Forum Turn Criticals:
Do note: all dice should be individually trackable for forum turns.
When rolling a skill check for a forum turn, also roll a d20. On a 1 or a 20, the skill roll is a critical.
To find out the type of critical, find the mode of the dice, and add the skill rank. If the result is at least seven, it is a critical success. Otherwise, it is a critical failure.
For example:
For skill rank 1 and a roll of 5 for the d6, if it is a critical, it would be a critical failure.
For a skill rank of 2 and d6s at 4 and 2, that would have a mode of 3, and would also be a critical failure.
For a skill rank of 3 and d6s at 4, 4, and 1, the mode is 4, and that would be a critical success.
For a skill rank of 5 and d6s at 1, 1, 5, 5, 6, the mode would be 3 (average of the most recurring numbers), and would be a critical success.
For a skill rank of 4 and d6s at 1, 3, 5, 6, the mode would be 3.75, and that would also be a critical success.
Session Criticals:
Session criticals are purposely designed to have a lesser rate of occurrence. However, due to not being able to track individual dice in MapTools, as well as the effects of criticals in battle, there are times when the odds surpass the forum turn criticals. These should only happen with low skill ranks, however.
In any skill roll where the result is the lowest possible allowed by the dice, it is a critical failure.
In any skill roll where the result is the highest possible allowed by the dice, it is a critical success.
Kudos to Grek for his crit system, which I made a few changes to to fix up.