Mountain Homes
Take a fey mood, claim the still, and brew the ultimate chuckola cola mushroom wine. Meaning it is capable of defending the fort and making more dwarves. +1 for being Drunk!
Send the Gold Gem-Seeker to dig, looking for precious minerals.
Create the Great Gold Gurdwara, a gold building situated atop this hole in the ceiling, which shall become my abode. It is entirely made of gold and includes a penthouse for me, a laboratory, a library, classrooms and bedrooms, and a shrine.
If successful, celebrate by knocking back a pint of whatever the dwarves brewed.
Fix mah nose. Then go and learn stone magic. also wake up. +2!
Give the nearest creature a death glare.
Fire orbs of energy at the same entity's face. +2!
Construct a bridge o' crundles over the gap in front of me. Make a smelter and wood furnace
Mine. Those. GEMS!
Kill a nearby living thing and use it's life force to fuel my ascent to wizard-dom.
Summon the ghosts of the elephants who died and have them haunt the mount home to... ANNOY EVERYONE!
Try my patented (also patent it) "Pinnochio" style of gaining the life sphere again. I.E. CRAFT A REAL DWARF THIS TIME. NOT A STATUE.
Keep practicing my dwarf-fu moves on aseaheru's body.
Gather power from nearby shadows.
(6+1) You have been taken by a fey mood! You gather all of the plump helmets and head to the still! You begin creating the finest wine the world will ever know in it's entire history!
(1) Your Seeker views you, the wizard of Gold, and highly valuable! It lunges at you!
(2+2) You successfully wake up and pick yourself up!
(4+2) The closest thing to you in the Gold Wizard's Guardian, you annihilate it!
(6) You and your crundles start up the fort metal industry!
(1) Your friggin' pick breaks again. At least it should be easier to make new ones.
(1) You punch a yak, it kicks you in the face.
(2) You begin to channel the rage of your past life, but the ghosts don't respond!
(2) You fail to create anything!
(5) After he picks himself off the floor, you perform another round-house kick, sending him flying up the stairs!
Bunnybob77 has gone berserk!(6) You draw in immense power! +3 to next Shadow Spell!
(1) You wear yourself out!
Random Event (3) Nothing unusual happens.
Outskirts of Mountain Homes
Look for back pain medicine in caravan whist guards finish righting wagon.
Set off towards the mountainhomes again.
Go to Mountain Homes.
(4) You find the medicine for back pain as your guards right the wagon, you set back off!
(1) A dwarf guard kicks you in the shin for knocking their wagon over.

Dragon's Coast
(4) You come up to the strange item. It has some kind of a grasping arm on one end, and elongated wheels. It is definitely mechanical in nature, and looks very old, almost older than the world itself....

Lamias Capital
Continue studying dammit! I will make the tardis and no one will stop me! Kj1225 give me strength!
(1) You smash your head into your desk in frustration! You break your table and give yourself a cut on your face!

Wizard's Island
Make spell wizard armor (Magical light-weight armor appear on caster can't be removed without dismissing the spell )
Construct a mobile fortified tower with a ballista on top.
Head towards the Mountainhomes.
(3) You try to summon some magical armor, but that style of magic was never really your forte. You think of ways to abuse portal magic to form armor, but can't think of any good way to go about it.
(6) You summon a massive siege tower! You wheel it to the shore and magic yourself up a ship to carry you across the oceans!

Depths of the World
(3) You can hear the rock screaming in pain! Oh the pleasure it gives your ears!

Ascend to explosionhood.
I spawn as a Grizzled, scarred dwarf. Right above his head it says "Urist Rune, Metalsmith". I'd like to spawn on the right side of the map. I also attempt to spawn with a copper warhammer "For smithing, he says" I am an adequate swimmer, so I don't drown!!!... I hope...
Spawn as a Prototype, like Mercer. Wander around looking for things to eat. Like magic things that are organic. Oh, and have a archeaotech thunder hammer. Just in case.
(1) You realize that you are dead.
(6) You sail in from the east, wielding your copper warhammer! Your floating text dissolves as it impacts with the map edge, however, due to lazy artists. The bums!
(2) You spawn as a virus. Somewhere, somehow, somebody just got sick for the first time in the world.
Gia: Habitable Formed by kj1225 the First
Helios: Star Formed by kj1225 the First
Hatvia: Moon Formed by Remuthra the Hat
Stars: Created by Remuthra the Hat
Void-Spawn: Extinct Created by Xantalos the Devourer
Hatvians: Created by Remuthra the Hat
Dragons: Thriving Created by GreatWyrmGold the Dragon
Magma Snakes: Created by Xantalos the Mantle Snake
Dwarves: Small Colony Created by Remuthra the Hat
Wizards: 6 members Unknown Origin
Lamias: 1 City Created by kj1225 the First
Unnamed Dwarven Civilization: 1 Colony
Unnamed Lamias Civilization: 1 City
Wizard Hermit House: 1 House
The Towers of Trail: Created by killerhellhound the Wizard
Nazush Midortosid: Power Armor created by BFEL the Dwarf
MountainAssaults, The Siege Fortress: created by Elephant Parade
Summon Void-Spawn: Ancient Created by Xantalos the Devourer
Void Plague: Ancient Created by GreatWyrmGold the Dragon
Divine Cage Ancient Created by kj1225 the First
Conjure Hat: Ancient Created by Remuthra the Hat
Summon Explosives: Explosions Created by Remuthra the Wizard
Gilan's Golden Shackles: Gold Created by GreatWyrmGold the Wizard
Lukeinator's Levitation: Wind Created by Lukeinator the Wizard
Forceful Jaunt: Portals Created by "Git off my lawn!" killerhellhound the Wizard
Gilan's Golden Guardian: Gold Created by GreatWyrmGold the Wizard
Terraformers: Ancient Created by kj1225 the First
Copper age: Developed by Lamias
Dwarven age: Developed by Dwarves
Kj1225 the First
Xantalos the Devourer
GreatWrymGold the Dragon
Remuthra the Hat
BFEL, First Dwarf - Healthy Creator of Nazush Midortosid Mountain Homes
Aseaheru - Broken Nose, Heavy Bleeding, Possible Fractured Bones, Unable to Grasp Mountain Homes
Squidgen - Healthy Magical Beard, Leader of Crundles Mountain Homes
BunnyBob77 - Healthy Berserk Mountain Homes
Gamerlord, Dwarven Wizard - Face bleeding Gold Mountain Homes
flabort - Healthy Drunk, Fey Mood Mountain Homes
Zanzetkuken The Great - Healthy Super Dwarf Mountain Homes
TopHat - Merchant Outskirts of Mountain Homes
Coolrune206 - Healthy Mountain Homes
killerhellhound - Healthy Portals Creator of The Towers of Trials Wizard's Island
Kj1225, Time Wizard - Face Bleeding Time Lamias Capital
GreatWyrmGold, Wizard - Healthy Gold Mountain Homes Trials Passed Cheated
Remuthra, Wizard - Deceased
Lukeinator, the Grey - Leg Pain Wind Outskirts of the Mountain Homes
Elephant Parade, Steve - Healthy Fortifications Creator of MountainAssaults, the Siege Fortress Wizard's Island
Dansmithers, Laser Dragon - Healthy Lasers Mountain Homes
Scionox, Shadow Dragon - Healthy +3 Charge Shadow Mountain Homes
wolfchild, Sky Dragon - Healthy Sky Dragon's Coast
Powder Miner, Powder Man - Healthy Mountain Homes
blademan9999, Elephant - Deceased
Xantalos, Mantle Serpent - Healthy Depths of the World
freeformschooler, Cave Elf - Healthy Mountain Homes
blademan9999 the Dwarven Statue - Mountain Homes
ArchAIngel, the virus - Healthy? Unknown