Seeing as I stumbled upon guards in my exploit exploit, I think it's possible to add in all the characters from the game into a custom level. Though I suggest you position a guard at a specific point, save the map, replace the REF# (Find & replace) and then reload it, then place guards later on.
Furthermore, I suggest that if you're going to be separating elements in the text file (Background, foreground, and units), it would be wise to separate them (provided you kept track of your progress) with 0;0;0 (as shown in the file), they work like dividers.
I'll get to work on 300-400 soon enough; seeing as I just finished 200-300, and 0-100 is currently being worked on in the Google Doc (Current progress looks like it's about 1/3rd through). Likely to come across more Rooke-based architecture, along with maybe the weapons testing components. So far, I'm liking this, besides all the crashes from non-existent elements.
Pro-tip: If you're also exploring the other elements of the game like this, I suggest giving Conway a floor to stand on, and an easy to see/move element (like a standard dry-wall block) for reference, and another one parked directly next to it (or in an easy spot like 500;500), and make sure to have both the file you're editing and the game playing.
Change the REF#, save the file, and reload the level editor and the level after changing it directly. Ignore the autosave version. Naming the level "-" or "_" should make finding it much easier.
301- Crosslink Instructions
302- Resolver Instructions
303- [CRASH] (Non-existing)
304- [CRASH] (Non-existing)
319- [CRASH] (Shop Item)
320- [CRASH] (Shop Item)
321- [CRASH] (Shop Item)
322- [CRASH] (Shop Item)
323- [CRASH] (Shop Item)
324- [CRASH] (Shop Item)
325- [CRASH] (Shop Item)
326- Falling Door (Horizontal), Conway can't get crushed by it. Crushing guards with it (within the editor mode) crashes the editor, then the game.
327- [CRASH] (Upgrade Item)
328- [CRASH] (Upgrade Item)
329- [CRASH] (Upgrade Item)
330- [CRASH] (Upgrade Transfer)
331- [CRASH] (Upgrade Cold Call)
332- [CRASH] (Upgrade Item)
333- [CRASH] (Upgrade Item)
334- [CRASH] (Non-existing)
335- [CRASH] (Non-existing)
336- [CRASH] (Mission Interface)
337- [CRASH] (Mission Interface)
338- [CRASH] (Mission Interface)
339- [CRASH] (Mission Interface)
340- [CRASH] (Mission Interface)
341- [CRASH] (Mission Interface)
342- [CRASH] (Mission Interface)
343- [CRASH] (Mission Interface)
344- [CRASH] (Mission Interface)
345- [CRASH] (Non-existing)
346- [CRASH] (Mission Interface)
347- [CRASH] (Mission Interface)
348- [CRASH] (Non-existing)
349- [CRASH] (Non-existing)
350- [CRASH] (Non-existing)
351- [CRASH] (Non-existing)
352- [CRASH] (Non-existing)
353- How to Gunpoint Instructions (Finally out of the Game-Crashing doldrums)
354- [CRASH] (Non-existing) (...Or not.)
355- [CRASH] (Non-existing)
356- Guard Patrol Arrows (Place on guard to make them patrol.) (Listed)
357- Crosslink Wirejack Pointer Instructions
358- [CRASH] (Non-existing)
359- Collapsing Guard (Dead for no reason. Good for storyline.)
360- [CRASH] (Non-existing)
361- [CRASH] (Credits)
362- [CRASH] (Non-existing)
363- Light Blue Brick Wall with a Dark Blue-Grey lower half (slightly taller than a person) (Listed)
364- Standard Brick Wall in the Process of Being Painted like (363). Ladder Included.
365- Standard Brick Wall (Note, it's not the Default Brick Wall that's Listed. It's slightly different. Mortar is lighter and visible.)
366- 2 Desks together, (Left has a hell of a setup, whereas the Right one has a pretty basic setup. Looks like Lab Computers. Can also get away with looking like a hell of a battlestation or a designer's cubicle.)
367- EPPD Filing Cabinets and an Officer's Peg-Board for Connecting Leads. On top of the filing cabinets also looks like a series of small boxes (Ammo or coffee creamers. I don't know.)
368- EPPD Large Inventory of Evidence (What's with that Duck Head?)
369- EPPD Weapons Closet (Shotguns and Rifles)
370- [CRASH] (Non-existing)
371- [CRASH] (Non-existing)
372- Light Blue Brick Wall with a Dark Blue-Grey lower half (SEE: 363) + Old-Style Window (Listed)
373- [CRASH] (Non-existing)
374- Dimmer Flourescent Light (Listed)
375- Either a Series of Monitor Screens, or a Warehouse Window. Not Sure.
376- [CRASH] (Non-existing)
377- Rooftop Crane (Non-Solid)
378- EPPD (East-Point Police Department) Front Desk
379- EPPD Interrogation Chairs and Table + Desk Lamp
380- EPPD Interrogation Chairs and Table + Desk Lamp, Except now the Suspect's Seat has blood in the BG.
381- EPPD Parking Lot full of Police Cars
382- EPPD Police Station (Exterior) Light
383- EPPD Morgue Autopsy Table + Corpse
384- Red Circuit Assignment (Surprisingly Unlisted; Probably because it's default)
385- [CRASH] (ShopColdCall)
386- [CRASH] (Non-existing)
387- [CRASH] (Non-existing)
388- Exposed Power Socket (Excellent for frying guards. Instructions show. Can Cross-link.) EDIT: Could actually be an alpha channel for the electric shock animation.
390- [CRASH] (Mission Instruction)
391- [CRASH] (Mission Instruction)
392- [CRASH] (Non-existing)
393- Collapsing Pro (Just like the Guard Above)
396- [CRASH] (Bulkhead Obstacle)
397- Glass Ceiling (Nothing odd)
398- Glass Ceiling ([ERROR] Positioning Memory. Same, like the other one)
399- [CRASH] (Non-existing)
400- [CRASH] (Non-existing)
Just learned something interesting about the rain elements (Check previous post), turns out one is a foreground always (Always on top), and the other can be obstructed by background elements (Always on back). They also stack very nicely, so you can make seamless light and heavy rain levels (offset a bit to make it rain even harder). It helps when separating certain elements (like back walls stacked in a way to look like other background buildings irrelevant to the mission) as well. Very nice to know stuff here.
Come and think of it, with all the short and medium walls that can be applied to a level, do I sense a series of jump puzzles to come along in the future? Not to mention, I can imagine setting up some rather malevolent architecture for the poor guards to fall down on just by offsetting some things just a little here and there; making it look like they fell into a spike pit.
How about obstacle courses? Have a patrolling guard set off a series of doors you can't Wirejack, and you have to time your jumps and such.
Finished up with 300-400 now. The EPPD stuff should really make for some more interesting environments now.
Next task might be to accelerate the 100-200 area, so we got that out of the way. However, according to the charts, and my progress already made, a majority of the scenery backgrounds ought to be hanging out within the 400s range.
Hmm... I'll need to take a break to think about which one to take on. In the meantime, it shouldn't hurt to divide the back walls by type/company.