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Author Topic: 90% of fortress-born dwarves & animals are 1/10th normal size (fixed in LNP)  (Read 127882 times)


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My current game was started before I was using a version that fixed this. I've played for awhile with the fixed version, but will it retroactively fix things that were born and advanced to adult before using the fix?

Also, how can you check a creatures size?
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ BoogieMan, Forumscrub cancels tantrum: Seeking Dr. Pepper


  • Bay Watcher
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Yes, the script included in LNP will fix things retroactively :).  To check size, use this maxblood script, then multiply the result by 10 for cubic centimeters.


  • Bay Watcher
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Yes, the script included in LNP will fix things retroactively :).  To check size, use this maxblood script, then multiply the result by 10 for cubic centimeters.

Ahhh very spiffy. Thanks!
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ BoogieMan, Forumscrub cancels tantrum: Seeking Dr. Pepper

Kurik Amudnil

  • Bay Watcher
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to check size you can also use unit-info-viewer (link in sig),  which in addition to thickened size and base size, also gives age, milking, shearing, egg laying, and grazing info


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    • Beards and Brimstone
Re: 90% of fortress-born dwarves & animals are 1/10th normal size (fixed in LNP)
« Reply #304 on: September 04, 2013, 08:07:59 pm »

Has any Mac fix been developed yet? (Other than wrangling with DFHack.)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: microdwarves (fixed in LNP and MNP)
« Reply #305 on: September 05, 2013, 01:19:47 am »

Has any Mac fix been developed yet? (Other than wrangling with DFHack.)

The fix is included in the MacNewbie Pack, link below. Or if you don't want to use dfhack, you need to edit the size of babys/children in the raws.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: 90% of fortress-born dwarves & animals are 1/10th normal size (fixed in LNP)
« Reply #306 on: September 07, 2013, 10:48:38 am »

This thread has some great detective work! Many thanks to everyone who helped find and fix this.

I just downloaded and installed DFHack for the first time because my current fortress is getting old and I want to eventually rely on native-born dwarves as well as war animals and a meat industry. I ran the script, unpaused, and then something unexpected happened: My rivers thawed for the first time after playing for eight years. I'm wondering if anyone else has encountered this.

My thought - since this is supposed to be a temperate biome, and I was expecting to get freezing and thawing when I first embarked, and it rains in the spring and summer - is that the same bug that prevents critters from growing also prevents other periodic checks from succeeding, and that seasonal thawing of rivers and murky pools is one of these checks. I'm not really sure how plausible that is, but it's hard to believe the sudden thaw is a coincidence.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: 90% of fortress-born dwarves & animals are 1/10th normal size (fixed in LNP)
« Reply #307 on: September 08, 2013, 06:09:14 am »

This thread has some great detective work! Many thanks to everyone who helped find and fix this.

I just downloaded and installed DFHack for the first time because my current fortress is getting old and I want to eventually rely on native-born dwarves as well as war animals and a meat industry. I ran the script, unpaused, and then something unexpected happened: My rivers thawed for the first time after playing for eight years. I'm wondering if anyone else has encountered this.

My thought - since this is supposed to be a temperate biome, and I was expecting to get freezing and thawing when I first embarked, and it rains in the spring and summer - is that the same bug that prevents critters from growing also prevents other periodic checks from succeeding, and that seasonal thawing of rivers and murky pools is one of these checks. I'm not really sure how plausible that is, but it's hard to believe the sudden thaw is a coincidence.

A more probable cause is that you had temperature off and turned it on... But if it is due to a bug similar/related to this one, it would probably be something that only affects a few % of cases, instead of the (exactly) 90% that the growth bug unaffected. The growth bug was undetected because there's no direct way to see actual size in-game*, this seems like it would be fairly obvious. Or are rivers/ponds that thaw out/only freeze once every several years more common than I thought? If so, how can we be sure a barely temperate zone like yours that only thaws out once every X years isn't intended behaviour rather than a bug.

* theoretical method to observe size in-game #1: see what dwarves can equip what weapons: bugged to always check dwarven species average size
theoretical method to observe size in-game #2: see what dwarves can equip which weapons 1-handed: mauls etc. can't be equipped at all due to bug in #1. Longswords and the regular weapons could serve as diagnostics, but militias are usually based off migrants, since not many people play for 12+ years.
theoretical method #3: pressure plate size limits. Either bugged like #1(?), or see #2 about fortress inhabitants usually being mostly first-generation. And I guess citizen-triggered pressure plates aren't that common, or they're set to trigger off even small children anyway.
method #4: indirect observation that fortress-born fare worse in combat. Aroused enough suspicion to encourage use of dfhack to check size. SUCCESS! (did I leave anything out?)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: 90% of fortress-born dwarves & animals are 1/10th normal size (fixed in LNP)
« Reply #308 on: September 08, 2013, 04:01:28 pm »

My thought - since this is supposed to be a temperate biome, and I was expecting to get freezing and thawing when I first embarked, and it rains in the spring and summer - is that the same bug that prevents critters from growing also prevents other periodic checks from succeeding, and that seasonal thawing of rivers and murky pools is one of these checks. I'm not really sure how plausible that is, but it's hard to believe the sudden thaw is a coincidence.
Judging from descritpion of no-growth bug, sudden thawing is coincidence.
Are weapons like the least lethal thing in DF?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: 90% of fortress-born dwarves & animals are 1/10th normal size (fixed in LNP)
« Reply #309 on: September 08, 2013, 11:45:49 pm »

I'm attempting to get this fix working on a pre-existing install (no LNP).  I followed Okami's guide post on how to manually add Kurik's fix via dfhack.  I get the confirmation message "FixGrowth: Running" when I start DF, but as soon as I load my game, my dfhack window gets spammed with error messages going by too fast for me to read.  I can't find dfhack's error log anywhere (I'm sure there is one...), but the part of the error message I can read says:


onupdate cb String can't be coerced into Fixnum

...and then what looks like a line-by-line error traceback through a few files in my /hack/ruby folder.


Anybody have any idea what's wrong?

If I can't get it working, I can just use Putnam's .lua fix, but his posts in the dfhack thread seem to indicate that that one only works as an init.lua file in the raw folder for a save, and I'd prefer a fix that I didn't have to repeat each time I start a new region.

Thanks for your help!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: 90% of fortress-born dwarves & animals are 1/10th normal size (fixed in LNP)
« Reply #310 on: September 09, 2013, 04:02:48 am »

* theoretical method to observe size in-game
 #3: pressure plate size limits. Either bugged like #1(?), or see #2 about fortress inhabitants usually being mostly first-generation. And I guess citizen-triggered pressure plates aren't that common, or they're set to trigger off even small children anyway.

If you have a lot of dwarfs in generation 2+ and use citizen-triggered pressure plates, that is a very notable effect. I have some multi-generation forts in which only about 1/3 or less of the population is heavy enough to trigger minimum-weight plates. This unfortunately kills most of the cleverer citizen-run computing applications.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: 90% of fortress-born dwarves & animals are 1/10th normal size (fixed in LNP)
« Reply #311 on: September 09, 2013, 07:15:01 am »

I'm attempting to get this fix working on a pre-existing install (no LNP).  I followed Okami's guide post on how to manually add Kurik's fix via dfhack.  I get the confirmation message "FixGrowth: Running" when I start DF, but as soon as I load my game, my dfhack window gets spammed with error messages going by too fast for me to read. 

No idea about the error messages, you should ask this in the dfhack forum. Or try the 3rd fix here:, unzip, and place the .dll in the hack/plugins directory. (windows only)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: 90% of fortress-born dwarves & animals are 1/10th normal size (fixed in LNP)
« Reply #312 on: December 12, 2013, 04:06:47 pm »

I would very much like to get rid of this bug, so thanks to all who worked on it. But...

I find it a bit hard to figure out what exactly is necessary for me to remove it.

In the mantis bugtracker it has the tag "binary patch", but none of the binary patches I could find list this bug in their summaries. Is it just not mentioned, am I looking at the wrong patches, or is my assumption that this tag means "a binary patch for this issue exists" wrong?

If I can't just run a binary patch, is there any other way for me to get rid of the bug without downloading dfhack and (I assume) constantly having it run alongside DF?

And if the answer is "no" again, since I never used DFhack either except for a short time when I needed it to clear spreading contaminants... What are the commands and/or installing steps I'll need for this?

Sorry about my cluelessness, but other than a bit of raw editing to give animals a child tag and the aforementioned contaminant-clearing (which was a separate executable back then... I think >_>) I play DF pretty much vanilla, so it's all new for me^^


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: 90% of fortress-born dwarves & animals are 1/10th normal size (fixed in LNP)
« Reply #313 on: December 12, 2013, 05:20:00 pm »

The Lazy Newb Pack technically isn't vanilla, but it doesn't change a lot other than to tweak and fix things here and there.  Best of all, it takes care of this bug for you :).  Just run the game and DFHack will automatically take care of any creatures that need a growth boost.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: 90% of fortress-born dwarves & animals are 1/10th normal size (fixed in LNP)
« Reply #314 on: December 12, 2013, 07:56:10 pm »

Well, I downloaded and installed... but now I have trouble getting rid of the graphic pack it uses as default^^

(posted here too: )

Any advice?
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