I'unno, something like that I'd probably be eyeballing a gorgon or somethin' instead. Bit more likely to be able to actually deal with throne guardians, still fast enough that unless the map is genuinely gigantic you're still going to nab the thrones faster than anyone can really react. Probably able to manage it without tanking your everything quite so badly, too.
... why are the scales being tanked so hard, anyway? There didn't seem to be anything in that setup that actually required E9 or D9, and at the very least if someone's bumping it for research points the death pickup makes zero sense. I'm actually getting more confused the more I try to figure it out
Don't take death at all and there's a full two scales back in the bank. Don't take death
nine and that's... more scales. Even if you still take N or W up to compensate for the RP loss. Similarly if black plate's all you're forging E9 is
way excessive... same for the dominion. If you're planning on ending the game in 7+2n turns or flaming out, there's no real point in taking more than maybe dom six or seven, at most.
E: Though looking at it a bit, the real trick here would be to use that as a
disciple, with a multibless god. Everything you had before plus bless, and if you do it as fast as you should be the HP concerns don't happen.
E2: Could even make sure it's a god nation (or another disciple, or both) that has easy access to the forging you need to do, plus probably some research boosters. Then they can do the item forging and funnel RP/gold into you to speed up the research.
E3: Oooh, the dom 10 is for the awe. Forgot about that. No wonder it's such a crapshoot :V Awe's nice but a fair number of things just outright ignore it, and some of said things very much like to sit on top of thrones. Dom 9 should still work for that anyway, iirc... more points you can put in something more useful for the goal at hand.
E4: Though @Kag, if you're going that route, the spenta mainyu would probably be better... also a teleporter, also ethereal, but built in awe
5, and some pretty decent combat stats to boot (double the siddha's health, among other things). No stealth, though, but that really shouldn't be a problem... if you're intending to step on throne provinces and can't do it to indies you might as well not try
Bit expensive, though. You can still nab the E and A required for mistform and black plate without much issue even as a disciple, though. Could also consider something like a solar disc... not a teleporter, but mapmove 5 and a pretty nasty combatant. Can't wear the plate, but eh.