And MA/LA Xibalba.
What was done to them?
Want to try ermor on big map strategy focused on getting burden of time as early as possible( remember someone on desura going with pulling out burden of time on turn 12 or something),
While possible, this was a gimmicky and unsuccessful way to play even before BoT was nerfed. Rushing it doesnt' give you the benefits to counter the cost, and depending on the meta, you either will not be able to get there without getting rushed, or casting BoT will incite everyone to gang up on you.
I guess, that first step is magic three, it is rather obvious. Second is neteret of many names for additional rp. But what is the most effecient research alghoritm?
Summon a dusk elder every turn that you can, and everybody researches all the time.
By contrast, attempting to summon even a single Dusk Elder with your pretender will cost you upwards of four dozen RP for a break-even point of at least 2-3 turns
Yes, but you only need to do it once. If Dusk Elders were more efficient, they would pay for themselves quickly. The real reason why not is because at magic 3, you get one RP per turn per gem regardless. It's slightly more efficient in mage turns, but in the first year that you want to be done by, that will only be relevant twice.
Side note, I just tried and got it up on turn thirteen. I was just barely short on turn twelve.
Technically with a GS and M3, Revenants are slightly better in terms of research-per-gem - you can summon 4@11rp/turn for the same price as 3@13rp/turn Spectators. However, it's probably worth it to go with the Spectators just because of how much more useful D2 is vs. D1 if you need to empty the labs...
Revenants require research to get, they set you back too much. Also, if we were factoring in utility you would go for dusk elders. But then, if we were trying to be practical we wouldn't rush burden of time.