Turn 1: Garbage and TrashThe Lamb requires nourishhhhmenntt.
Search around the piles for food or weapons.
Your search turns up only some greenish sludge in one of the piles. The others contain occasional pieces of slag or stone, but none seem large enough to serve as more than desperate projectiles.
Theres never anything useful in random heaps of trash, but looking won't kill me.
Examine piles in more detail.
Roughly speaking, they seem divided into three types.
The most common type are bits of metal, stone, slag, and other vaguely industrial refuse. You can't figure out any particular origin for it, but it's all in relatively small pieces and all relatively well-mixed.
The second type is presumably more mundane garbage. It's hard to figure out exactly what it once was, but most of it seems to have been or decayed into sludge or mud. The most notable aspect are occasional pieces of recognizable paper, wood, or fabric, all rotten beyond use and in reasonably small chunks.
The third type, of which there's really only one pile, is essentially green sludge. You can't really figure out if it's exotic manure or lost cooking or what.
The android's faceplate changed to the letters E R R O R immediately upon being transported to the trash heap, an as it went rigid, a strange buzzing, and somewhat high pitched- a tenor, about- voice began to spit out nonsense.
"ERROR! ERROR! ERROR! ERROR! ERROR! Sudden relocation unaccounted for. Error! Error! Supervisor not within communication range. Sending communication to emergency supervision... Error! Error! Error! Emergency supervision not within communication range! Sending communication to manafacturer... ERROR! Manafacturer not within communications range! ...Converting to full autonomy... Conversion process complete. AU-CWA-A fully autonomous.Notable lack of data on current location. Notable lack of cargo. Activating gathering and exploration mode. ...Notable emotional process corruption. Attempting to repair after main priorities."
The android went through the area to check its size and to see if there was any useful construction materials.
Tap Quelaak on the shoulder.
"Hay. Ah suspeukt yaour du kan-duh gah hew wou' burn du woulr...jus' ta sae i' burn. Du kan-duh gah hew ya keul o' mayk frens wid. Whi'shall i' be--fren, o' deud?"
If Quelaak reacts hostilely, attack back. If he (she? it?) is receptive to friendship, help him search the piles.
You find the same things he(?) does- three different varieties of useless debris.
Charlie shakes his head intensely for a moment, blinks several times, then makes a motion similar to limbering up.
Examine trash heap. Does it have corpses in it? What about furniture? If the first, look for loot among corpses. If the second, find a chair or stool of some kind, maybe a table leg.
If there were corpses in here, you're guessing they've rotten beyond usability. You're not seeing any bones either.
Some of this stuff might have been furniture at some point, and there's even sections of wood that could charitably be called legs. Unfortunately they're thoroughly rotten, and unlikely to prove more useful than an equal volume of mud or stones.
Quelaak, Spidery Starfish Man (derm)
5/5 HP
1 Attack
A1: Basic Attack (deal Attack dmg to enemy)
A2: -
A3: -
Nam Les, Doll-armed Furscale Thing (GWG)
5/5 HP
1 Attack
A1: Basic Attack (deal Attack dmg to enemy)
A2: -
A3: -
The Lamb, Perfect Lamb (Cheesecake)
5/5 HP
1 Attack
A1: Basic Attack (deal Attack dmg to enemy)
A2: -
A3: -
Charlie, Shattered Doll (Harry)
5/5 HP
1 Attack
A1: Basic Attack (deal Attack dmg to enemy)
A2: -
A3: -
Stygus, Crabman (Gilgamesh)
5/5 HP
1 Attack
A1: Basic Attack (deal Attack dmg to enemy)
A2: -
A3: -
Aqua, Android (Powder)
5/5 HP
1 Attack
A1: Basic Attack (deal Attack dmg to enemy)
A2: -
A3: -