An opposition politician has proposed the government should just invest several hundred million to found "our own Google and Facebook", which shows how much of a clue politicians tend to have about the internet.
Please, please, please, give me a link. This man is my favorite kind of crazy. It's like, pointless, useless, impossible hilarious crazy. There is far too much extreme, possible, doable crazy.
I could not find any links in English, but several german newspapers have reported it. After further reading - it is not just one guy, it's two domestic policies experts, one from the government and one from the biggest opposition party.
Some conservative newspapers are in favour of it, most call bullshit because a) Facebook alternatives exist in Germany, but have lost users at a rapid pace and b) we
already invest millions of government money in such projects, but nobody uses them (like De-Mail, a government developed secure Email-alternative.
This article is in favour of it,
this one points out that bureacratic solutions haven't worked so far, because that is not how the internet works.
Relevant quotes, poorly translated by me:
Hans-Peter Uhl (CSU, administration): "So that the communication of our state and our businesses cannot be read along by american, or even worse, by chinese or russian services, we have to develop our own secure IT-communication technology, be it a german or european one." He wants to invest a three-digit million euro sum
per year.Dieter Wiefelspütz (SPD, opposition): "If Washington abuses the market power of american businesses in the internet sector, we have to create appropriate alternatives."
There was also a small demo in Berlin when Obama arrived today, maybe 50 people with funny slogans: