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Author Topic: You are a Lord II  (Read 33550 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #120 on: June 15, 2013, 12:29:10 pm »

Willingly lay with the chief, keep him going until he's exhausted and doing everything possible to become his favourite, in the morning when he wakes if he seems pleased then ask him if he will help her to get the people who killed her family.

[6] You're a demon in the sack.  Too much of a demon, in fact.  The chief collapses on top of you mid-coitus, [3] gasping for breath and desperately clutching his chest.  The guards at the hut entrance rush in, take in the situation [6] and scream "WITCH!", then run away from you as far as they can.  You can hear screaming and panic from outside the tent.

What do you do now?

Herr Gamel silently curses his luck. He thinks carefully for a moment.
"This man is must be one of the Uthri Shaman that the trader spoke of. It would not do to offend him - he might lay some vile curse on me. I must be honest."

"I come from the east, in Meridia, where I am a hunter. I haff come to the Hills to trade gold and pelts for knowledge of the six tribes. I have learned what I haff come to learn, and so I will soon depart. I cannot say more zan zat, save that I come in peace and vant no trouble."

The old man listens carefully as you speak, his face a mask.  [?] He smiles another toothless smile.  "Good.  Peace is good for all men, and all good men want peace.  Here."  The old man tosses you a shiny silver coin, bearing a triple-knot insignia that you do not recognise.  "May it bring you good luck, so long as you act toward peace."  The old man gives you a nod and shuffles away, cackling softly to himself.

It is getting late, so you trade some of the coin you got from your furs for a place by the hearth at a local wayfarer's longhouse.  Mid-way through the night you are woken by sounds of panic and screaming.  The word "witch" comes to your ears.  How do you respond?

"Sorry, for the delay in responding sir. I was writing down notes. I think that educating those outside the castle halls is a great idea, I shall be back in relatively short order."
Kyle leaves the castle to begin looking for people to take care of the new libraries.

[1] Unfortunately, not only are there a lack of learned people in Meridia, your own censorship of literature in the kingdom under Pelagius has made the general populace suspicious of educated people in general!  Most scholars avoid Meridia like the plague due to the hefty repression of free thought.  [5] The good news is that the king's coronation did attract visitors from beyond the country's borders, one of whom is a renowned philosopher, Ansalem of Vindik.  Ansalem has travelled to Meridia as part of a lengthy tour of the continent, bringing a small cadre of followers with him.  You manage to arrange a meeting with him and discover that he is knowledgeable in several areas of natural philosophy and could be a great boon to your efforts.

[4-1] Ansalem does express interest in staying in Meridia, and his followers could certainly serve as librarians, but the brutal oppression of free thought under Pelagius gives him serious pause.  His condition for joining the court (aside from an annual retainer to pay for his needs and investigations) is that you put an end to the suppression of literature and discussion that you yourself formerly headed up.

Hulen performs a ritual to travel to the spirit world of the Twilight Realms. He spends several hours in preparation to ensure an easy journey (as much as such a thing exists), using a variety of tools and questionable, but undeniably potent substances. Hulen seeks out the ancestors of Meridia, to ask for their judgement on the war and for their blessing. The ancestors see much mortals do not - what is, what has been, what will be.

If the ancestors are pleased and the omens good, Hulen intends to travel the land, rallying the peasantry to the King's cause.

Magic takes place over three stages; Summoning, Binding and Dismissal.  The amount and cost of preparation for each stage is consummate to the power being used.  Since this is a very weak spell, and you are doing it in a place of power with clearly specified preparations and taking your time about it, you get some advantages.

You do not rush.  Rushing is deadly.  You spend a full hour carefully drawing out the circle, down to the very individual grains of dirt, to ensure the pattern is perfectly recreated.  You measure out the proportion of herbs and oils exactly before placing them in the braziers.  Even though it hurts your eyes a little, you make damn sure you are facing the Godsfire - if everything goes to hell, it's your safest route out.  You bless and prepare the iron dagger with scented water.

You breathe.  Time distorts, and the crackling of the flames fills your being.  You stare at the flames until the rest of the world goes dark, and only the fire remains, a column of light piercing the endless night.  You stand, leaving your body behind, and begin to climb the flames, finding handholds and footholds among the lazily swaying tendrils of fire.  You climb until you can dare to look away, and see that the temple is far, far beneath you and all about you is night.

The dark has texture.  There is deeper darkness within the black, and you begin to sense the places of shadow where it is safe for you to tread.  With care and trepidation, you let go of the Godsfire and clamber onto the soft, yielding darkness.  You make your way through the shadow, taking care now and again to make sure you can still see the thin stream of Godsfire in the distance at your back.

When you are far enough in that the shadows almost choke you, you call out to the spirits here with the closest personal connection to you; your ancestors.  In effect, you use yourself as a focus.

They do not respond immediately.  You spend a great length of time (how long, you cannot say) calling out to them until at last the clouds of darkness part and a silvery form steps out.  Death has changed your father greatly; he is twilight and moonsilver now, not flesh and blood, and his eyes are two pits of shadow.  He still wears about him the garb of shaman, the very same garb upon your chest.

Infidel, he whispers.  Betrayer of the old ways.  You are no son of mine.

He is silent, and you fear your journey is for naught.  You demand of him to know what he can tell you of the war, and for his blessing.

I give you no blessing, false child.  You bring no sacrifice, make no offering to please me.  I will answer what you demand, but only because of the power the living hold upon the dead.  But you will gain no boon from me.

Your father extends a hand, and the clouds of shadow at your feet part.  A pool of silvery light forms, and shapes take form within it.  You see symbols and figures appear as your father speaks.

Once, seven beasts stalked through hill and glade.  Mighty they were, and free, and easily did they bathe within the twilight and the shade.  Then, the weakest and most pitiable of the pack grew jealous and desired more.  He made a pact with an ogress, and lay with her, and she birthed a litter of half-breed pups.  The seventh beast drove his kin away from the lush glades and into the forbidding hills, and he drove the twilight with them.  Now he bathed only in the harsh yellow light the ogress gave.

Often the six tried to reclaim their birthright, but the seventh held them back.  The pack fought themselves to a standstill, and a peace was held for a time.  Three of the six wanted peace.  Two did not.  The sixth held counsel with the twilight instead.

The road forks.  With peace, the twilight is preserved.  With war, it will falter, or crush the yellow light of the ogre.  But lazy as the ogre is, the twilight acts more readily.

The pool shows you two buildings, temples of similar construction to your own; one high in the mountains, the other nestled in a hidden valley.  Steams of silvery fire rise from their spires.

Without the twilight, the six dare not strike, and the twilight still holds two nests even if the third has been corrupted by the yellow light.  Preserve the two, and victory may still come.  If they are lost, so too will the spirit of the six be crushed.  Return the third to the fold, and no force will stop the shadow's return.

The shadows close back over the pool, concealing it.  You look up to your father again, only to find that several other figures garbed in the same robes have joined him.  In fact, they appear to be surrounding you.  You place your hand idly on the dagger at your belt.  Your father draws a matching blade of silvery light from his own belt, as do the ancestors around you.

You made no offering, but a tribute we will take.  No ogre-child will stop our war.  You may have taken the knowledge you desired, but you will not return it so easily to your masters.

The shades close in around you, stabbing with their silvery knives.  You draw your own iron blade in desperation, the edge slicing through your father like gossamer.  His shade shatters into twilight, and you claw your way through the shades with your iron even as silvery blade slash at your arms and legs.  You break free, running pell mell for the distant tiny spire of golden flame.  Ghostly figures try to block your path, but you carve your way through them until you reach the Godsfire and hurl yourself onto the flames.  You scramble down the fire like a giant beanstalk, until you slip and start to fall...

You awaken with a start.  Sunlight filters in through the hole in the roof, and the Godsfire has burned down to embers.  Your arms and legs sting with pain, and you examine them to find several raised welts where the spirit blades struck.  You grimace at the memory of dispatching your father and other ancestors.  No doubt they will reform in time, but you suspect that you will not be able to cast this exact spell again for a while.

[4+1, 3, 6]

The commander shrugged.

"That depends. Assuming you only want me to reform the troops of the royal demesne - I doubt we want the vassals getting any stronger than they are now - it shouldn't be too expensive. I specifically chose some relatively cheap materials. As for training... It shouldn't cost much either, if I can do everything I've got in mind."

Action: Investigate how much it would cost to equip the royal demesne's troops with spears, wooden shields, axes, and leather armor. (Basic equipment, or a level above?)

You could upgrade the army's equipment to the basic standard you require with a Meagre apportion of the treasury.  Training to a level of basic discipline would likely require the same, plus two weeks of furious drilling to get the current levies into half-decent shape.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2013, 12:33:47 pm by Iituem »
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #121 on: June 15, 2013, 12:40:56 pm »

(( That is not exactly what I had in mind, but this does give me an idea. ))

Grab my knives from my dress sleeves and drive them both into his heart.
Remove my armour from my pack and put it on, then search the chiefs clothing for anything important or of value then swiftly carve a message into his chest.

Your clan has lost it's way, those true of faith sent me to punish you and now your chief lies dead, we name you all outcasts from the alliance forever more.

Walk outside and lower the mask to hide my face, keep my bag with me but keep it empty except for the hair dye and sleeping medicine, then head for the treasury, stay hidden and do not attack anybody, if I'm stopped then explain that I have been hunting a witch and tracked her to this town. After all, nobody has seen me in my armour and they have no reason to suspect me of being anything what I say I am.

« Last Edit: June 15, 2013, 01:26:12 pm by Alexandria »
The darkness was eternal, all-powerful, unchangeable.
She had stared into it for to many years, alone and unblinking, determined that it would not take her.
Now it never would.
Now she was lighting a candle.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #122 on: June 15, 2013, 12:43:38 pm »

Kyle strides into the throne room.
"Sire, great news! It just so happens that Ansalem of Vindik is here and is willing to join the court for an annual retainer to pay for his needs and investigations and that we stop the suppression of literature and discussion. Do you know what this could do for the kingdom! All you have to do is agree and I can begin a campaign to support knowledge immediately."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #123 on: June 15, 2013, 12:45:09 pm »

Having thought for some time the Blade motioned for one of her sisters to approach then sent her off to find a good map, while waiting she asked the king.

" My lord do you happen to know of any mines, forges or tanneries nearby to our borders that do not belong to us and are not within a city or town?
« Last Edit: June 15, 2013, 12:58:17 pm by Alexandria »
The darkness was eternal, all-powerful, unchangeable.
She had stared into it for to many years, alone and unblinking, determined that it would not take her.
Now it never would.
Now she was lighting a candle.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #124 on: June 15, 2013, 12:46:23 pm »

Herr Gamel's first thought is "Witch?!", followed quickly by his second: "Alexis!"

Even a brief meeting with such a unique personality as hers leaves a distinct impression, and after two days alone in the woods with her, covered with mud and leaves, the Royal Forester is certain that she is the cause of this commotion. After all, who else could so much panic in the populace and so much trouble for him at so late an hour?

Run toward the screaming, in hopes of finding Alexis and getting out of the village as soon as possible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #125 on: June 15, 2013, 12:52:58 pm »

"The roads I can agree with, and, as I suppose Penters doesn't have the manpower to form a militia at the present moment, the brigands must also be dealt with, though it'd be a shame to dispose of them when they could be manning the town" he strokes his chin "we could, however, offer pardons to any who'd abandon their ways to aid in road construction for their base life needs"

He paces around a bit, thinking the matter over "The taxes are low enough as is, at 10%, but, as we are looking to expand the realm's infrastructure, we could temporarily lower them in return for the guilds's collaboration, on a case by case basis; for instance, if the guilds were willing to supply the worker's food rations and the stone required for the roads, we could exempt them from an equal sum in taxation for the duration of the project"

He stops "As for the gurantees, in exchange for their coveration in the maintenance of the roads, which is also in their best interest, we'd be willing to issue a decree requiring a guild license for the hiring of certain workers across the entirety of the realm"

"More importantly, we've long required the construction of a royal road branching to every major settlement in Meridia, a project relating to your second suggestion and therefore, while more expensive, easier to maintain and more efficient. What say you to these terms?"

"While I'm certain the Guilds would find these terms agreeable, I can't make a binding agreement in their place. I can inform them of the proposition however, and I'm certain they will be open to the idea of contributing through the road. Still, the problem remains that the road will have to cut through some of our larger forests and other areas devoid of human habitation. Finding workers both willing and competent enough to do that might prove challenging. After all, there's some skill and discipline required to construct a decent road, especially if we're working without preexisting foundation."

Try to get an estimated cost on the road, and the opinions of Guild leadership on the proposal
« Last Edit: June 15, 2013, 04:17:43 pm by 10ebbor10 »

Digital Hellhound

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #126 on: June 15, 2013, 01:22:14 pm »

Hulen groaned as he picked himself up from the floor. Abyss take the ancestors. Infidel? Betrayer of the old ways? Hulen sighed. He didn't care much for either faith. The spirits and the Twilight existed, that was for sure, but attracting the attention of its 'gods' with worship had never seemed like a good idea. It wasn't like Father had been there to teach him, either. Bastards, the lot of them.

The same pattern of thinking kept him busy when he made his way out of his sanctum, finding the retainers waiting for him. Likely they expected him to bear news, good or bad. He supposed he did, but the cryptic message would be for the king's ears only. If he even cared.

He considered things for a moment. The ancestors had certainly not given him the kingdom their blessing, but the peasantry would not need to know. He had less reservations about that than he expected. Well, it was their own damn fault for treating him so badly. The peasantry would hear of the good omens and the assured victory and flock to the banners.

After resting, Hulen leaves Highreach to travel across the countryside, rallying the peasantry to the King's cause and army (Demagogue).
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #127 on: June 15, 2013, 01:27:45 pm »

The Chancellor seems to be confused "Mr. Kyle, while these news are not unwelcome, were you not the one who sponsored the censorship in the first place? Pray tell, what prompted the change of mind?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #128 on: June 15, 2013, 01:32:54 pm »

"I may have sponsored it but I never approved of it. Do you think I like having to be stuck in here to find someone close to an intellectual equal? The main reason I did it was because I was told to do it."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #129 on: June 15, 2013, 01:39:29 pm »

He nods "Very well, as it suits the Kingdom, and pertains to your responsabilities, I shall not question you on the matter. Assuming he only expects what arrangements are due to a scholar as a retainer, and not those of a noble, you may consider it approved; I will personally sponsor him if necessary, assuming His Majesty does not will against his stay, of course".


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #130 on: June 15, 2013, 01:41:40 pm »

"Of course, I shall inform him at once and begin making plans."
Kyle heads off to do what he said he would.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #131 on: June 15, 2013, 02:45:25 pm »

((I would have posted this long ago, but I had wi-fi and RL issues.))

"I gratefully accept the position. And as for the escort, I appreciate the thought and will accept a few guardians. More than that seems unneeded."

Begin preparations for the journey.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #132 on: June 15, 2013, 03:14:47 pm »

Raeric entered the throne room roughly at midday, where he promptly walked across the room and bowed before the king.

"Your Highness, I believe we have the funds to turn your levies into a real army, and I will soon begin training efforts. However, I came here to ask - how much money are you willing to spend on this endeavor? For a meagre sum, we could equip your demesne's troops with basic equipment - the bare minimum to make some real infantry out of them. However, if you are willing to spend more funds, I could invest in more varied and higher quality equipment. What is your opinion on this, if I may ask, Your Highness?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #133 on: June 15, 2013, 03:29:13 pm »

"Lord Mayor, your position at my court is welcome and I look forward seeing commons and burghers bring their problems to me.

Censorship as established in my father's reign is officially ended, with sole exception on works critiquing monarchy or my dynasty. I shall furnish the philosopher with a pension and accommodate his fellows as well. I am looking forward to restoration of knowledge in my kingdom.

I want to spend as much as possible on army. We shall pay no more tribute and our emissary shall buy us time. My chancellor shall provide appropriate funds to you. i am still waiting for his report however...."

He then turned to the spy.
"If there is an offer to be made to me, come to the throne room. Liege never walks to his vassals' summons, remember that."

Having thought for some time the Blade motioned for one of her sisters to approach then sent her off to find a good map, while waiting she asked the king.

" My lord do you happen to know of any mines, forges or tanneries nearby to our borders that do not belong to us and are not within a city or town?

[1] There are no such facilities near our borders. Moreover, no such facilities and industries exist far within the territory of our neighbors either what industry exists is protected by towns and forts. This land is still fairly untamed and each resource is guarded jealously.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2013, 03:46:42 pm by Ardas »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #134 on: June 15, 2013, 03:46:25 pm »

Chancellor Atsam approaches King Arcadius with a stack of scrolls "If the time is opportune, I shall get us started on the royal treasury's report"

Spoiler: Treasury (click to show/hide)

"The entirety of the Crown's income comes from the Royal Demesne and the Capital, as bishopries and your noble vassals are not taxed. While the current treasury is seizable, and the raw income respectable, the ultimate net revenue leaves much to desire, and the army is largely underfunded in relation to other organizations within the realm" he concludes.

"Penters is, as it stands, a waste of tax collectors, and likely best left tax exempt until the populace can recover sufficiently from the Plague. The same applies to Highreach, which is not currently taxed. We could, however, skim Viridon's tithes at 10% and raise the Royal Demesne's land tax and the Capital's urban tax to 15% for an appreciable increase of roughly a half in raw revenue, and possibly tenfold in net revenue. While a permanent increase may anger the populace, it is currently kept content by Crown sponsored festivals, and the Crown's expenses in infrastructure and emergencial military concerns would more than justify the raise for a year or two. We could, of course, exempt particulars as necessary, at your own volition" he suggests.
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