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Author Topic: Hitpriest: Path of the Assassin: On a break.  (Read 20405 times)


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Re: Hitpriest: Path of the Assassin: Mission 2.2
« Reply #90 on: July 02, 2013, 11:39:36 am »


Name: Father Dylan
Health: [10/10]
Skills: Competent Exorcist
Inventory: A pair of crosses with retractable, hidden blades in them. If that's unacceptable, just crosses with their ends tipped by metal spikes.
Starting Country: Ireland; Sherkin Island. You know what rhymes with Sherkin? SHANKIN', YER ARSEBISCUIT.
Additional details or bio: There was never a possession I couldn't get solved with a good stabbin'. Or several good stabbins'. The demons don't usually get expelled by the first blow, stubborn gits.


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Re: Hitpriest: Path of the Assassin: Mission 2.2
« Reply #91 on: July 02, 2013, 11:44:16 am »

Say a prayer, and re-enter my feckin' arse of a float, and continue the feckin' chase!
Hey, don't forget about research boy sitting right here!


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Re: Hitpriest: Path of the Assassin: Mission 2.2
« Reply #92 on: July 02, 2013, 12:36:55 pm »


Get that fire out, at all costs.
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Hitpriest: Path of the Assassin: Mission 2.2
« Reply #93 on: July 02, 2013, 02:56:04 pm »

'Get your hands off my body this instant, young man! We don't have the feckin' time for this!'

Ignore Fusco's attempts at behavior unbecoming of a priest. Race after the target, taking Fusco's float if the wheels are busted.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


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Re: Hitpriest: Path of the Assassin: Mission 2.2
« Reply #94 on: July 02, 2013, 04:15:44 pm »


Get that fire out, at all costs.

Say goodbye to your cassock.
Girls are currently preparing signature, please wait warmly until it is ready.


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Re: Hitpriest: Path of the Assassin: Mission 2.2
« Reply #95 on: July 03, 2013, 12:46:11 am »

Get into the milk float and douse self with dairy products, if any. Scream out hymns, preferably something relating to fire.
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Hitpriest: Path of the Assassin: Mission 2.3
« Reply #96 on: July 03, 2013, 06:28:07 am »

Mission Two: Mister O’Donnell: 2.3

Quote from: cops
Shoot that fecker right in the arse!

Giddy with the excitement of shooting Father Nkuto right in the feckin’ arse, the cop leaning out of the speeding police float takes aim again, hair blowing in the wind and blood lust in his eyes!

He’s too feckin’ excited to get Father Nkuto right in the feckin’ arse a second time!

His driver keeps his foot to the floor and storms down Termonfeckin High Street in pursuit of the rogue priest.

Speed down the road while massing the feckin' police into submission!

But suddenly, cycling along at well over five miles per hour, the daredevil priest Nkuto turns back to look over his shoulder, and commences to Mass!

”In nomine Patris,” he starts, eyes narrowing ominously as he aims his Mass at the pursuing cops.

”Et filii, et OH SHITEBALLS!”

The cops resist the Mass! They drive on in hot pursuit!

Quote from: Mister O’Donell

Taking advantage of the protective police float leading the way, Mister O’Donnell gets back up to somewhere near top speed and continues to flee! He’s probably only about three turns of uninterrupted top speed travel away from the airport!

Say a prayer, and re-enter my feckin' arse of a float, and continue the feckin' chase!

”Get your hands off my body this instant, young man!” protests Mother Superior Superior in her lightly damaged milk float and fire resistant nun’s cassock, ”We don't have the feckin' time for this shite!”

After successfully disentangling himself from the nun’s angry clutches with an appropriately expletive-laden prayer, Father Fusco Jr. leaps into his still running milk float and slams the pedal down, shooting forward and continuing the feckin’ chase! He’s not many metres behind Mister O’Donnell!

Wait… oh shite! Is that… that’s not a rocket propelled grenade that he’s getting from his duffel bag is it?

Ignore Fusco's attempts at behaviour unbecoming of a priest. Race after the target, taking Fusco's float if the wheels are busted.

Yes, it is a rocket propelled grenade he’s getting from his duffel bag, and Mother Superior Superior can make it out almost as perfectly as Father Fusco as she rejoins the chase, her one splattered tyre seemingly making no difference to the finely tuned manoeuvrability of Rolly Island’s finest milk floats!

She’s right behind Father Fusco!

Get into the milk float and douse self with dairy products, if any. Scream out hymns, preferably something relating to fire.

”Feck!” shouts Father Reilly, clinging to the windscreen of the speeding milk float.

”Shite!” He has to think quick: he’s on fire clinging to an on-fire milk float!

”Arse!” There’s an enormous explosion as Father Lars’ original milk float explodes in a ball of flame and shrapnel dozens of metres behind the flammable pair!

”Biscuits!” The only thing solution is to smash the milk float windscreen, dive through the driver’s compartment, and flail about wildly in the back, wallowing in the spilt milk and shards of shattered milk bottles!

So that’s what he does: Father Reilly reaches for his sniper rifle and smashes the windscreen with the butt, showering Father Lars and the floor of the float in small pieces of safety glass.

As Father Lars swerves across the road like some kind of mad burning eejit driving a burning milk float in pursuit of a church-offending fugitive in the middle of the night through a bustling small-time country town whilst someone smashes his windscreen with a sniper rifle, Father Reilly flings himself bodily through the air, through the driver’s compartment – knocking Father Lars in the side of the head with his rifle butt as he flies – and lands in the middle of the stack of crates and milk bottles on the back of the float, covering himself with glass shards and dairy products before rolling off the back of the moving milk float in a hiss of cheesy steam.


Get that fire out, at all costs.

”Shite!” cries the burning Father Lars as a burning priest first smashes and then flies through the windscreen of his burning milk float before tumbling off the back in a cloud of shattered glass and milky steam.

”Arse!” He adds as he looks back ahead to the road and swerves violently to avoid a passing old lady.

”Biscuits!” He finishes as he realises he and his milk float are both violently on fire. He’s got to get the fire out, at all costs!

Immediately thinking of nudity, he dismisses the unclean thought from his mind, wangs on the handbrake, and speeds off in the direction he came, only very narrowly missing running down his fellow priest again as he goes.

There’s only one logical solution to the advancing flames!

Taking the protesting milk float up to a scarcely believable nearly seven miles per hour, Father Lars burns quite literally back down the road towards Rolly Island Dairy trailing tyre and cassock smoke behind him as he aims his wheezing electric missile directly at that tanker of milk he saw parked in the main entrance of the Dairy just three turns ago.


As he takes the milk float round a violent bend to clear the broken gates, Father Lars clips a passing piece of debris with the front right wheel, spins out of control, slides spinning and cursing desperately through the gates, and hits the clocking-in hut just short of the milk tanker.

He’s launched through the open front of his milk float!

He flies head first towards the milk tanker!

He penetrates the side of the milk tanker with his head!

The milk gushes forth, completely extinguishing the flames wreathing his blackened and now whitened cassock as he chokes on wave after wave of delicious fresh milk, stuck up to his shoulders in the side of the tanker.

Behind Father Lars raging fire soon engulfs the clocking-in hut.

Suddenly there’s a second deafening explosion as Father Lars’ second milk float bursts apart in a ball of flame!

Around Father Lars raging fire soon engulfs half of Rolly Island Dairy!

…   …   …   …   …   …

Spoiler: Players & Notes (click to show/hide)

Harry Baldman

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Re: Hitpriest: Path of the Assassin: Mission 2.3
« Reply #97 on: July 03, 2013, 07:13:28 am »

Move in front of Mr. O'Donnell's float and brake rapidly, diving through the front windshield into the fecker I'm here for! Take away his shotgun!


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Re: Hitpriest: Path of the Assassin: Mission 2.3
« Reply #98 on: July 03, 2013, 09:22:48 am »

Hey, don't forget about research boy sitting right here!


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Re: Hitpriest: Path of the Assassin: Mission 2.3
« Reply #99 on: July 03, 2013, 09:55:41 am »

"Feck all this for a lark."

Get the feck away from anything burning.
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: Hitpriest: Path of the Assassin: Mission 2.2
« Reply #100 on: July 04, 2013, 02:16:55 am »

Get the feck away from anything burning.

Say goodbye to your cassock.

This probably very likely does apply now.

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Hitpriest: Path of the Assassin: Mission 2.3
« Reply #101 on: July 04, 2013, 04:19:52 am »

'Oi, fecker! I'm willing to forget where you put your hands if you work with me here!' Mother Superior Superior shouted to Father Fusco. She quickly conveyed her plan through hand gestures.

With Father Fusco, move up and sandwich O'Donnell's float between our two floats.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


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Re: Hitpriest: Path of the Assassin: Mission 2.3
« Reply #102 on: July 04, 2013, 11:09:31 pm »

Look for a useable mode of transport and get back to chasing the target. If in range, fire at O'Donnel.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2013, 06:18:04 pm by micelus »
You win Nakeen
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Hitpriest: Path of the Assassin: Mission 2.4
« Reply #103 on: July 08, 2013, 02:27:55 pm »

Mission Two: Mister O’Donnell: 2.4

Get the feck away from anything burning.

"Feck all this for a lark," summarises Father Lars, a little too competent at arson for his own liking.

"Feckin’ feckers."

Without even getting naked, the model of priestly self-restraint turns away from the raging inferno that was so recently the Rolly Island Dairy, and walks briskly up the road towards Termonfeckin High Street.


Single-mindedly focused on the mission, he doesn’t look back.


He breaks into a light but dignified jog.

”What the feck’s a feckin’ arsebiscuit anyway?"

Quote from: Cops
Try to ram that fecker off the road!

Up ahead on Termonfeckin High Street, the blare of police sirens wails piercingly through the night, bringing the locals to their rapidly twitching curtains as the valiant cops resist Father Nkuto’s brutal Mass.

The police milk float driver whines the milk float to within a few feet of the pedalling priest.

”Right, you fecker!” they shout through a special police megaphone, ”Yield to the forces of the feckin’ law or we’ll be forced to ram you off the gobshite road, yer big bastard!”

”Feck off, yer big pair of gobshites!”

”Is that your final answer, yer shitebiscuit?”

”No! Me final answer… me final answer is feck off, yer great big pair of hairy bollocks!”

”Ooooooh, yer big eejit! You stinking toadarse! Right, take this, you great fecker!”

With a vicious slight nudge to the left, the cops lightly knock the back wheel of Father Nkuto’s bicycle, inflicting a -1 penalty on him but nothing worse than that!

Move in front of Mr. O'Donnell's float and brake rapidly, diving through the front windshield into the fecker I'm here for! Take away his shotgun!

”Arrrrrg!!” screams the terrified Father Nkuto, unbalanced by the police float and hurtling precariously along at speeds in excess of six miles per hour, ”Fecking shite!”

A tremendous idea strikes him, and he increases the franticness of his pedalling, barely able to keep the bicycle under control as the back end wobbles and slides under the pressure of the police milk float’s vicious slight nudge.

Suddenly he brakes rapidly, flies over the handlebars, launches Bishop Lennan’s bicycle into the air, and smashes his face on the tarmac ahead.

He scrambles over to see, with horror, Mister O’Donnell bearing down on him at top speed in his milk float!

He has no more than five seconds to take evasive action!

Just as Father Nkuto is preparing to take evasive action Bishop Lennan’s bicycle tumbles from the sky, piercing the unfortunate priest right in the groin!

”Arrrrrg!” he screams, again, taken by a sudden wave of prudishness, ”Me feckin’ testicles!! Shite!”

Pinned to the ground, the situation looks hopeless!

Mister O’Donnell bears down on Father Nkuto!

Mister O'Donnell laughs!

The night sky darkens even further over Nkuto as the milk float looms menacingly above the stricken priest – but at the last moment he rolls to the side, letting the milk float pass harmlessly over him as he presses himself into the ground between the left and right hand wheels!

Suddenly, with the righteous force of crotch pain and the milk float directly above him, Father Nkuto leaps into the air, severely piercing the floor, bursting through and grappling with the thieving gobshite and knocking him clean out of the holed escape vehicle onto the road behind!

The fugitive float wheezes to a halt as O’Donnell and Nkuto wrestle together on the floor, the priest miraculously keeping hold of all of his clothing and the criminal eejit keeping hold of his shotgun!


Father Fusco sees the commotion ahead and panics!

”SERPENTINE PATTERNS!” he yells, trying to command the milk float by the very strength of his tremendous holy voice itself, and failing, ”SERPENTINE PATTERNS! FECKIN’ SERPENTINE PATTEEEEEEEEEEERNS!”

Fusco swerves from left to right to left again, wildly passing the wrestling priest and the wretched bastard target, and suddenly finds himself heading straight towards Bishop Lennan’s grievously crashed bicycle!

”Shite!” he realises, ”Bishop Lennan’s feckin’ bicycle!”

Almost bringing the speeding swerving death-trap of a milk float under control, Father Fusco Jr. wangs it hard to the left to avoid the Holy Bicycle, toppling the float over onto its side, skidding along the ground for several metres and being flung skywards as the float hits the curb, flips over into the air, spins three or four times, and explodes in a ball of flame as it hits the storefront of the local greengrocers.

Silhouetted against the burning shopful of vegetables, Father Fusco Jr. falls gracefully to the ground not far from Mister O’Donnell.


Quote from: Mister O’Donnell

Lit by the flashing lights of the police milk float and the rising flames from Father Fusco Jr.’s most recent arson attack, Mister O’Donnell manages to prise himself away from the lecherous grip of Father Nkuto and whips out his shotgun as he takes a step or two back.

”You little fecker,” he mumbles at the crazed and bleeding priest.

Mister O’Donnell misses quite entirely!


He aims the second barrel!

”You little gobshite.”

He blasts Father Nkuto’s priest hat to smithereens!


With Father Fusco, move up and sandwich O'Donnell's float between our two floats.

Quite entirely failing to coordinate her actions with Father Fusco Jr., Mother Superior Superior drives carefully up to Mister O’Donnell’s milk float, looks over her shoulder, and reverses with an insistent beeping.

Slamming her foot down, Mother Superior Superior starts repeatedly ramming O’Donnell’s milk float towards the burning wreckage of Father Fusco’s!

Look for a useable mode of transport and get back to chasing the target. If in range, fire at O’Donnell.

A long way back down the road – some two hundred metres at least – Father Reilly looks dejectedly around.

It is, despite the tremendous fire behind and the doing-its-best-to-catch-up fire in front, rather dark.

He sees no transport!

Father Reilly starts walking towards the last known position of Mister O’Donnell.

Suddenly Father Lars bursts past him in a brisk jog .

…   …   …   …   …   …

Spoiler: Players & Notes (click to show/hide)

Harry Baldman

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Re: Hitpriest: Path of the Assassin: Mission 2.4
« Reply #104 on: July 08, 2013, 02:46:32 pm »

Point at Mr. O'Donnell when the police approach, take cover behind anything readily available if they haven't arrived.

"Look at this eejit over here, officers! This fecker's trying to shoot me! And he was speeding down the feckin' road, too! And I think that's an illegal explosive in his feckin' duffel bag! I was only goin' so fast to stop the fecker, you see! He's a dangerous wanton criminal, he is!"

If that doesn't work, escape! Rapidly! If the police do take an interest in O'Donnell, run away! Also rapidly!
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