Not a bad point. Yet when someone will use anything and everything it seems less genuine. It is more a spectacle than argument at that point.
I want their honest opinions supported through arguments.
I don't to sit in highschool debate club "I think we should pollute more because pollution kills off alligators who kill one hundred people a year"
Not that a defense video CAN'T be focused. It just isn't what I typically see...
it doesn't magically make all the other points not work
It means that in order to make their point they MUST use any and all argument no matter how weak.
Which implies that their point is indefensible. That is what happens when you cover too many of your bases. That is what they are communicating to you: they have no leg to stand on.
One bad point or even a few bad points doesn't kill your argument... But constant weak points certainly does weaken it considerably to your audience.
One strong argument is greater than one strong argument surrounded by weak ones.
Though a good question is... WHY are defense videos basically argument shotguns?
One could be that they perceive their position as the weaker one (which definitely shows in their videos) and are overcompensating.
Another could be due to the double standards of "alternate opinions" that they feel they must address every single possible argument against them.
What is odd is in a argument... NOT having a counter argument is often a far greater tool.
"The durability system in Zelda actually makes the player think on the fly and use tools they would normally never use, allowing the variety to shine forth brightly"
"Ahuh, yeah... By forcing the players hand down one route it is somehow encouraging variety"
Stop there! your viewer can make up their opinion. You made a strong argument and even though someone made one back against you... But then... with defense videos... you get the counter argument.
"Well, in Skyrim you never used half the weapons you collected making most of them pointless"