((it's a good thing I learned my lesson last time and kept a backup of my post on a notepad doc, or that would have REALLY sucked))
"チ̡́̀͏͟ニ̷̛͡͝ス̸̡͠カ̶̸͟ミ̵̕ ̶̛͠͏͘マ̶̶̡チ҉̴̧͘͜ ̶͠͡҉̨チ̶̡͟カ͏̵̡ ̴̨͝ス̷̴͢͠ナ҉̵̨͞ミ̢҉̶̢ラ̶̢̀͘̕カ͏̢̕ ̵̴̛͠͠チ̛͠͠ノ̷͡ ̧̢チ̴̶͢͝ミ̕͢͞͞ ͏͢͡͞カ̵̀̕チ̷͘҉ ̷͜͏ノ̢͏͟チ̴̡҉̴̛ ̵̢̨̀͞カ̨ミ̵̴̀͜͟チ̵̴͘ク͜͞҉͡ニ́͘͡ ̸̢̢ラ͏̕͘͠ミ̧͠ ̸̴͝҉ニ̧͠ク̵ミ̨̀͠ ́͏͞͠͠チ̨̀ノ͜͜͞͞ ҉͝ス̕ミ̡͘カ̸͏̵ラ҉́͟҉͟ス͏̷̷ク͡҉カ̶̵̨͟チ͟͝ニ̨͠͠ ̴̢͜͝͞チ̸͘͘͢ミ̨̢͡ ̴̡͞ミ̵̨ニ̨̀̕͜ラ͏͘͏̸̛チ͢͜ス̸͢カ̶̡̛̀͞ス̵̨҉͜͠チ̵̴͠͏̷カ̕͝҉͡ ̸̕̕͢͞カ̛͏͏チ̴͘͏ ͘͢カ҉̴̸̛チ͟ ҉҉͠チ̀͡ノ̀ ͡ニ̧́͟͡ク̷̧ミ̷̶͠͞ ͢͜ラ̶̷̸̛ ̴̛́҉̨ミ̷͠ナ̀͞͝͏̨ミ̸̧͟チ̷̶̡͏̢チ̷͠҉̧ニ̛̛͝ス̵͠͡҉ノ̛̛モ̶͝チ̡̡̡͟ ̛̕͜҉ノ̷͞͡͝チ̸͝͡ ͠ミ̸ク҉̛ニ͏̴ ͜͞͞ニ͏͡ ́͜シ̧́チ̴͏ ̸̀͡҉̛カ͟チ҉ ͜͝チ̷カ̶͜͡҉̷ク̕̕チ̶̸͏̴̀ス́́̕͠カ̸̢͘͠͡ク͝͏҉҉͞ ͢҉キ҉̡҉͝͏ミ͡ラ̷̸̨͜セ̷̢ト̴̨ラ̷̀͝ ̵̴ミ̨͞͝ニ̵̕͞҉ノ̀̀ト́̕チ̨̀͢͟チ̵̵́ク̶̷̀ミ̷̶͜͞ ͟͡͞チ͜͠チ̧͜チ̢͡ク̵̴̶͝͠ニ́҉ミ̵̢́͝ス̶̧ト̷̢モ̶́͘͠ ̧͝ニ̵҉͘͏ミ́͜͏͘͜チ̕͢チ̶͠ナ̢̡͘̕͝モ͢͏́́ス͘͢͡ノ̵̛͢͟ミ̡͢チ͘͏̡́͟ ̵͘ラ̵̀͠͡ ̧̀̕͟チ͜ミ͘͢͠ ̧̀͠ミ̸̶̧̛͘ラ̵̸̧ ̡チ̵セ̴̢̢̀͢ ͟͜͝リ̸̵̧̕͜モ̶̧́́͠ス͜͝ス̸̸̀͢チ̛͝チ̴͏ ̴̨͏̶チ̵̢͜ノ̸͢͡ ̧͘͢͟͝ナ̴̸̷̛ミ̵͞͠͞͝ナ̡̡͢͡͡チ͘҉̵̴̨モ̶̨͢͝͠ク̴̶̛͝ノ̀͘͠カ͞͠ミ̵́̕チ̕͢ ҉̨͜͡ニ̸̨ ̕̕͝ス̛͝͏̛チ̵̸̡͟カ̷͘͡҉ ̶̡̢̨͞チ̷̢͠カ̛̕͟ノ̨̛͟͢͠ミ̴͢チ̴́̀͢ス̷̛̀̕ナ̧̨̢͢͡ ̧̀モ̢͜͝͝チ̷̸͠ ̴͟͞͠͠チ҉̷̛͢ミ̸̷̛͡ ̵҉̧ニ̷̸̷̵͜ミ͞ ҉̨͡チ̢͝カ̷̨͠ ̷̡́͠イ̀͜͏҉҉ ̶̡̧͟モ̷̛͘͞チ̵̕҉ ͘͏ミ͝ニ̀͞͝ク̨̛チ̷͏カ̵͜͟ ̸̡͠͠チ̷̧̕ミ̴̢̀́ ̢͏͟͝セ̸͠ミ̷́̕͜͠ス̸̧̨͟チ̀̀ニ̢͜ ̧̡チ͝ミ̵͡ ͏̷͝ニ҉̴̕ ̴̴͞ノ̢͏͏ニ̡̕͜͡ ̷̶̸̸セ̧̛͘͟͢チ̢̀͟͞ ̸̨͠チ̵̴̷̨ス͏̛̕͠モ̸̴̵͜リ̢͏チ̴́͢͠ス͏̴̀ ̷̵͞ニ̧͞ノ̴̛̕͟͢ ̨̛̀͝ミ̕͞チ͏͏̨ ̶̛キ̸̴̧̕ラ҉̧͢ラ̴͝ト̡͠ミ̶̴̧͜セ̴̧͟ ̨͏̴̷̛チ̷̡̨͢͟ミ̸́͜͟ ̸͠ク͢チ̢́͝͏́ト̨́͘҉ ̸̷̨̡チ̸̨͢͝カ̴̷́͝ス̴̷́͢҉ ̀͘͘チ̡́͜セ̡́̀ ҉̵̶̧͘チ̴̧͘ミ̸̡͘ ̕͠チ҉̢̀セ̴̧͞҉ ̷͘͜͜͞ク̵̴҉ト̢̀ニ̶͜͜͠ニ͏̶̢̛́ ̵̴̨́チ̴̡͞カ̡ ́͜͢モ̴҉́͜チ̷̶́ ͜͏ス̧̕͢チ̵̷͝ノ́̀͢͢͡ ̛̕シ҉̶̢̛チ̸̕͏ ̡̧͢͢ノ́͞͡チ͏̡ス̷̀͜ ͜͞チ̵͠҉̨ミ̕ス̨̧̕͟カ̸̧͏̵̀ナ͝͞͠ ̨͠ク̀͞チ͢͡ト̷̴̴͘͟ ̧̀͡ス̨́͘͝ニ̵̧̡͟͝ミ̸̶̧̢̡ ̵͜ノ̸҉チ͏̡͏ ̷͏͡モ̕͏̨̀チ̴̴̕͟͜ ̢͜҉ニ͢҉̕͠ト̶̢̨ニ̶͟͢͝ク̶͢ ̶̵̢͘͜チ̶̡セ̷̧ ̛̀͢カ̡̛͘͞҉ミ̕͝͠ニ̷͘҉̸͘ク҉͟ ̴̶͘͜ラ̨͜ス̵̶̵̧͞ミ͝҉カ̀ナ̷̡͘͘ ҉̨チ̧̛̀͘͟モ̶̸̨̕ ̶̧͝͝チ̶モ͝҉҉ ̴̨モ̧͡チ̵̀͘͡チ̧͝ス̸̕ス̀͢ ҉̶́̀チ̸̷͠ミ͏́͝͞ ̢̧ク̡̧̢͟カ͝͏チ̴̀҉ミ̸̧͜͢҉ ̢̛́́̕ノ̶̧͜͠ラ̷͘͜ ̶̨ス̢̛͟ラ͢҉̡̀͞ ҉ラ̕ ̸̡͏チ͝҉̸ス̴̀́͜͠ ͞͏セ̵̛͟͝チ̧͏̶̢͞ ̶̷̸͞ニ͏҉̢͞ス͘͢͜ミ̴̧セ̷́͜͝チ̶͞ ̶͘モ̧͠チ̡̕ ̡́͠ス͏͡͏チ̸͜͞ス̡̕҉̢͘モ̵̶リ̴̀̕ ̵̷̨カ̧͡チ͢ス̵̴̸͝͝ ͞チ̷͘モ͘̕ ̸́͜͟ト̡͡͏ニ̕͡ニ̷͟ク̸̢́͡ ̴̶͠ナ̀͝モ̸͠ク̶̨͢チ̵͟͟͠͝カ̴͢ミ̶̛͡ノ̨͟͏̕ミ̀͏チ̸̸̢̧̛ナ̨́͠ ̶̵̶̀͞ス̛͡͝ニ͏̶̶チ̵̛̕͘カ́́͏͘̕ミ̶̧̢̕͠ ̸̀̕͠モ̴̷̀͡チ̛͜ ͝҉͝モ̴͡ノ̡̛チ̴́͘ミ͏̢͢͠ナ̷̧̕͜ナ̀̕͞͝͠チ̧́͡͡ミ̡̧͘͝ク҉̶̨̕カ͘͟͞͏͏ ̡チ̷̸̨͠͝ミ̀͡ ̢́̕セ͘͢͠チ̸̛ ̴͝ク̸̨̛̕ニ̶͟ ̶͟͢͟モ̸͟͞チ͢͟ ̶カ̧́̕͟ラ҉̡̨͢͝ス͘̕ナ̷̢̡͜ミ͏̀͜ ̷̀͞ク́҉̨ノ̡̡́͘̕カ̶̶̶̡̀ニ̶͡͠ニ̴̨̕͞チ̶̸̢́͝チ̸ミ̧͢͡ ̧̀͜͝͞ト͜͡͝͞ノ̶̨ ̸̧͞ト̀͢҉͟ノ̡́̀͜ ̸̢͠͝͠チ̡͜͡セ̀͝͠ ̴̨̨チ̸̷͢҉̛ク̵̡ト̕̕͠͏͞ ̡̧͢͠チ̶̛̀ノ̶̕ス̵̢͟͡ ̷̡͟͞ノ̶̴̧͢͝ラ̷͟͏̡͡ ̷̵̡̛͜ミ̢͝チ̵̢̢̡ ̶̨̀͞ニ̴̡͞ク̴̀͜͝͡ ̷̡͜͞ラ̵̕͢͡ ̛チ̴͟͠͝͞ノ̀ ̸̕͟͟͝ノ̸̷͜ニ̵̴̧ ̧̡́́͞ト̶̀͞ク͘͡チ͏̷̕͟ ̧͝͝͡ノ̶͏̸̢チ̕͜ト̴̷̧͡チ̷͘͟͞ニ̷̵̛͠ミ̷̢̛́͜ク̷̷̧̀ミ͏̛͘͞͝ ̛̕͏̕ス̢͠ノ̛̛́͏チ́͢͜͠ ̨́͟͢カ̴̶͟͡チ̷̷̡͡チ̴̢͘ニ̵̷̢͏̶ク̷͏̷ ̵̢͘͜͜ミ̢́͞カ̶͟͠͠ス͞͝͏̢̢ス͠҉チ̴́́͡͝カ̵̧̛͟͞ラ̶̵͡チ̶͡͠ニ̀͘͠͏ ̸́͏カ̨͝ミ̵̨͡͡ノ̷̸ク̷̨̧͜͢チ̸̧チ̴̷̢́カ̸ ̶́チ̛͏ミ҉̵͘̕͞ ̴̢͠͝チ̷̷̧͝͞セ̶̸̧̧̀ ̷͢͞͡͞カ̛̛̀ス̨͟҉͢チ̵̡͢͜"The song grows darker as she is shown to stop in front of the adventurer's hall, and meet a group of people outside. She then goes with them and the background changes first to the forest, then to the darkness of a cavern, lit by torches carried by the group. and slowly, the song itself fades from hearing, though you can still faintly feel it pulsing around you. The group slowly walks forward into a cavern lined and lit by engraved, glowing green tiles. as they walk forwards, one of the group's members stumbles, and there's a loud
Clickand a slam of stone upon stone behind them as the cavern becomes sealed shut by a large block of the same make as the tiles.as most of the group stops and tries to hunt for a way to raise the block, to reset the trap, the girl and one other move forwards, deeper into the cavern. they find a collection of small huts, made out that same weird glowing brick, and walk to them, standing just outside the doorway and looking in without going inside. The first contains weapons and armor, racks lining the walls. an entire arsenal's worth. The next contains a large, spinning, diamond shaped rock, being struck by beams of intense green light emitting from the lower corners of the room and emitting another beam directly up into the ceiling, into some kind of indentation too far away to see what is inside. next is row upon row of tombstones, and engraved tablets lining the walls. the next of the seven buildings is lined with books. a library of some kind. The building after that is smaller than the rest, and inside is a single pedestal, a thick book resting upon it, open to a page about a quarter of the way though. As they are looking in, suddenly her companion, an orange-haired man wearing armor and carrying a large spear, swears, and hurls the girl into the room, spinning around before she lands with another audible
Clickand the entrance is blocked with a similar giant green block as happened before. the block fills the entire view of the area, as the man from before can be heard to scream. and scream. and scream. and scream. before even that fades to blackness and silence. even the pulsing in your ears that was telling your Lelia was still singing fades away.
and then it comes back.
The next scene is of the cave entry, and the girl can be seen to stumble out, with the occasional thin streak of white in her hair now, and she proceeds to vomit, before cleaning a knife on the grass beneath her, putting it away, and stumbling forwards. her clothes are dusty and torn, and as she comes closer to your viewpoint, you can see blood on her lower left leg and upper left shoulder.
The background changes and the music begins to fade into hearing again, yet somehow you can't hear Lelia's words as the girl, who it has become pretty obvious at this point is Lelia herself, moves ahead with bandages covering where she was hurt, and she is shown returning, alone, to the same city as before. Followed by her standing at a cemetery, laying flowers on a grave. After that she can be seen to play her music again, first on the street but soon upon a stage, and although you can't hear anything from this scene, she is surrounded by crowds of cheering onlookers, and she looks delighted and proud. then she is shown on the streets, walking, when suddenly someone slams into her and she is sent tumbling onto the ground in the middle of the street. she stands up and looks around at the people walking right past her, nobody even slowing down to try to help her. and then it happens again, though she manages to keep her feet this time, until as she's trying to recover it happens a third time, from yet another, completely different, person, and she lands on her face in the mud. This scene fades into seeing her waving her arms in front of a shopkeeper's face, silently yelling at him until he notices her with a start, and finally talks to her. of her standing on the street singing, ignored by everyone who walks by. of diving away from an onrushing cart, barely avoiding being run over.
The next image is that of her standing on the same streetcorner as before, but this time with the dancing shadows you saw as she began her performance, and this time a crowd stands around her, and a smile is on her face. yet in momentary images you see the background far away begin to blur, and additional strips of white appear in her hair. this happens over, and over, the blur distance coming closer, and closer, until her hair is entirely white, and beyond the edge of the crowd strange, dancing images can be seen. sometimes leaping in amoungst the crowd members. the crowd fades from view, and Lelia can be seen to no longer be playing, and yet the blur, the twisted images, the drunken haze filling the world around her, remains.
she can next be seen walking, the background changing over and over. sometimes cities, sometimes wilderness, yet almost always on the road. but unlike before, the background isn't clear. it's twisted, nonsensical. the sky changing colors at random, weird, misshapen things poping in and out of vision. faint ribbons of colored light threading their way through the air. everything except for the immediate area around Lelia giving off the impression of some drug-addicted dream, of nonsense and insanity. finally, she is shown in a city, with people running past her, twisted into strange shapes and blending in with the insanity surrounding her, yet remaining even as they draw close to her and are returned to reality, pass by as she steps out of their way, and keep going to become misshapen things again as they flee.
finally, the image shifts to one of the ship, but with everything distorted except around Lelia, and what can be heard is:
"And then some. You're looking at the remainder of my fleet. Everyone else is dead. "
"We're throwing in with you lot. So, your companions are our companions. "
It's an easy to remember scene, yet this time everything is twisted and crazy, it growing worse the farther away from Lelia you look. and then finally, the world fades to blackness once more.
reality slowly reasserts itself, as you blink and look around, still slightly disoriented from the extremely-heavy-duty illusion that had consumed the room, I return to my place leaning against the wall, and wait.
I'm pretty sure that explains everything that I want to say.