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Author Topic: You are a Lord II  (Read 33544 times)


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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #105 on: June 15, 2013, 08:06:21 am »

"As you wish, Your Majesty, your will be done" says Atsam, bowing in courtesy.

Ignoring the Blade's attempts at misdirection, the Chancellor sends for the Lord Marshal, before turning to face Mr. Robert.

"Lord Atsam, the Chancellor" he greets you, offering his hand "I take it you are Mr. Robert, the Guild representative?"

"Why, yes, the Kingdom is in dire need of a man of your skills, though there isn't much to be done until I can present the report on the state of the Realm. Rest assured, there is much to be done if we want Meridia to be as prosperous as its wealthier neighbours; while we may be the largest Kingdom in the region, the land's development and the wealth of its people still leave much to desire"


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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #106 on: June 15, 2013, 09:01:40 am »

Have the financial reports from across the realm brought to me and tally them for presentation before the Court.
Compile a list of the realm's noble vassals, free cities and bishopries, with their respective income and crown taxes.

Lord Atsam: It takes less time than you would like, but you are able to retrieve a summary of Meridia's finances.

Royal Demesne: Covers about a third of the country.  10% Land Tax produces a Small income, as Meridia is not terribly developed.  This includes forestry and logging income.  Supplies half of the present levy (100% of Royal Demesne levy).

Town of Meridon: Capital.  Has a Moderate income from trade and industry.  10% Urban Tax produces a Meagre income for the Crown.

Town of Penters: Ghost town.  A recent plague nearly eradicated the population of Penters and, even though the plague has since passed, few have dared return to set up business again.  Has a Trickle of income from trade and industry.  Even with the 10% Urban Tax, it produces No Appreciable Income for the Crown.

Temple of Viridon:  Has a Small income from tithes.  Tax Exempt.

Temple of Highreach:  Administered by Hulen.  Has a mere Trickle of income from tithes and offerings due to its extremely out of the way location.  Tax Exempt.

Earldom of Gol: Feudal vassal.  Tax Exempt.  Supplies a quarter of the present levy (20% of Gol's total levy).  Has a Small income from land, bulked up slightly by sub-vassal dues.
 - Town of Brighthall: Urban sub-vassal.  10% Tax to Gol.  Has a Small income from trade and industry.

Earldom of Breen: Feudal vassal.  Tax Exempt.  Supplies a quarter of the present levy (20% of Gol's total levy).  Has a Small income primarily from land.
 - Temple of Asterbury: Religious sub-vassal.  Tax Exempt.  Has a Small income from tithes.

The country is Stable and largely Content.

Total Income: Small+


(Treasury: Small+)
Blades/Secret Police: Meagre  (Treasury: Small)
Hillfolk Tribute: Meagre  (Treasury: Small-)
Festivals: Meagre  (Treasury: Meagre+)
Military: Trickle  (Treasury: Meagre)
Royal Household: Trickle    (Treasury: Meagre-)

Surplus: Meagre-

Hoarded Treasury: Moderate-

The current Lord Marshal is, in fact, Commander Raeric (the old Lord Marshal died recently from food poisoning).  He's right there.

At the court, Hulen approached the king once more.

'Your Highness, with your permission, I will return to the Highwood to speak with the ancestors. They will know the omens and grant us their blessing. The peasantry believes fervently in the meaning of such things - you will have an army of the people overnight.'

Regardless of the King's answer, Hulen leaves for his temple to prepare for a ritual.

You return to Highreach and begin the necessary preparations for your rite.  What will you attempt to achieve?

Sire, if I might introduce myself. I'm Robert, one of the late King's court Architects. The Guilds have seen it fit to appoint me as one of their representatives, in order to settle relations and address certain problems.

((Actually, I think an OOC thread might be usefull. Last game seemed to have suffered from OOC in IC quite a bit))

Check the OOC thread for talents.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2013, 09:23:27 am by Iituem »
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #107 on: June 15, 2013, 09:15:57 am »

Hey can one of you roll to decide if the chancellor knows it's a fake pretending to be Alexis or not please.
The darkness was eternal, all-powerful, unchangeable.
She had stared into it for to many years, alone and unblinking, determined that it would not take her.
Now it never would.
Now she was lighting a candle.


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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #108 on: June 15, 2013, 09:18:09 am »

[opposed roll; Chancellor 5, "Alexis" 4]  Chancellor Atsam, you have long suspected the use of doubles in the king's bodyguard.  The impostor is good, but her breasts are just that little bit bigger than Alexia's and her hips too wide.  You've spent a lot of time looking at Alexia's body, so you know pretty well.  Her imitation of the voice is pretty much perfect, though.
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #109 on: June 15, 2013, 09:39:31 am »

"My king, if I may present myself as the Lord Mayor Anders of Meridon. May I request permission to take up residence in your court and thusly provide thee with a first-hand account on the affairs of the economy of the realm?

[I forgot a name....XD]
« Last Edit: June 15, 2013, 10:16:21 am by ansontan2000 »
When a soldier makes a mistake, one man dies.
When a captain makes a mistake, a dozen men die.
When a commander makes a mistake, a thousand men die.
When an emperor makes a mistake, well, there is a game save for retry.


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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #110 on: June 15, 2013, 09:47:11 am »

(( This is for Alexis herself not the double ))

Deciding that if she's to play the part she will need certain things Alexis left her hut and after wandering for a short time came across the chiefs assistant, a short time later after a brief conversation he handed over a pouch of money and sent her on her way.

Heading into the town Alexis looked around for a while playing the part before entering a series of shops to make purchases, the first items she bought were a selection of dresses some for day to day use and some clearly for more intimate situations, next she collected a small set of shaving blades and then several different hair dyes.
Finally she bought herself several vials of a sleeping agents distilled from plants and after receiving a warning that taking to much would be dangerous she set off back to her new hut.

Stopped by the guards on her way in they quickly found the shaving blades and demanded to know what they were for and Alexis blushing deeply looked at the ground and muttered a quiet answer.

I need to... uhm... shave myself in a... delicate... place, before tonight.

After another moments inspection the guard nodded and handing her belongings back to her allowed her to pass, having nothing more to do for the day Alexis returned to her hut and settled down to sleep.
Some time later with the sun long since set a servant entered her hut and waking her up informed her that the chief would arrive soon.

Nodding her thanks as the servant left Alexis took off her dress and folded it up careful to place it out of the way then selected the lightest and most revealing of the dresses she had bought earlier in the day and laid herself back on the bed angled to show her body in the most appealing position, waiting for the chief to arrive Alexis wondered idly to herself if the chiefs impressive size continued beneath the belt and felt herself becoming slightly aroused at the thoughts of what was to come, though her head remained clear enough that she knew she had to please the chief as much as possible and tire him out if her plan was to work.
As the chief entered her hut she smiled idly to herself at the eager look in his eyes as he took in her body again, why shouldn't she enjoy her work?
That thought still in her head Alexis pulled the dress down to her waist and welcomed him to her bed with open arms.

Willingly lay with the chief, keep him going until he's exhausted and doing everything possible to become his favourite, in the morning when he wakes if he seems pleased then ask him if he will help her to get the people who killed her family.

(( This is for the fake. ))

Leaning in closely to the king the blade whispered quietly in the kings ear.

My mistress instructed me to discuss a proposition with you, she intended to do so herself but is unable to now as you know, would you kindly come to the Blades gathering hall this evening.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2013, 10:16:27 am by Alexandria »
The darkness was eternal, all-powerful, unchangeable.
She had stared into it for to many years, alone and unblinking, determined that it would not take her.
Now it never would.
Now she was lighting a candle.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #111 on: June 15, 2013, 10:18:12 am »

"Sorry, for the delay in responding sir. I was writing down notes. I think that educating those outside the castle halls is a great idea, I shall be back in relatively short order."
Kyle leaves the castle to begin looking for people to take care of the new libraries.


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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #112 on: June 15, 2013, 10:37:05 am »

"Lord Atsam, the Chancellor" he greets you, offering his hand "I take it you are Mr. Robert, the Guild representative?"

"Why, yes, the Kingdom is in dire need of a man of your skills, though there isn't much to be done until I can present the report on the state of the Realm. Rest assured, there is much to be done if we want Meridia to be as prosperous as its wealthier neighbours; while we may be the largest Kingdom in the region, the land's development and the wealth of its people still leave much to desire"
Yes, My lord.

In the meantime however, there are some other issues I would like to address. Some of the merchant guilds have seen it fit to appoint me as their representative, in order to bring attention to their problems at court. It appears we have the time to settle these things now, or to talk them over before bringing them before the King's judgment, if nessecairy. Most are only trivial affairs, after all.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2013, 10:42:20 am by 10ebbor10 »

Digital Hellhound

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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #113 on: June 15, 2013, 10:44:54 am »

Highreach rose on a cragged peak, guarded on all sides by the forest. The north wind bit at Hulen's skin even through the thick furs as he made his way up the moonlit path. The meandering path was supposed to draw pilgrims to self-reflection on their way. Hulen cared little for the tradition, making his way onwards as quickly as his impressive bulk and the slope allowed. His retinue - guards and servants - followed in silence. The shaman's wheezing breath drowned out the sounds of their surroundings.

The soft glow of the temple's fires made him breathe a sigh of relief. The task ahead would be wearying, slightly dangerous, but atleast it would be inside the temple's sturdy walls and solitude. He was glad to see a great pillar of smoke arising from the top of the building - they'd lit the Godsfire, the great pyre in the heart of the temple. It symbolized - well, something different to the northerner pilgrims, but to him it was a reminder, a rope that would connect this world and the one above, and allow him to find his way back. If the ancestors were not pleased, they would let him know in the most painful way possible.

The warmth flooded into his bones as he stepped over the temple's threshold. The retainers of the temple greeted him solemnly - heathens, the lot of them, but they bowed to his authority - as he passed them. Hulen took note of pilgrims, mostly northerners clad in their furs and dyed cloaks, huddled around in the petitioner's chamber. They'd have to pay the tithe before they were allowed inside to see their holy relics and gather around the Godsfire. His heart jumped at the thought of their silver and valuables stowed away safely in his chambers.

But first, there was work to be done. The preparation for the ritual would take hours - he had no intention of travelling to the Twilight Realms just like that, and no illusions of the dangers an unwary visitor could fall to. The ancestors' dwelled on the threshold, where they saw far. He was thankful that there was no need to go higher, to where the spirits and the lesser Kin held sway. And then the ancients, and the true fae...

'Make sure the doors are sealed,' he said to his servants. 'No-one is to bother me until the ritual is complete.'

Moonlight fell softly into the center of the room. Hulen removed his cloak and furs and began the preparations.

Candles, for light, to grant him vision. A circle, drawn with dirt, to hold him to this world. Iron, an ancient dagger, for protection - a token gesture, more than anything. Too much would be an insult, but going without would be foolish.

A charm thrice-told to clear the mind. The secret herbs and substances, to convey his spirit from this world. He let their smoke fill his senses, engulf them in their effects.Hulen closed his eyes, feeling his body draw away. The northern lights danced in the night sky. A good omen. They drew down to carry him far.

Hulen performs a ritual to travel to the spirit world of the Twilight Realms. He spends several hours in preparation to ensure an easy journey (as much as such a thing exists), using a variety of tools and questionable, but undeniably potent substances. Hulen seeks out the ancestors of Meridia, to ask for their judgement on the war and for their blessing. The ancestors see much mortals do not - what is, what has been, what will be.

If the ancestors are pleased and the omens good, Hulen intends to travel the land, rallying the peasantry to the King's cause.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #114 on: June 15, 2013, 10:47:43 am »

He nods attentively "Very well, let us go through them now and, if necessary, you will have the opportunity to present them as a follow-up to my report on the realm's state of affairs"


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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #115 on: June 15, 2013, 11:18:20 am »

Well,While roads around the capital are in a excellent state, the roads farther away are degrading. Oft, only a small path or mud road exists to connect several villages. These mud roads are prone to degradation, and quickly become impassable during rains. Brigands and bandits are seizing opportunities like these, especially in the surroundings of Penters, where they are especially numerous. Most likely, these are refugees from the plague, driven to theft to survive

Several guilds request the lowering of their taxes, or the opportunity to pay in service rather than gold. Some guilds also request additional protection and rights, as unlicensed workers are undercutting them in several villages.

Robert turns around, and points to a map of Meridia, hanging from one of the walls.

If I might be so bold sir, I think that the construction of a stone paved road and a few bridges could solve these problems, and provide additional income to the throne. I even worked out some possible routes. We could either run the road from town to town, and from shrine to shrine. This would be cheaper, as we can take advantage of large parts of already existent infrastructure. Another possibility is a direct connection, which would require the construction of multiple bridges and large stretches of road. It would allows us a far faster connection however, and one that's easier to tax.   


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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #116 on: June 15, 2013, 11:40:31 am »

"The roads I can agree with, and, as I suppose Penters doesn't have the manpower to form a militia at the present moment, the brigands must also be dealt with, though it'd be a shame to dispose of them when they could be manning the town" he strokes his chin "we could, however, offer pardons to any who'd abandon their ways to aid in road construction for their base life needs"

He paces around a bit, thinking the matter over "The taxes are low enough as is, at 10%, but, as we are looking to expand the realm's infrastructure, we could temporarily lower them in return for the guilds's collaboration, on a case by case basis; for instance, if the guilds were willing to supply the worker's food rations and the stone required for the roads, we could exempt them from an equal sum in taxation for the duration of the project"

He stops "As for the guarantees, in exchange for their cooperation in the maintenance of the roads, which is also in their best interest, we'd be willing to issue a decree requiring a guild license for the hiring of certain workers across the entirety of the realm"

"More importantly, we've long required the construction of a royal road branching to every major settlement in Meridia, a project relating to your second suggestion and therefore, while more expensive, easier to maintain and more efficient. What say you to these terms?"
« Last Edit: June 19, 2013, 03:30:42 pm by Azthor »


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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #117 on: June 15, 2013, 11:58:38 am »

About twenty minutes after having been called, Raeric arrived, interrupting the meeting between Atsam and Robert. He gave them both a short salute.

"Apologies for the delay, Chancellor, I was looking at my predecessor's records when I heard you wished to see me. Is this about the military equipment?"


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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #118 on: June 15, 2013, 12:03:44 pm »

He nods "Indeed, Marshal, while a formal report will follow soon, I can already say the realm's finances could be better. While the treasury has enough that we might be able to improve the army, maintaining that is a whole other can of worms... Not that we can rely further on the Earls, as it'd seem their individual levies are already greater than the Royal Demesne's. Can you run an estimate on how much it'd cost us to equip the men and, in time, the upkeep for said equipment and a more regular training schedule?"


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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #119 on: June 15, 2013, 12:11:55 pm »

The commander shrugged.

"That depends. Assuming you only want me to reform the troops of the royal demesne - I doubt we want the vassals getting any stronger than they are now - it shouldn't be too expensive. I specifically chose some relatively cheap materials. As for training... It shouldn't cost much either, if I can do everything I've got in mind."

Action: Investigate how much it would cost to equip the royal demesne's troops with spears, wooden shields, axes, and leather armor. (Basic equipment, or a level above?)
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