Edit: Posting mad at something IRL, so I'm going to be hard on Dark Souls. Which is a really good series. 0 offense meant to people who enjoy it, I'm literally jealous ):
That's one reason I got pretty upset with Dark Souls. The phantom mechanics in 3 seemed really cool. Sadly, based on 1, the game sucks and I hate it
I'd rather put my health bar in a cheese grater (AKA Mount&Blade multiplayer) than learn to love all those stupid gotchas. Losing is fun, backtracking is not.
(I'm exaggerating for comedic effect, but half-serious. I love some hardcore games, and this one just didn't win me over. Probably because I'm just bad at third person camera and xbox controllers.)
Except... Metal Gear Rising was awesome. I died and got frustrated a *lot* but it was actually fun. Personal preference I guess... But also I think MGR explained *how* to win. It was just up to you to execute the moves. Dark Souls appears to be a wiki series. Like Minecraft but with PVP and bad framerates.
Sorry, I'm just really upset that I can't enjoy the nifty series that so many cool people like ): Slowbeef, with an infant daughter, is more hardcore than me. Anyway, the point I was going to make:
I really liked the idea of being summoned into someone's game to help against monsters, against invaders... or whatever purple's deal was, just kill everyone I guess :? I wish that could be in more games. I really like co-op in general.
It'd need to be optional, though. *Usually* when playing Borderlands I only wanted my buddies. Often just to be alone. Only once in a blue moon was I interested in joining up with randos.
Which Borderlands supported perfectly, which is nice. Dark Souls... Might have offline mode? I know it can't freakin pause, which is actually *worse* in a game where people might invade in and gank you. I'd probably be more okay with that, but I haven't seriously played MMOs since high school. (So in a way, never seriously)
What I'm trying to say is that I wish the mechanics to aid or invade someone were in more games. Games that I'm good at >:
(Most of what I know of Dark Souls 3 is from my ex never shutting up about it. Based on that, it sounded so fun ;_; And yet it's easier for me to hate, if that makes sense.)