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Author Topic: Gravecinders: Thirst Upon the Blazing Plain  (Read 17385 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gravecinders: Thirst Upon the Blazing Plain
« Reply #180 on: August 15, 2013, 06:16:56 am »

Oh fuck I pick up a save for a second round and I haven't even finished a single week?  Better get crackin!

The first row of the theater needs quite a few seats, and we have less than two dozen in stock.  Time for the manager to get to work.  The question is, will this be a dinner theater?

Big props to my predecessors for creating such a nice armory with lots of properly forged steel.  Seeing this much steel craftsmanship brings tears to my eyes.

Time to carve some random hallways, to decrease the annoying amount of order in this place.  In other news, Dastot has created a mysterious construction!

The work orders I put in took too long, so OrcaCommander has been demoted from his job as master smith so he can learn to be a proper manager.  Besides, there's some younger dwarves that would like their turn at the anvil.

The bell has been rung, and the population assembles in the strange unfinished basement.  There's been rumors of this project started by that madman falafelsandwich, but nobody but the military and the miners has been able to see it until this point.  With the sound of this ominous bell, all of the farmers and craftsmen will get to see the secret for themselves.

"Wow, we haven't had a party like this in years!"

Finally, almost the entire population of Gravecinders in an itty-bitty space, ready to witness the show of the century...

Let's start with a couple of cave crocodiles and see what happens.

Well, logistical problems didn't let us have the full show as planned, but the congestion of 100 dwarves trying to fit through a small hallway along an archer team still created some beautiful moments.  Most of the monsters are hiding downstairs, only popping their heads up if they're in the mood for a hat made of arrows.  This cave crocodile bit it and many civilians get their first dose of Trauma.

Ok, that was fun, the executions for the future will work themselves out.  In what other way can we debauch this fort...


SOMEBODY is about to be fired from their manager job.  I need my Flintstone furniture, goddammit!

The idea of our population minding their own business, doing their jobs, then passing by some mindless slaughter of prisoners pleases me.  From now on, many civilian paths will go through this gauntlet of cruelty.

I present to you, the bedrooms of murder.

Sigh, apparently to get anything done around these parts, you must first pay your tribute to the local mob boss, "ORCACommander."  While already living a lifestyle FAR above the average dwarf, still he refuses to fill my work orders of stone furniture for the bleachers of suffering until he gets his own dining room to impress his, ahem, "bitches."

Whatever.  Fuck the bleachers.  I'll spite him and direct my attention elsewhere.

It's castle buildin' time.

- Slate -

C'mon masons, hurry up!

There seems to be a lot of legendary dwarves with VIP status right now, boasting about their past exploits in the dining room.  Guess what, you all are now assigned to hauling.  Communism has its downsides, you know.

Aw, how cute!  ...none of you all made any doomsday levers, did you?

All SORTS of masonry going on.  Don't care what you were doing before, now you're helping to build the castle.

The miasma is part of the authentic dwarven experience in our new apartments open next month.

You savage creatures thought that you might survive just because I left... dwarves have a long memory.  Welcome to the Pit of Delight.

Ok, this has been going on long enough, both the civilians and soldiers are starting to complain about the smell.  Time to bring in the corpse brigade.

This jabberer seems a bit shy.  Looks like it's time to test the Gravecinders swordsdwarf squad!

Oh shit there's still a cave croc as well.  And the lever just got pulled.


Cleanup on aisle 5!

- Felsite -

Yay, I was beginning to worry that she hadn't got my invitation.  So like Istrath to show up without an RSVP, but we all have those friends, don't we?

Looks like my predecessors have left the front gate locked for some years.  I feel sorry for anyone who's had to do work outside - they have to drag their loads over the blood of the cliffs.

Is it really that easy?  #cagetrapsop

Not sure what the previous administration's attitude was towards elves, but the new government treats elves as kill-on-sight.

The new wall is coming along nicely

- Hematite -


Ok this is a new message to me...

So much construction, so little time.

No, I'm afraid they won't be.

Tensions are increasing...

Oh the humanity.

Pfsh, like I'm gonna listen to somebody named 'pizzaslice'.

Yowza.  Time for some bins.  Let's order 90.

- Malachite -

Artsy fartsy who gives a shit.

Ok, the lower floor in the execution room was a terrible idea, because the poor horrified goblins just cower there while their friends get slaughtered with crossbows above.  Time for a redesign.


Apparently there's a lot that's gone on...



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gravecinders: Thirst Upon the Blazing Plain
« Reply #181 on: August 15, 2013, 12:45:06 pm »

ummmm you did remember to promote yourself to overseer right? i should not be demanding an opulent throne room :P

Still not gona complain about receiving homage where its do but i do hate being taken away from my precious steel


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gravecinders: Thirst Upon the Blazing Plain
« Reply #182 on: August 15, 2013, 06:21:53 pm »

ummmm you did remember to promote yourself to overseer right? i should not be demanding an opulent throne room :P

Still not gona complain about receiving homage where its do but i do hate being taken away from my precious steel

Sorry buddy somebody's got to fill those work orders


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gravecinders: Thirst Upon the Blazing Plain
« Reply #183 on: August 19, 2013, 12:04:35 am »

*GM Issues Mandate: Complete Turn*


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gravecinders: Thirst Upon the Blazing Plain
« Reply #184 on: August 19, 2013, 12:06:32 am »

Good timing, I finally found time to play tonight and was planning on finishing.  :)  It's been a busy week, so I knew it would take a while.

Don't worry ORCA, I will
« Last Edit: August 19, 2013, 01:41:55 am by falafelsandwich »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gravecinders: Thirst Upon the Blazing Plain
« Reply #185 on: August 19, 2013, 05:36:49 am »

The demands of leadership never do go away, do they?  A dwarf tries to take a week off, and it's nothing but citizens at the door demanding "we don't have enough food" and "there are goblins murdering our children by the score."

Anyway, I'm back, 'pizzaslice' Alathadag, falafel's cousin.  I remember this barren-ass place from about 4 years ago, when my partner in crime finally came to take my place.  By the time he came to replace me I'd pilfered enough of the gems being mined to make the sacrifice worth it.

Then came the call.

I must honor falafel's memory.

With great power comes great responsibility.

Galena - late summer


Man, our engravers are lazy as hell.

A castle building we will go!

Dammit ORCA, quit testing out your new axes on the livestock :\

Party on the roof!

20 new wooden wheelbarrows?  Yes please, we have some serious stonework to do.

Before I came here I thought I hated mosquitos... 

Fought off a small goblin ambush.  There were a couple of casualties.

...and another ambush?  Back to back?  :\

Limestone - early autumn

Keeping the action calm at Gravecinders, as the citizens seem impatient at my stalling leadership.  Fair enough, I never meant to be leader of this place, just thought I'd nick a few gems.  Now I take pride in this mountain home.

Hope you all like leather, because we're getting a triple shipment from the mountainhome next year.

Yes, yes, work my pretties...

Sandstone - mid autumn

As I watch from high
Four z-levels above the wall;
I feel inner peace.

Timber - late autumn

Just so you know, there has been other stuff happening.  But in the interest of my turn not taking a month, I'm turning a blind eye and letting the time go by.


You have disrespected the me in this area and this cannot be tolerated.  You're lucky I'm busy playing pharoah...

Moonstone - early winter

Build build build...

Opal - mid winter

You've claimed a Mason's Workshop, Pufferfish!

Work work...

Aw man why :\  Hopefully I can wall him in for now

::standing ovation::

Obsidian - late winter

An unusual number of dwarves have gone missing lately... hmmmm...


We have company...

Aw man.  13 days left in my peaceful reign and I got a 100+ siege?  Can't deal with this right now, I'm going to bed.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gravecinders: Thirst Upon the Blazing Plain
« Reply #186 on: August 19, 2013, 09:45:28 pm »

Final chapter tomorrow!  Considered just uploading it the way it is now but this siege could utterly wreck us.  The waves were slow in coming so I foolishly set the military after the first batch... time to pull everyone inside and let the cliffs do their work.  Hopefully there won't be too many casualties.


Oh man, it's worse than I thought.  It was super late at the end of the last round, and I was getting careless.  Time for damage control...

Before I deal with it, though, here's the work in progress castle!

Ok, after slaughtering most of the military and a saddening number of civilians, I finally routed them to the cliffs of insanity which is almost silly in its effectiveness.

Sorry everyone, we're in a bit of a pickle, but I think we can come out of it.  Fun, right?  :)

I leave my successor to do the cleanup job.  There are still about 7 goblins hanging around outside near their caged leader - just need to send a civilian out to bait them into the traps.  The civilian population is still set to wartime burrow, so don't forget to change that.

Good luck!
« Last Edit: August 20, 2013, 10:15:37 pm by falafelsandwich »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gravecinders: Thirst Upon the Blazing Plain
« Reply #187 on: August 31, 2013, 09:52:46 am »

ack never realized you posted the last bit. the forums does not e-mail me on post edits >_< hmmm now to figure out who is next


  • Bay Watcher
  • DiceBane
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Re: Gravecinders: Thirst Upon the Blazing Plain
« Reply #188 on: August 31, 2013, 06:04:58 pm »

I was after falafelsandwich last time. And yeah, feel free to add a post rather than edit when giving significant new content (such as year end).
Last week would have been MUCH better a time for me to run a year. I'll sill do it this week though.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gravecinders: Thirst Upon the Blazing Plain
« Reply #189 on: September 01, 2013, 11:21:24 am »

Good Enough for me ozarck :P


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gravecinders: Thirst Upon the Blazing Plain
« Reply #190 on: September 06, 2013, 09:22:36 pm »

Pick it up you lazy bums!  We have citizens to rescue!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gravecinders: Thirst Upon the Blazing Plain
« Reply #191 on: September 07, 2013, 01:41:22 pm »

Ya ozark you said you would :P

Cmega? What the hell..? you can't use fortress defenses for your own vendettas.


  • Bay Watcher
  • DiceBane
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Re: Gravecinders: Thirst Upon the Blazing Plain
« Reply #192 on: September 07, 2013, 04:24:17 pm »

Sorry, It's been something of a long week. I'll have an update tonight. expect the year to be finished by tomorrow evening.


  • Bay Watcher
  • DiceBane
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Re: Gravecinders: Thirst Upon the Blazing Plain
« Reply #193 on: September 08, 2013, 01:03:37 am »

I, Aban Akruldegel, carpenter, From this day forward to be known as “Ozarck Secundus, have on this, The first of Granite, in the year 1058 ascended to the throne of Overseer of Gravecinders upon the Least Blazes.

Spoiler: Day One Rant (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Granite (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Felsite (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Hematite (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Malachite (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Galena (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
  • DiceBane
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Re: Gravecinders: Thirst Upon the Blazing Plain
« Reply #194 on: September 08, 2013, 12:04:12 pm »

I have a serious complaint here. Whoever put brewing drinks in the job queue instead of leaving it on repeat set up a really nice time bomb for me. The fortress was doing well, even recovering, until mid fall. at least twenty dwarves have died so far. This came at the worst time, as I had just started pitting goblins. Now a bunch of stupid civilians, who for reasons beyond me insist on coming past the pit to do their jobs, are now stuck running into an empty room and back out again, over and over, until they die.

Also, stone stockpiles and giant refuse stockpiles seriously ate up the dwarves time. I had to hunt all over the mountain to turn off all the stone stockpiles so something of worth could get done.

If this fortress dies this round, too bad. If you start from the beginning of this year, I'm out.
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