You take a deep breath, then ask Jasmine one more thing.
"Could I get a chair, please? There's only two there.""I'll look into it, don't worry. Now get back there."You act on this order immediately, ambling up to the table and listening in unobtrusively to what Ms. Bartolucci and the other guy are talking about.
"... I'll get it, don't worry," Ms. Bartolucci explains with an air of reiteration.
"Glad to hear it," Mr. Love says, patting her on the cheek.
"We've got a good thing going, you and I. I like you, you like me, aren't we just the greatest friends?""How's Tuesday sound?""Tuesday sounds great, dear."They look at each other silently. Ms. Bartolucci leans in toward the man, then sits back and laughs.
"What?" Mr. Love asks, giggling a bit.
"Had a thought, is all.""Yeah."A good 30 seconds of silence later, Mr. Love looks at you.
"Oh, hey... Jasmine! Where's the food, sweetie?""I don't think we ordered anything, dear. Heheheh."Mr. Love's eyes widen with dim realization.
"Ohhhhh. Well, we probably should order something. I'd like some squid.""Squids are weird. You can never tell what they're thinking.""Well, I don't look for a heartrending life story in my food, dear, so I'll still go with it. You got squid on the offers today, Jasmine?"What a silly question to ask, really. What self-respecting cafeteria doesn't offer imitation squid these days? It's, like, the latest culinary fad.
Suddenly, a wave of sadness and regret washes over you as the implant receives a new bit of today's news. Fortunately, at this point you are rather used to receiving tragic news on the newslink. Whether getting used to people dying every day in horrible catastrophes is actually a good thing is something you asked your Therapist once, it told you not to worry about it.
You may focus on one item of news per unit of time, obtaining additional information on this subject.
- The Engineered Derby ends with the victory of crowd-favorite Leaden Claw, world unaided top land speed record beaten at last.
- Scientists predict tectonic activity will intensify in coming years.
- Crime is at all-time low as world police force becomes 100% engineered.
- Carl Goodman to represent Mannkorp at GIC, 'inspiring new direction' rumored.
- Engineered population booming, experts worried.
- YXW frontman Joseph Greenthaal dead at 32!
- Chelo CEO sighted with wife, mistresses express concern.
- Breaking news: magnetic rail accident in East City causes mass destruction.
Name: Jasmine Thyme Model 376
Gender: Female
Attributes: heightened senses of taste and smell, increased manual dexterity, improved intellect, unobtrusively good looks, improved interpersonal ability, slight owner fixation, cranial netlink implant.
Skills: skilled chef, proficient at maintenance and repair, proficient at making smalltalk.
State of Mind: agitated due to uncertainty, internal emotional pressure.