Bad Porting and Lack of Porting: The Disease That Plagues The Master Race
First off, sorry if you're a console-only gamer, I just was thinking of a fast and easy title.
Second off, you're (relatively) lucky - you don't have to deal with this particular problem.
Basically, when transferring a piece of software from one platform to another, one will need to make changes to the control. In addition to finding out how to configure the button mapping, there's the fact that most PCs have much different and varied hardware than consoles, which are (barring factory errors) made the exact same with the exact same hardware. Then you get into the fact that software-wise PCs may be much different than the consoles the games originally appeared on...
The point is that porting a game is a delicate art, and it's something that I can now appreciate when it's done right.
Because I've tasted what happens when it's done wrong.
Fuck you CD Projekt, and your misspelled name, and your botched attempt at making Saint's Row 2 fucking function without crashing on the PC, and the fact that digital copies of everything are far more common and versatile than CDs, just like how so many other publishers and companies are more common and more versatile. Some companies may have tried to port their game onto a different platform. These people may have failed. While these people may have both tried and failed, you, CD Projrekt, have not done the former and have thus, by default, done the latter.
Most of the people I know have made a mistake, and this includes most of the people on the internet, so I'm just gonna assume that everyone makes mistakes.
What I am less able to understand are console-exclusive games. I'm not gonna purchase a console right now (my father deliberateda bit before approving a purchase for a $5 game), so obviously that isn't perfect as a marketing tactic.
And I can't think of any other reason to have a game console-exclusive aside from "we don't wanna make a port for fear of screwing it up" or "a port costs too much money".
Anyone think of a reason to deny PC gamers titles?