Dwarf fortress is infamous for the pure batshit people get up too in the game, and their long suffering Dwarves. In the most recent DF talk, toady mentioned that he would like the players actions to affect the developing culture and mindset of your dwarves, being somewhat unconventional. What better then our chief denizen to see this in action? I'm not expecting a justification for everything the players do, impossible as it is (though i would appreciate the thoughts of outsiders on your fortress- hell, a particularly ruthless player might give the impression of a colony structure), but having your actions effect the overseer- and getting in the way of your ideas- sounds excellent. Take your typical madman scheme with ridiculous investment, inefficiency's and slim chance of success. Screwing it up, aside from likely dooming your fortress, could ostracize him, drive him mad, have him find religion, stubbornly continue, attempt to make amends, or just become "eccentric", depending on the Dwarf, but success... why that could have him vindicated! Generations later, in some shape or form the line "so crazy it just might work" is the motto of the fortress, his emulation is enforced by stern inquisitors and the many, many successive accidents from the freshly power hungry/crazy dictator of a 10000000 swallows are being forcibly restrained to this day!
Fleshing out the leaders role now that succession is coming sounds good to me. What are your thoughts?