Devs whoring out to MLGsClosely related to the "right way to play" problem. Basically, when developers listen to a small fraction of dedicated fans and change the game as much as necessary to please them. Starcraft II is a great example of this: there's got to be at least a dozen good-looking units or abilities in the original plans for the game that were disincluded because they caused some minor problem to the preconceived strategies of the Korean MLGs who decide what Starcraft II should be. Thank God for the campaign (and the map editor), where they could add fun shit - and not particularly unbalanced either - without having the South Korean 마스터 레이스 whine about it. Bla bla competitive balance bla bla major league gaming bla bla, but seriously, most of the stuff removed was perfectly "balanced" in objective terms, but not "
균형이 잡힌".
Guns using ammo they shouldn't, or not using ammo they shouldIt's stupid when games go to the length of having different bullet types, but disregard differences between those bullets and assume that you can chuck a .50 BMG in a Desert Eagle and expect that to work. More commonly, though, it's the inverse problem, where a gun should share ammo X with a different gun but for gameplay reasons uses ammo Y. In all the WWII-era CoDs (I have never played the modern-era ones), this was a huge pain in the ass. I guess there must have been some technical issue with two guns sharing ammo, because
a fucking scoped rifle used different ammo than the same rifle without a scope. Seriously.
Guns with stupid limits on how much ammo can be carriedOkay, so we all recognize that it's *unrealistic* to have fifty magazines per firearm on your person at any given time, or to be able to reload in the middle of a fight and transfer all unused rounds to the new magazine. But realism sucks. Beyond this, there are times when ammo storage limits just get moronic. Half-Life 2, in their quest to be as unrealistic as possible (which isn't always bad), lets you carry, for instance,
six magazines' worth of SMG bullets, but only three (much smaller) magazines of Magnum rounds. Half-Life (1) has another problem with the shotgun: it is the only gun in the game where, for no apparent reason, the maximum ammunition supply you can hold is not a multiple of the number of bullets in the gun (125 vs
. It's a minor problem, and God knows when you'll have a full supply anyway, but it just bugs me.
Players who complain about perfectly good strategies and tactics on the grounds that they are "cheating"This is on the player's side, not the developers, but the point stands. Essentially, this is just the form the first problem takes when the whiny players are (thank God) unable to sway the devs. The textbook example is "camping" in every FPS. First, "camping" isn't cheating. Second, "camping" is, in real life, a useful tactic for holding ground, just like in FPSes. Third, there is nothing stopping the whining player from "camping" too. Another example is RTS builds that piss people off. There's nothing stopping you from doing the same "overpowered" "cheese" tactics that I am.
Oh, and speaking off typing, I type with my left ring, middle, and index fingers on ASD and my left pinkie just sits there (I hit LShift with my ring finger, too); this covers all the way to B, H, and Y, and I just "peck" with my right hand to cover the keys to the right of that. I do 60-some WPM this way. Fuck ASDF-JKL;. Who the hell uses the semicolon that much anyway?