Then one of three things happens:
A. Alistair interferes, oblivious to the consequences.
B. Matt sees this and starts crying.
C. Kyle takes a picture and ends up being Megaton Punched by Anima and Ghost. And Conny while they're at it.
D. Someone realizes Angel is there when she turns into Nuriel for some reason. Hilarity ensues.
Alistair's 8, Angel's what... 6? Plausible couple all the same.
5, actually. Worth considering, though...
*Moment Angel 'corrupts' Alistair in that regard*
What will Maria do now? Cute, adorable moe Angel has done something that she'd kill anyone else doing. Your move
Technically, it was Nuriel. And Angel
did show regret...
And on a side note, does everybody actually like the truth or dare RP sessions? Because i really only push for them because i think it makes for interesting RP. If nobody likes them i'll stop bring it up.
It's pretty fun. Especially if Nuriel hijacks it.
Our pyromaniac is back! check out your Angel pony GWG!
Trying not to.
...Would it be impolite to criticize and suggest improvements?
One thing I've noticed is that the shipping tends to assume that the magical and normal forms will be shipped to the same person, despite the fact that nearly every one of us has massive personality differences between the two forms (if not a complete overhaul and replacement). Shall we correct this flaw?