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Author Topic: Rise of the Magic Girls: The mine  (Read 192432 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls: The mine
« Reply #5865 on: July 10, 2013, 02:01:56 pm »

Conny shuts up and looks at the image.
The best ship is the one where one of them is literally allergic to the other~
Quote from: NakaTeleeli
"A room ain't messy less you can't find nothin!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls: The mine
« Reply #5866 on: July 10, 2013, 02:33:25 pm »

<It was a clearing. The Lazarus was in the background, overlooking the battle.

An army of catpeople, elves and kobolds, as well as men and dwarves, were trying to hold back another equally big army of the same, having been commanded by Albrecht not to kill.

A girl in a trenchcoat, short shorts, a shirt and a commisar cap, Camille was on the Lazarus, shooting down the enemy mecha. She was laughing mad.

Rhad was next to the mechanical knight that Angel and Selina had seen on the camera, fighting off a short, black-haired woman with an Evoker and a large, green bird Persona.

His face was concealed; perhaps he didn't want anyone to see it, or Rhad had changed the memory to hide his face? Nonetheless, Rhad pointed his own Evoker at himself.
The alicorn Persona appeared, shooting lightning at the bird, downing it. The girl clutched her head, screaming.
"Ugh! Not fair! NOT FAIR!"
Before she could summon it again, the mechanical knight approached, keeping her down.
"Stay down, girl. It will be easier."
"Thanks, Maria. Keep her down. I'll go help Nathan and Lucas over there."
The knight nodded. Rhad walked away, towards a man wearing a worn grey jumpsuit. He was telekinetically launching rocks towards a large, hulking beast of a mecha, that was storming towards the Lazarus.
"Damn that dreadnought! Tougher than I expected."
"Lucas, we've faced worse. You can't possibly be losing!"
"I'm sorry. It's just that, these headaches...."

Both the psi user and the Persona user were interrupted by being knocked aside by a black blur.
"Blood for the master!"

He was beelining towards Camille, on the turret above the Lazarus.

Rhad and Lucas both aimed towards him and hurled attacks at him, but it was no use, the creature, whatever it was, dodged everything.

But Camille was faster.

She clicked a switch on her boots and suddenly she was gone.

The creature stopped. It was pale white, wearing a black suit. Clearly a vampire.
"Ah! So the puny bloodbag can run! Where is the little bunny running to?"
"I rrrrun too fast forrr a vampirrre? That's a firrrst!"

Camille appeared from the other side, slamming the vampire into a tree.

So the bunny can run AND hit! How fun a kill this will be!"

He growled, but he was thrown off balance by a Zio from Ixion.
"Get away from our friend, you parasite!"
Lucas shot a mind bolt at the vampire, who growled.
"Bah! Puny we-"

He was thrown off again by Camille, who was laughing.
"Trrrry harrrderrr! You'rrre about as scarrrry as a Teletubbies episode!"
"So you are not afraid of me, pussycat? Lets see how hard I can hit."

The vampire turned around as Camille vanished again.

Rhad and Lucas moved to surround the vampire.
"Flank him while he's distracted. Lucas, get ready to throw him off again."
"Got it, Rhadamanthys." The way he said Rhadamanthys was

As the two prepared to attack, Camille came in.

As Camille ran toward the vampire, he turned towards her, fist approaching her.

He punched her in the face, and the catgirl mechanic went flying, landing on Rhad.

Rhad was downed, as the vampire was sent flying by Lucas' telekinesis.
"Camille! Are you ok?"
No response.
"Hey, Camille. You alright?"
No response, even as Rhad pushed her off him.
He shook her gently.
"Hey. Get up. That isn't funny."
No response. Rhad summoned Yataragasu to pump a healing spell into her.
"Camille, get up."
Another healing spell. No response.
"Camille.....please, this isn't funny. Get up."
She remained still.
"No....please. Get up."
Rhad shook her hard. Lucas was running to him.
"Rhad,is she-"
"Get Maria.

Camille, listen to me. This isn't funny. CAMILLE!"

He shook the still body of the catgirl desperately. She wasn't breathing.
"Get Maria. Now.


Rhad was starting to cry as he futilely shook her and pumped healing spells with as many Personas as possible, as Lucas went off to find the robotic Hospitaller. It was no use.

Camille Leblanc was dead.>
« Last Edit: July 10, 2013, 02:36:44 pm by IamanElfCollaborator »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls: The mine
« Reply #5867 on: July 10, 2013, 02:40:28 pm »

To Rhad and Angel: <I'm... I'm sorry Rhad... I... I... I can't express it... I'm sorry for your loss...> Conny sounds very sad.
The best ship is the one where one of them is literally allergic to the other~
Quote from: NakaTeleeli
"A room ain't messy less you can't find nothin!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls: The mine
« Reply #5868 on: July 10, 2013, 02:46:53 pm »

<Rhad cradled her body, even as Maria approached.
"Rhadamanthys....I will try-"
" her! Save Camille!"

The knight took out a book, which glowed. Maria intoned several phrases in Latin, but Camille remained unmoving.


This can't be.

Camille. Dead.


Rhad was shaking his head, sobbing, crying "No" as if that would change things.

As if that would bring back Camille.

The vampire approached and Maria drew her sword.
"Awww, did I kill the pussycat-"
"Shut up.

You'll go to hell for killing my girlfriend, you son of a BITCH."

Rhadamanthys' voice remained calm, but he was trembling.
"Ixion. Obliterate."

The Persona reared up, and before the vampire could move, Ixion shot a powerful blast of lightning at him.

The vampire was rendered dust.

Rhad collapsed shortly after, sobbing, cradling Camille's body.
"No...please, wake up. Please.
Camille, you can't be dead. No. You can't.
I love you. Please. Wake up.
Please! Camille! Don't do this!


Rhad cradled her corpse as Maria and Lucas surrounded him, unable to say anything.>
« Last Edit: July 10, 2013, 02:48:24 pm by IamanElfCollaborator »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls: The mine
« Reply #5869 on: July 10, 2013, 02:48:52 pm »

Conny appears to be holding back tears.
The best ship is the one where one of them is literally allergic to the other~
Quote from: NakaTeleeli
"A room ain't messy less you can't find nothin!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls: The mine
« Reply #5870 on: July 10, 2013, 02:53:19 pm »

To Conny and Angel: <That's my past. That's why I don't talk about it.

This happened not three months ago.>


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls: The mine
« Reply #5871 on: July 10, 2013, 02:56:55 pm »

To Rhad only: <I'm sorry... If... If you need some... Some time to yourself later, you can have it... I won't bother you...> Conny looks very upset.
The best ship is the one where one of them is literally allergic to the other~
Quote from: NakaTeleeli
"A room ain't messy less you can't find nothin!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls: The mine
« Reply #5872 on: July 10, 2013, 03:00:55 pm »

To Conny and Angel: <It happened and I couldn't do a damn thing about it.

I couldn't deal with it.

We won the battle. There were only three casualties. Camille was our only casualty.

That was one casualty too many.

I stayed for three days, but no matter what I did, I couldn't stay. Everything reminded me of Camille. Everything.

The entire damn SHIP was Camille's greatest project. And I couldn't live with her memory.

So I left one day. I found out how to leap around dimensions.

I got here.

I probably will never forget Camille. She was my girlfriend, but more than that, she was one of my few friends, nay, my few true companions. My true soulmate. No matter if I fall in love again, they'll never match up to her.

So I left the Lazarus. I couldn't forget her. Never will.>

Rhad was sobbing as he said this.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls: The mine
« Reply #5873 on: July 10, 2013, 03:03:00 pm »

To Rhad and Angel: <Its okay Rhad... Lets just... Get through this fight... Then we can help you get through this...>
The best ship is the one where one of them is literally allergic to the other~
Quote from: NakaTeleeli
"A room ain't messy less you can't find nothin!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls: The mine
« Reply #5874 on: July 10, 2013, 03:03:58 pm »

To Angel and Conny:<You see, I am technically from an alternate version of THIS universe, where magical girls don't exist, but Personas, as Yuri and I talked about, do.

However, that's not my real home. I don't think it is. Not anymore.

My real home is a dimension between dimensions. A place where all things lost from everywhere end up. That's where I used to live.

We call it the Lost and Found of the Multiverse.>

To Conny and Rhad: <Huh. That seems...complicated.>

To Conny and Angel: <That's my past. That's why I don't talk about it.

This happened not three months ago.>
To Rhad and Conny: <Why not? Does keeping it bottled up inside of yourself really make you feel better? You should tell the others. But even if you don't...>
Angel sent Rhad and Conny an image of Rhad sitting down, being hugged by Angel and Conny.
<...we're still here for you.>
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls: The mine
« Reply #5875 on: July 10, 2013, 03:05:18 pm »

To Conny and Angel: <It does. It means I can, even for a moment, shove Camille away. Forget her.

Forget the fucking pain I suffered when that bastard vampire murdered her.>


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls: The mine
« Reply #5876 on: July 10, 2013, 03:09:16 pm »

To Rhad and Angel: <Don't worry Rhad, we're here for you.> Conny sends him an image of Everyone together, telling jokes and having a good time.
The best ship is the one where one of them is literally allergic to the other~
Quote from: NakaTeleeli
"A room ain't messy less you can't find nothin!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls: The mine
« Reply #5877 on: July 10, 2013, 03:12:46 pm »

To Conny and Angel: <It does. It means I can, even for a moment, shove Camille away. Forget her.

Forget the fucking pain I suffered when that bastard vampire murdered her.>
To Conny and Rhad: <Are you sure that that will really help you?>

To everyone except Rhad and Nuriel*: <Guys, let's all comfort Rhad. He needs it...>
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls: The mine
« Reply #5878 on: July 10, 2013, 03:14:20 pm »

To Conny and Angel: <It did, for a time.

But a girl like her, she doesn't go away. Never.

I couldn't forget her for long.>


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Magic Girls: The mine
« Reply #5879 on: July 10, 2013, 03:18:58 pm »

To Angel and Rhad: <And you shouldn't forget her, keep her memory alive... Maybe... Maybe Selina could draw her... And allow her image to talk to you...?>
The best ship is the one where one of them is literally allergic to the other~
Quote from: NakaTeleeli
"A room ain't messy less you can't find nothin!"
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