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Author Topic: Adventuring Party, Act 1: A Tale Of Two Hamlets  (Read 37549 times)


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Re: Adventuring Party, Act 1: A Tale Of Two Hamlets
« Reply #690 on: January 13, 2015, 12:45:28 am »

Jewel stared intently at the scroll, his pupil-less eyes wide as his eyes desperately drank in what he was seeing. Every second he looked for a moment longer, he felt a strange itch in his head, as if something was starting to make sense but just not quite, something that kept him staring longer. His chest ached and he gave a breathless cough, realizing that he hasn't drawn in air for a while. Taking a deep breath to sate his aching lungs, the earth elemental's eyes kept being drawn to the scroll.

Realizing that the scroll hasn't yet been officially given to them, he sheepishly rolled it partially back up for Blue, but his want to look at it further was etched in his stone body with a chisel. Jewel never considered himself to have much of a pokerface, even despite the fact that he lacked what most would use to clue in. Even as drained and wounded as he was from the battle, the scroll evidently breathed new vigor into him. He couldn't even think to begin to describe what he saw. Felt?

The elemental dropped to a knee and brought his fist to his chest with a clank as he bowed his head, a proper dwarven bow and salute of honor (if slightly aged in custom by now). "You honor group-we." He said, hopeful that the others would accept the token (and more allow him to view it further).

Ross Vernal

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Re: Adventuring Party, Act 1: A Tale Of Two Hamlets
« Reply #691 on: January 21, 2015, 02:29:00 pm »

Lelia, Alpha party

Lelia shakes her head side to side twice at this.[then] Lelia cocks her head to one side and hums from a low pitch to a high pitch over less than half a second, holding the higher pitch for a very brief instant whilst still watching the captain and watching him watch her.

[Alpha | Greg/Lelia/Ainir]

He watched, tilted his head to the side, and thought for a second. There was a brief thump felt through the ship and a muffled explosion, a rush of bloody singed feathers, followed by a chuckle and him shaking his head. If someone were to listen hard enough, they'd almost hear what sounded like hysterical evil giggling.

"I will translate that as 'It's a bloody curse, you idiot, of course my enemies will see me.' And possibly a 'why do you feel we're going to be attacked.'

At the word "curse", a few of the crew actively flinched and made a warding symbol and/or appropriate religious gesture.

"Unlike some of my superstitious crew, I do not believe that I or this fleet..."

A pause.

"That either this ship or I do be cursed. I do, however, see the hands of the Gods, and there are two choices - let Fate take you as the winds and look to where you go, or fight the stream and strike every obstacle on the way. I, for one, intend to steer with Fate; the last time I fought it..."

He turned away, waving a hand. It wasn't a dismissal, merely a gesture to say "Think nothing of it" and "Your sympathy is unwelcome at this time."

From belowdecks, the Fire Giant woman who had dealt with Morgrod came up, complaining rapidly in Elementare. One didn't need to speak the language to catch the meaning of the message.


[Alpha | Lionan/Violette/Kaz/Assorted Party NPC's]

The next card to be flipped was, naturally, a six of clubs - almost certainly a victory for Lionan, who would have a solid four of a kind. This caused an intensifying of the bet, going up to a silver and a penny.


[Alpha | Morgrod/Ghoulcannon]

Unfortunately for Morgrod, this particular experiment wasn't a success in anything except amusing coincidence and having an idea of where they went wrong. The experiment was MUCH less fortunate for the ghoul crammed in the cannon, who almost managed to avoid liquification, and far, far less fortunate for the poor hawk who had the misfortune to be directly in the path of a flaming high-velocity ghoul-head. The majestic creature vanished in a blast of black fire and blood, which very nearly made up for the failure.


[Alpha | Party NPC Roundup]

[Hyper Doom Pixie]

It wasn't as though I wanted to be here.

By blood, she was Seelie; by inclination, Wildfae. On the other hand, favors were owed, and there were two to watch - the newest member of the Winter and Unseelie, and that charmingly, well-built, straight-black-toothed dragon...

NOPE. Remember that he's literally card-carrying evil, and still needs to be beaten into redemption. Possibly spanked...

The glow at the front of the ship changed to a bright pink.


Olaf missed his dog.

It was kind of a strange thing to be sad about, he supposed, but Loyal Dog was a good dog. Possibly the best one he'd owned. Unfortunately for him and Dog, the Dog had to wait behind at THE shrine. After all, Olaf Shatterstone, tribal priest and Bringer of Darkness was, although memorable in his appearance and lordly attitude, was an entirely different person and could hide much better than Álefir Flameskull Longtooth, First of the Nine Blades of Hatred*.

As Olaf, he had freedom. He had a lover. True, she wanted to redeem him or kill him (the feeling was mutual), but aside from her, there were very few attempts to kill him other than the direct, straightforward sort; the lies were simpler; those below easier to see. He at least hoped the little necromancer was worth his time, but when His Immaculate Horror pointed the Jeweled Talon, Olaf would go that way and not question until later, and quietly at that.

He still missed his dog, though.

[9th-level priest as opposed to the 3rd he claims and appears to be.]


I am tired of these spies.

Unsurprisingly, William counted himself among these number. It wasn't exactly why the adventurer-mage had come along. Nobody could order a Master Adventurer to do anything; they could, however, request that someone competent enough to Witness would be inserted in the Party before the prophecied events came to pass, and who better to Witness than someone who actually had heard it from the Seer's lips?

More like the seer's ass...

All the same, he actually agreed with his "volunteering" to be "sent". Regardless of prophecy, he fully well agreed that the Guild should have a representative who was capable of reporting back and who could try to preserve the Party when certain conflicting interests... conflicted. It was only common sense to study the half-dragon to see if he really was the Defender of Darshendros. His Spring ancestor had politely asked him to watch the Winterfae and the wild Summerfae, in terms that vaguely implied he was part of the Unseelie spy network. The Scholar had sent a dream indicating that one of his followers would require magical assistance to defend against a threat he didn't know, and William didn't see a great shiny feathery asshole with a big sword anywhere around. He could see the reflection of a bearded asshole in the mirrored surface of the watercrafting, though.

I would greatly prefer to have more than one reason of my own to be here, though.


Ottunort, unlike the rest of the party supporting cast, was along because there was an adventure to be had. Instead of brooding like the others, he was playing - and winning - a game of darts with the other passengers in the cabin.


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Re: Adventuring Party, Act 1: A Tale Of Two Hamlets
« Reply #692 on: January 21, 2015, 02:38:51 pm »

[Lionan, Alpha Party]
Lionan raises the bet even more on his turn, to two silvers.
If he is unallowed to do that, he places in the amount he should.
Black lives matter.

Ross Vernal

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Re: Adventuring Party, Act 1: A Tale Of Two Hamlets
« Reply #693 on: January 21, 2015, 03:33:09 pm »

[Alpha | Poker ]

After the final flip of the card, people laid down. High hand went to Lionan, while the low hand ended up with Player 5. Thirteen silver went to Lionan, while 5 took the other three. Kaz scowled, since he'd had a full house and would have won otherwise.


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Re: Adventuring Party, Act 1: A Tale Of Two Hamlets
« Reply #694 on: January 21, 2015, 05:00:48 pm »

Lelia, Alpha party

I step forwards and gently tug on the Captain's pants leg, waiting until he looks at me again. then I raise my right hand in front of me and extend my index and middle fingers and tilt my left slightly to my left whilst maintaining eye contact.
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


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Re: Adventuring Party, Act 1: A Tale Of Two Hamlets
« Reply #695 on: January 21, 2015, 09:51:05 pm »

There was a small, subtle war going on inside Daethwin's head, at the moment, one not even he noticed, primarily because it concerned Those Things One Does Not Speak About, at least for Daethwin, and that meant that part of his brain dedicated to keeping those memories safely locked up kept him from noticing the argument between his inner archaeologist, eager to find new knowledge, and his inner sensible bard, eager to get the fuck away from anything liable to result in grievous psyche or bodily harm.

The bard won, thankfully.

Which meant Daethwin, after grinning at his new weapon and the way it had just saved his ass, put it away and took a step, before realizing he didn't hear it.

"Shit," he said, for once speaking with his normal voice, rather than adopting subconsciously the speech patterns of those around him. His accent was a surprise, that was for sure. "Are any of you guys deaf from that? I've got a ringing in my ears..."

He could, however, read lips, if not well, then enough to fill in the gaps.

"We are all honored by the offer, Elder."

Daethwin wasn't sure, be he thought that was the proper form of respect to show. Hard to think right now. Felt like that amount of noise had ripped through his mind and left it scoured. He walked over to the fountain full of the special water -what was it called again?- and splashed his face with it to try and think more clearly. It helped, and then he remembered his shoulder, so he rinsed it off with some of the water and tried scrubbing a bit into the wound, if there was one that penetrated the skin; it would hurt, it would hurt a shitton, probably, unless the nerves had died, but it was better than unholy infection. He drank some more of the water, trying to keep the dirty water from infecting the source.
Sincerely, Role P. Geek

Optimism is Painful.
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Re: Adventuring Party, Act 1: A Tale Of Two Hamlets
« Reply #696 on: January 21, 2015, 10:33:49 pm »

"Deaf is he who is not ready to listen..." Thales murmured.


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Re: Adventuring Party, Act 1: A Tale Of Two Hamlets
« Reply #697 on: January 22, 2015, 03:01:23 am »

[Alpha Party | Morgrod]

Idea! Meld several ghouls into a single form (mostly legs) and attach the cannon to their back!


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Re: Adventuring Party, Act 1: A Tale Of Two Hamlets
« Reply #698 on: January 22, 2015, 07:43:39 am »

[Lionan, Alpha Party]
Lionan smirks to himself as he fathers up his coin, then he readies for another round.
Black lives matter.

Ross Vernal

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Re: Adventuring Party, Act 1: A Tale Of Two Hamlets
« Reply #699 on: January 28, 2015, 03:55:59 pm »


Blue looked to each in turn, starting with the Angelborn.

"One need not share your devotion to ask our god to deliver the blessings to you that he sees fit for you to receive. Can Arnum not work through those you deem infidel?"

He tilted his head to the side to emphasize the question, then looked to the rest of the Adventurers. After making his way to Rurail, the Shaman made some gestures and began feeling the air around Rurail. There was a brief, awkward pause at this, followed by a surge of power that would cause Rurail to blink several times, squinting slightly until his eyes re-moisturized. After the dry itchy subsided, he'd notice that his night vision had improved a bit, and when Naraldin moved on, the sound of his footsteps was more clear and audible. [+1 Perception].

When he came to Jewel, Blue would examine him as he had Rurail, and then (politely) ask Jewel to perform assorted motions and poses. After a long, thoughtful pause, he would say,

"I can only do so much, friend. Do you prefer I do what I can for your body as a whole, or shall I focus on certain limbs? The former would be weaker, but the latter would only apply to the limb or area in question." [Either: +1 Speed, +1 Agility, or a feat for the limbs, like "Nimble Hands" or "Quick Acceleration", etc]

After the choice was made, he'd release the power, and move on to Daethwin. This inspection would also include a physical, in the sense that Blue would ram two fingers into Daethwin's gut out of nowhere, followed by measuring the width of his arm around the shoulder, his nose, and the left pinky, almost before Daethwin could recover his breath and start becoming indignant. As he went to take his breath, the power would surge again, and the breath he took in would leave him feeling more alive - not quite like the performance "high", but like he'd gotten a full night's sleep, a massage, and a large breakfast. [+1 Endurance]
"Shouldn't leave a bruise. Apologies if it does."

Next up was Sylvari, who would receive the same treatment as Jewel before being offered the same choice as the rockman.

After this was all done, he would return to the front of Thales, hold his hands upright, and ask again.

"I offer again the blessings of our god, should the Scholar see fit to use my hands as a vessel for His work."

This time, however, it was spoken in Arnum's Cultspeak, although Thales would recognize it as Low Cultspeak as opposed to High from the words used for "god", "Scholar", and "work." Roughly and poorly translated to English, they would read as "immortal entity not subject to outside forces"; "embodiment of magic and truth"; and "unity of disparate forces in light of principles".  Thales would understand that to mean "Not a True Priest or a True Believer, but allowed to Serve and Know certain things", but his response would be his alone.


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Re: Adventuring Party, Act 1: A Tale Of Two Hamlets
« Reply #700 on: January 28, 2015, 04:01:40 pm »

Thales cocked his head, looking at Mr. Blue curiously.
"The fact that an event can occur does not mean that it will. I shall receive your gift. Call it a test of faith."


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Re: Adventuring Party, Act 1: A Tale Of Two Hamlets
« Reply #701 on: January 28, 2015, 10:12:29 pm »

Daethwin coughs, though it was more because he felt he should than because he actually needed to, after regaining his breath. After the Elder was done with their resident angelborn, he would speak, in Drow.

"My thanks for your hospitality and aid, Elder. If there is anything else we can do to assist you, please, let us know. We are in your debt as it stands already."
Sincerely, Role P. Geek

Optimism is Painful.
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Re: Adventuring Party, Act 1: A Tale Of Two Hamlets
« Reply #702 on: February 03, 2015, 11:31:32 am »

Rurail simply remains silent, but looks to Naraldin expectantly after Daethwin speaks, as if asking the same question.
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