess one of the more worthless ones...a certain kobold named vcordie of all things. I've taken a peak at our records created by our hoardmaster, Binbin or babbletin or something along those lines and surveyed the situation. So the state of t
Goblins, check:

Food stores: Mediocre. Good enough for now:

Need more drinks though. Preferably tea. How the hell do I even make tea.
Weapons: we have a mithril battleaxe, a legendary mithril battleaxe, some iron choppers, machetes (what's the difference between a chopper and a machete) and a pointy stick. There's also an imperial fuckton of rusty iron bows and crossbows and flails and other misc crap that's all forbidden. I'm taking a wild shot in the dark here but perhaps they're being used by the goblins? None the less, if they're forbidden, they're probably forbidden for good reason and I'm not touching them. Yet one thing shocks me, not a single blowgun or bola thrower or any kind of ranged weapon we can actually USE.
Ammunition: 25 welded mithril bolts, 25 welded mithril arrows, and over a thousand forbidden rusty iron arrows and bolts. Not a single dart to be found, and absolutely no poisoned ones. What are we, dwarves? Even the bloody elves use poison. Why the same hell do we not have any poison? I checked our stocks, we have kobold bulb. We could make some sluggish poison. So why aren't we? Because the previous clan-leader thought it would be prudent to build an ogre camp outside the safety of our walls instead of a poison worker, to train the non-existent ogres that we do not have. You heard me right. We do not have any ogres. Yet we built an ogre cave. Outside. with the goblins.
So my first order of business will be to rectify that immediately. Make some blowguns, blowdarts, poisons, and various other nasties to hurt those goblins at range.
Armor: not bad. we have some pretty decent welded mithril stuff, and a few sets of bonerattle, but not nearly enough armor to go around. Some of the militia is wearing armor so thin a moth could fly through it. We have a lot of clothing. Also sixety forbidden rusty iron mail shirts. I'm also assuming those are being worn by the goblins and that's why they're forbidden.
Quivers: we have 2 cotton fiber quivers and over 40 forbidden quivers of various make and material. Again, goblins.
Blocks: god do we have blocks. so many blocks. I should do something with those blocks. However, we also have a lot of forbidden wooden planks. By a lot I mean 178. I know the goblins can't be using them so why are they forbidden. We do have a need for wood, after all.
Leather: I have never seen so much leather in my life. What I wouldn't give for a good orcish warcrafter right now. Alas, I was designated to reign over this pitiful kobolds and their candles. Speaking of candles: We have a lot of them. What for?
Gems: we have a couple. We had a lot, but for whatever reason our previous overseer decided to start encrusting trade goods with them. I'm sure I can find another use for them.
Metal: Not doing too bad on this front. A decent sized amount of iron, some copper, silver, a lot of coke. We should try making this iron into steel, if these kobolds are even capable of that. Two bars of orchilirum, but i'm not sure if we have a use for it (Note to Meph Make kobolds have a use for Orchilirum. or however it is spelled)
We also have 1000 currency. 500 gold coins and 500 silver coins. Do we even have a use for coins? (Meph See above. Make a use for coins!)

Small live animals: What. The. Fuck. We have 32125 live silk moths and 19440 live cochinheals. I wish I was making that number up. If I recall correctly we can make dye out of cochineals and dye is good. However, they're somehow all unaccessible.
Nothing else is of note except for the fact we have 33 totems. Well there is actually one thing of note: Somehow kobols have domesticated Drakes. I don't fucking know how, but they domesticated drakes.

First orders of business now:
First of all, we gotta deal with the goblin problem. Now, we've stolen some warlock loot which will allow me to call in my buddy Armok and melt all these goblins if we can get some more and make a big enough sacrifice. I should probably dispose of the goblins in cages before doing so, because Armok is indiscriminate. I also want to build up a militia that can take the greenskins on next time though so that we don't have to rely on Armok's pity. So I'm going to get the diggers to dig deeper to nab some more ore, the smelters working double time, see if I can't do something with that glassblower we have set up...maybe I can make glass darts or glass blowguns or something, that'd be cool. Another thing I must do is get our poisonworking online if at all possible. Poison is our biggest asset and we must use it well. The previous clan leader decided to set up a drawbridge and some cagetraps to lure the goblins in one by one and catch them for their equipment and stuff. However, several of our war pets have been heavily damaged from this and I'm not sure if I have the finesse in this possessed body to time the raising and lowering of the drawbridge so I'll leave that campaign alone for now.
I'll also start some raids on humans, we need henna tattos and also start to raid the drow, for more poison. And continue the existing raids on orcs and warlocks, of course.

(Sorry for the long post with almost no content, just getting started and trying to figure things out)
1st Slate; Year 32, Mid-Spring:
Migrants arrived, while we're still ensieged. Following them was yet another squad of Goblins. They all died instantly. 20 dead kobolds who didn't even last a second. Shame.

Behind the goblins was a squadren of warlocks. Apparently we're pissing them off due to stealing from them. After the combination goblin-warlock sandwich destroyed our migrants, they started duking it out b etween themselves. With any luck the warlocks will bring 1 or two goblins down.

DEAR GOD MEPH WHAT HAVE YOU DONE: I cant play. every goddamn time I unpause im immediately repaused due to a new ambush being revealed. Half the world's on bloody fire due to warlocks and the other half is covered in goblins.

Edit two: Okay, so the fire burned almost the entire world. Everything that wasn't inside our walls burned to death, basically. Except for some new ambushes. But it also burned down our trade tunnel walls, so now kobols are escaping and catching on fire. Also the orcs and witches have decided to join the party. wonderful.


Edit: and we're all dead. Wonderful. Not been playing for three minutes and we all die. Dammit Meph, literally hundreds of invaders showedu p and then warlocks started burning EVERYTHING.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2013, 10:27:06 am by vcordie »


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Re: [Masterwork] Kobold Camp V2 - Littlevillage - Players wanted.
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2013, 11:47:19 am »

well done Meph, I imagine that was a pretty accurate simulation of life in a Kobold thieves' camp :D

I'll be glad take a turn on the reclaim or reembark :)  But not till a bit later turn, like, 2nd week of july please.

>> what's the difference between a chopper and a machete

I think that chopper is an axe or hatchet; since Chopperbolds are dark blue on the z menu.

>> We have 32125 live silk moths and 19440 live cochinheals. I wish I was making that number up.

They're sort treated like bees, so you get thousands of them in a single hive/colony/whatever.


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Re: [Masterwork] Kobold Camp V2 - Littlevillage - Players wanted.
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2013, 11:49:01 am »

Yeah, I might need a re-e mbark. there's basically no way to avoid burning down the world. The warlocks just show up and wreck shit.

5% chance of siege my ass. More like 100%. Everyone we raided showed up to attack us.


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Re: [Masterwork] Kobold Camp V2 - Littlevillage - Players wanted.
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2013, 12:41:24 pm »

Wow, the Kobold Camp has a whole new giant mess of features since I last saw it. It seems like the key to survival is to either forget the surface and build entirely underground, or to make sure your above-ground very quickly gets a roof. Also a very, very careful application of theft.

Also, I am now inspired to take a turn in this, once Littlevillage rises again.

kobold bulbs



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Re: [Masterwork] Kobold Camp V2 - Littlevillage - Players wanted.
« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2013, 01:05:36 pm »

kobold bulbs
Yes. Yes! It must be renamed to kobulbs. Do eet meph. (also adjust siege rates just a tad.)


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Re: [Masterwork] Kobold Camp V2 - Littlevillage - Players wanted.
« Reply #13 on: June 23, 2013, 02:26:01 pm »

I downloaded the save from the first turn, and when the migrantw ave arrived a single herbalist survived, only to find SIXTEEN warlock ambushes. I killed them by declaring war on dwarves, who arrived with a force and both wiped eachother out.


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Re: [Masterwork] Kobold Camp V2 - Littlevillage - Players wanted.
« Reply #14 on: June 23, 2013, 09:42:15 pm »

Sign me up for a turn...

I downloaded the save from the first turn, and when the migrantw ave arrived a single herbalist survived, only to find SIXTEEN warlock ambushes. I killed them by declaring war on dwarves, who arrived with a force and both wiped eachother out.

That is an interesting way to deal with invaders... invite more, then go out and clean up the leftovers.
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