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Author Topic: Necropia: Adventurer Succession Survival Game (Players Wanted!)  (Read 21927 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Necropia: Adventurer Succession Survival Game (Players Wanted!)
« Reply #105 on: July 04, 2013, 02:27:44 am »

Ase 2! Nooooooooooo!

Great stuff, keep it up!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Necropia: Adventurer Succession Survival Game (Players Wanted!)
« Reply #106 on: July 04, 2013, 02:29:15 am »


Did you think that volcano was the Bloodspire?

I think you still have a fair distance to go I am afraid. Fingers crossed!
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Necropia: Adventurer Succession Survival Game (Players Wanted!)
« Reply #107 on: July 05, 2013, 11:08:07 am »

Final update coming this evening. Stay tuned.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Necropia: Adventurer Succession Survival Game (Players Wanted!)
« Reply #108 on: July 05, 2013, 10:42:33 pm »

25th Moonstone
As with all mornings since Ase left his village, he is simply glad to be alive. With no particular bearings on where to go he sets of East South East for the lake he spied from the mountains. Ase is careful now, always creeping along, giving all creatures a wide berth.

It is not long before he comes upon a coven of falcon women. Ase has never seen a half beast half human before. He has also never seen a naked woman before. He is simultaneously fascinated by their naked breasts but repulsed by their enormous bird heads. He leaves unnerved and confused.
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Mid-morning Ase happens upon a flock of mountain goats. Although he still has some meat left he would prefer more. Also these goats don't look to obstinate. Ase uses his tried and true jump-out-of-the-bushes-screaming-and-throwing-rocks technique with great success.
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Further into the lower hills the wildlife become more dense. Ase is forced to make more detours to get around the many herds and flocks of beasts.

As the sun goes down, Ase feels comfortable sleeping here. There were no aggressive creatures in sight for the last few hours. Crawling into a crevice, Ase sleeps.
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26th Moonstone
Expecting the dawn Ase is startled awake. In the gloom he cannot see well but he is uneasy. He is hungry and parched but dares not light a fire. Quietly he gathers up his belongings and creeps away hoping that whatever was hunting him would not see.

After some time, Ase finds another nook to squeeze into and sleeps again.

Upon waking Ase finds the sun up and the weather warm enough to melt the ice in his waterbag. He continues East in the hills and the going is much faster.

Hardly a mile goes by before Ase sees some new creature. In this case it is a herd of camels. He ponders the idea of killing one and eating it. Realizing that their feet were the size of dinner plates and that a single kick could easily kill him, he moves on. He makes a mental note to ask someone about camel barbecue (if he should survive).
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It is the afternoon as Ase comes upon a might lake. It is so large he cannot see the opposite side.
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He decides not to cross, not knowing what might be living in these waters. Instead he decides to follow the river and stay close to the cliffs where there are no bogeymen. He fills his water bag to the brim and turns south.

As he travels south the lake turns to ice. Ase knows that sudden warming could melt the lake so he stays on the shore. His progress is good til he meets his most frightening sight yet.

Ahead on the shore is an enormous leech. It wriggles and writhes but does not notice him. It is covered in sores and smells horrific. Although Ase has never seen a risen undead creature, he is fairly certain that he should give this thing a lot of room.

It is not a solitary leech. There are many and soon Ase finds himself travelling on the surface of the icy lake.
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Night falls again and Ase is faced with a difficult situation. He has been forced to stay on the frozen lake during his travels and now must sleep out here as well. He gets as much distance as he believes will keep him safe and lays down. This night, he sleeps at the ready axe in hand, backpack on his shoulders.
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27th Moonstone
Ase is awoken in the early morning hours by a giant leech corpse. It is swift and Ase cannot outrun it. As the creature comes for him Ase throws bronze arrows at it. It is killed instantly by a single throw. Flustered, Ase looks about and sees many more of these creatures walking on the lake ice. He was wrong to assume that the worms would fear the unstable ground.

With great care Ase approaches near sheer cliffs rising in the South. The cliffs climb up to what seem were the cloud tops and a vast flat plateau. Following the cliff edge and avoiding the undead Ase comes upon strange geological formations.
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After following the cliffs South for the entire day Ase finds a way down.
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It is snowing as Ase lays down in a crevice to sleep. He recalls being told of the lands beyond the mountains, they were called "The Peaceful Dunes". It occurred to Ase that whoever came up with name had not actually spent any here.

He dreams. Ase 2 stands next to him on the cold hill side.
Ase 1: Where do I go now?
Ase 2: You keep going?
Ase 1: Yes, but where do I go.
Ase 2 shrugs

28th Moonstone
He is still alive. It is freezing cold. For the first time Ase notices that his clothing is wearing thin.
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Travelling South along the river the ground turns a blood red. Ase is relieved to find out that this is simply clay and not blood soaked dirt. Ase spies a giant wren. He ambushes the bird and harvests the meat. As he butchers the bird he realizes that these hills are populated with a great many different varieties of birdmen.

Wanting to stay near hills where he can find hiding, Ase crosses the river.
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Ase happens upon an odd outcropping of cliffs and boulders and decides to sleep there. As he drifts off to sleep he reassures himself that if the ethereal Ase 2 should visit him again, he will lecture the ghost on giving helpful directions.
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He dreams. Ase 2 is on a hill above him. He is shooting at something out of sight. Ase 2 returns to his mortal companion's side.
Ase 1: Where do I go now?
Ase 2: You keep going?
Ase 1: Ah ha! Yes! This time you tell me where to go and don't give me that smug look and a shrug.

1st Opall
Ase awakens.
"What a jerk..."

His journey along the river is uneventful this day.

As night falls he has trouble finding a secluded place to sleep. The low hills allow a bitter cold wind chilling Ase to the bone.
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He dreams. Ase 2 sits on the ground next Ase 1.
Ase 1: Where do I go?
Ase 2: You're almost there?
Ase 1: What, really?
Ase 2: Look, why are you listening to me, I'm a figment of your imagination. Seriously, if you don't know where you're going then neither do I.
Ase 1: I thought you were the spirit of Ase 2 visiting me to prophetically lead me to salvation and safety.
Ase 1: Ha! Would you listen to this guy!

2nd Opal
Ase awakens
"I swear by the gods..."
He has survived another night.

With the first morning light Ase crawls up the limestone rocks. He steps upon a wide and very flat plateau. A desert. But beyond that some mountains, and in the middle...a needle of black.

Ase stifles a cry of triumph but, for the first time since his failure at the volcano summit, he feels alive!

Ase follows the river East for one final day.

3rd Opal
Ase awakens in the dead of night. The hair on his neck standing up. Some creature is stalking him. Carefully sneaking out of his hole he sees a giant leopard. It must have picked up his scent. Ase quietly sneaks a good distance and sleeps one hour at a time.
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Ase only dares to venture out with full daylight. He can now see the looming mountain range but cannot see the spire. He believes he can make it to the base of the mountains by nightfall.

Sneaking along that day he saw many different kinds of man-creatures. Some were rather cuddly looking, like the wombatmen. The dingomen however were a frightening sort. One would think, being somewhat anthropromorphized that they would be more human like in their behavior. They are not, they are dogs that look like people.

Ase successfully makes it to the feet of the mountains. Breathing a great sigh of relief he goes more slowly now.

Creeping along the ridges he approaches the spire, now in full view. It is magnificent and more amazing than he had envisioned it. But dusk is upon him. He decides to chance sleeping in the wilderness one last night. He desires to be well rested when finally approaching his goal.

He sleeps with a smile on his face.
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He dreams.
Ase 2: I told you so.
Ase 1: Shut up!

4th Opal
The air is warm this morning. Ase can see the spire, he does not veer right or left in his approach.

He passes by a place of battle. All that's left is giant chinchilla blood and a bronze crossbow. It is difficult to tell who the victor was.
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Approaching the spire Ase can now see it widening. He clambers up one last rise and there, before him, is the outer wall.
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He stumbles up to the wall momentarily forgetting to be silent. He places his hands and head against the stone. He feels the smooth chisel work and smells the dust. The tears roll down his cheeks.

He has made it.

After some time his ears pick up the sounds of battle. Animal screeches, the shouts of humans? No. Dwarves. He remembers that he is not hidden, that any creature could come along and pick him off.

He sneaks North, keeping to the wall, towards the sounds of chaos. He hears the sound of a crossbow twanging. Occasionally there is a screech. There are Kea men flying over the walls of Bloodspire. On occasion one falls from the sky.

The ground below the wall is littered with iron bolts. The dwarven guard here are well armed.

Some distance down Ase happens upon a dwarf planter. Ase does not risk exposing himself and continues North.
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Coming down the hill the great wall veers to the West. A yeti corpse lays in a pool of blood. Just as Ase proceeds a swarm of coyotes, mountain goats and kea men rush toward him. Ase is sure that he has not been spotted. Nonetheless they charge upon him. He will be spied! He scrambles backwards hoping to get out of their path...
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Just as they come upon him, the planter Ase had forgotten comes down from the hill and gives chase to the pack. All the animals scatter. Ase spends a few moments to allow his heart to stop beating so quickly and to evaluate his situation.

A good drink of water and some goat meat replenish his fortitude. He continues on. Along the wall he continuously dodges creatures running to and fro. The screeches and baying continue, though now Ase can tell that they are coming from inside the fortress.

Ase finds a hole in the mountain. It is not smoothed. Perhaps an entrance. Ase enters with little deliberation, he must escape the chaos outside.
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It is a long tunnel. In the gloom Ase can only hear the faint sounds of creatures meeting their end. Strangely he stumbles across a dead mountain goat. What was it doing in here?

All is quiet now except for a steady rapid drumming noise.

Ase continues and runs directly into a dwarf cook standing in a cubby. Ase screams and falls backwards.
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Cook: I am the cook.
Cook: It was loud out in the courtyard. In a little while I will go outside and collect carcasses for our meat stores.

Ase stares at the dwarf still shaking from the shock. As he calms down he realizes the drumming was his own heart. It beats more slowly.

Ase stands and begins to walk again in the gloom. He nearly falls into a deep pit.

Ase: Gods! Why is there a huge pit?
Cook: It keeps the beasts out.
Ase: Weren't you going to tell me about it before I fell to my death?
Cook: You looked a bit shady to me. But since you didn't fall in I feel obligated to tell you about this lever behind me. It is for the bridge that crosses the gap.
Ase: What other surprises are down here?
Cook: None.
Ase: Can I trust you on that?
Cook: Probably not.

Ase glares at the cook as he pulls the lever. After some seconds and a generous amount of squeaking the bridge extends. He crosses gingerly waiting for any more surprises. From behind him he hears.

"Please raise the bridge once you've crossed."

Ase gropes about and finds another lever. Although he cannot see it, he hears the bridge raise. He creeps along the passage way. After some time he sees the tunnel's end, a bright light.

He emerges into a bright courtyard where a lone marksdwarf stands amidst dozens of corpses, body parts and enough blood to feed a village of vampires for a year. Ase makes no attempt to hide. The marksdwarf regards him for a moment then returns his gaze to the sky.
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He notices a door next to him, inside everything is dark, he does not see anyone. He creeps slowly along the passageway. The hall is lined with fortifications. The architect of this fortress was clearly interested in pin-cushioning any unwelcome guests with lines of marksdwarves. Carefully he walks along the hall where he finds two slabs and two magnificent statues. He goes down the stairs. There is little light down here, there are no sounds.

He feels his way about to and finds a room of fine beds and beautiful golden weapon rack. On it is a splendid artifact weapon.

Looking back at the beds, Ase realizes that he is tired. He has never been more tired in his life. He has not slept in a bed of this quality in all his life. It beckons him. He drops his pack, his weapon and shield clatter to the  floor. He lays gingerly on the bed realizing for the first time how sore he is, how his clothing is falling apart. He is dirty but does not care. He sleeps.

He is too tired to dream.
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The End.

Ase's stats at retirement
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I've written the Cliff's notes version of this journey which involved very little fast travel. My numberpad 6 and 3 keys are noticeably looser and I think I have carpal tunnel. Also once I got within the vicinity of Bloodspire my FPS dropped to about 3. So it was about 10 seconds between key presses. Seriously the scale of chaos at the entrance to Bloodspire was incredible. I didn't show too much in the screenshots because I don't want to ruin it for everyone else. But the place was a goddamn bloodbath.

To me this was one hell of an epic journey, I hope you enjoyed reading.

Here's to the shortlived but lovable Ase 2!

Here be the save:


  • Bay Watcher
  • AKA Aira; Legendary Female Gamer
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Re: Necropia: Adventurer Succession Survival Game (Players Wanted!)
« Reply #109 on: July 06, 2013, 06:56:05 am »

Fantastic story! Kesperan is up next again.

It seems Bloodspire might be under the same curse that has taken the Adventurers' Retirement Center game. Too many enemies spawning each time someone visits the site. If it gets too bad, we will have to devise an alternative goal to prevent FPS death. I'll definitely wait until the next version before starting a new adventurer mode succession game!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Necropia: Adventurer Succession Survival Game (Players Wanted!)
« Reply #110 on: July 06, 2013, 07:09:16 am »

OK, I will download the save today.

If my old adventurer is still alive, I might unretire him and kill some of the wildlife.

Alternatively, I could make a new adventurer as a nemesis - an objective to be defeated. I could make him a vampire or necromancer and retire him in an abandoned keep as a goal for the next adventurer?

Perhaps reclaiming the fort and slaughtering the wildlife would be a good idea?

Let me know what you think.

Edit: Seems to be a problem - if you scroll past the first page of potential adventurers to find an old adventurer, the game crashes. This bug appeared in the Museum thread and seems to plague adventurer succession games. I checked in legends mode, and my successful adventurer Nacu Dragonshins is still alive in the Bloodspire, but I won't be able to play him. Guess I need to make a new guy.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2013, 07:31:21 am by kesperan »
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.


  • Bay Watcher
  • AKA Aira; Legendary Female Gamer
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Re: Necropia: Adventurer Succession Survival Game (Players Wanted!)
« Reply #111 on: July 06, 2013, 07:21:15 am »

You could absolutely make a nemesis, if you want. Would be fun to have more goals to accomplish.

I think several players tried to solve the wildlife problem in the retirement home game. The big problem was a glitch causing all animal life to multiply every time someone entered the fortress site. Most of it was underground in the caverns. I don't think you could take care of the problem with just an adventurer. I believe someone had success by flooding the cavern levels with obsidian using DFHack in reclaim mode... but that created further bugs. Feel free to experiment and try to fix it. And feel free to refer to the other game thread for ideas:

Also, I think I'll offer a new rule change. With the understanding that no single adventurer is permitted to kill off too many of the quest targets in any region (always leaving the others something to do), we can lift the 14-day time limit for anyone who is not trying to reach Bloodspire. So, for example, if you wish to create a new enemy vampire or necromancer for future adventurers to kill, you may play for longer than 2 in-game weeks, as long as you don't take too long completing your turn. Sound ok to everyone?

EDIT: Oh, and a thought I keep forgetting to mention: I don't think there are any bogeymen in this world. Has anyone encountered one? I haven't. There might be some in the few forested regions where the elves live, but I've definitely never seen any. They don't come in mountains, desert, badlands, or beaches, for sure, and that makes up most of the map.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Necropia: Adventurer Succession Survival Game (Players Wanted!)
« Reply #112 on: July 06, 2013, 07:33:27 am »

I've only been ambushed by kobolds and wildlife.

Since I can't reactivate my old character, and the Bloodspire is getting a bit laggy I might go with the nemesis idea.

Legends mode states that Nacu has killed two rampaging yetis in the Bloodspire since I retired him :D

Maybe the rule could be that if you get an adventurer safely to the Bloodspire, you can make a nemesis as your next character, which would solve the issue of not having enough quest targets to kill?
« Last Edit: July 06, 2013, 07:36:02 am by kesperan »
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.


  • Bay Watcher
  • AKA Aira; Legendary Female Gamer
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Re: Necropia: Adventurer Succession Survival Game (Players Wanted!)
« Reply #113 on: July 07, 2013, 05:43:19 am »

I think everyone is entitled to 3 characters as long as their turn doesn't take too long, and you can do whatever you want with those 3 characters. But I don't want any one player to kill off too many quest targets. Even if your goal is to become a nemesis, adding one nemesis to the game doesn't really make up for killing a whole slew of vampires or necromancers, and in any case there's no guarantee your Nemesis character will survive until the end of your turn, so you might not contribute anything at all to the next player.

I think the 14-day time limit should remain in place for anyone who is doing quests, to keep one person from doing too much damage to future players' Fun. If you are going to Bloodspire you must keep within the time limit as well in order to keep that challenge high. If you don't want to kill quest targets, you can play for as long as you want. And how about this: if you do not make it to Bloodspire within the 14-game-day limit, you don't have to die. You just can't go to Bloodspire anymore. So you can do whatever you want with your story from there, again making sure not to kill off too many notable enemies in the process.

By all means, go to a necromancer tower and kill every zombie a hundred times over, if you want to do that. Just make sure there's still some necromancers around to keep making new zombies.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Necropia: Adventurer Succession Survival Game (Players Wanted!)
« Reply #114 on: July 07, 2013, 07:12:29 am »

Well, my first two efforts at making a nemesis have ended in abject failure.

First one got pecked into unconsciousness while wrestling a turkey gobbler, and when night fell, he was still unconscious as the bogeymen pushed his skull through his brain. So I suppose that answers the question "are there bogeymen in Necropia?" - yes, yes there are.

Second guy got some nice armour together, and was encased in ice while endurance training. Fail. So I only have one more try left.

I can see your point that you don't want a super-human character depopulating the world of historical figures. My plan would be to drink vampire blood early on, then sneak into a necro tower and read a slab without angering the necromancers. Which is possible.

I could then skill up by killing beasties in evil biomes with permanent reanimation, or in dungeons with respawning enemies.

I just think it would add flavour if I retired my guy in an abandoned fortress, and someone else could make a quest to steal his sword and bring it to Bloodspire, or something.
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.


  • Bay Watcher
  • AKA Aira; Legendary Female Gamer
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Re: Necropia: Adventurer Succession Survival Game (Players Wanted!)
« Reply #115 on: July 07, 2013, 07:47:17 am »

Yes, I love the idea of creating a nemesis and making new quests based on that. But as you see, it's not so easy to do. : )

I wonder if we can create a cache of vampire blood somewhere. If someone fills a barrel with blood and leaves it somewhere (in a lair, for example, so it doesn't scatter around), could another adventurer go there to drink the blood? Or would it disappear?

Also, remember it's possible to drink vampire blood without killing the vampire. Not easy, but possible! And if someone decides to steal a necromancer book and set up as a nemesis in an abandoned fort somewhere, the book could be left there for others to read as well.

Now I'm getting eager for my next turn. I think I'll make one attempt at getting to Bloodspire, then use the other two as nemeses!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Necropia: Adventurer Succession Survival Game (Players Wanted!)
« Reply #116 on: July 07, 2013, 08:16:20 am »

Third try - got some nice gear together, stumbled into an evil biome while trying to get back to a hamlet to sleep, got killed by bogeymen.

Peasant nemeses are not easy!

Anyway, I won't bother uploading the save as all I managed to do was kill some dingoes and remove some good armour from keeps, so next person can just load the last save.
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.


  • Bay Watcher
  • AKA Aira; Legendary Female Gamer
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Re: Necropia: Adventurer Succession Survival Game (Players Wanted!)
« Reply #117 on: July 08, 2013, 02:24:18 am »

Aw, that's a shame. Apparently we will all have to be very careful if we want to set up nemeses.

I've PMd InsanityIncarnate about his turn.

Orange Wizard

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Re: Necropia: Adventurer Succession Survival Game (Players Wanted!)
« Reply #118 on: July 08, 2013, 11:30:26 pm »

Alright, let's get this underway!

Downloading the save now. Let's see how badly I fail.

[EDIT] My plan to make a human outsider was foiled by that bug where DF crashes when you try to scroll to the next page. This really needs to be fixed.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2013, 11:42:26 pm by InsanityIncarnate »
Please don't shitpost, it lowers the quality of discourse
Hard science is like a sword, and soft science is like fear. You can use both to equally powerful results, but even if your opponent disbelieve your stabs, they will still die.

Orange Wizard

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Re: Necropia: Adventurer Succession Survival Game (Players Wanted!)
« Reply #119 on: July 09, 2013, 01:51:41 am »

Dawn broke on the 17th of Opal, 4078. Casser Suthrotura left his hometown of Halebottled armed with a pair of socks and a pointy stick. He was an average person, with no skills to speak of, but hoped to make a name for himself in the far-flung corners of the world.

After a few hours of walking, Casser arrived at the fortress of Namestir. At first glance, it looked abandoned. The doors were unlocked, but no soldiers patrolled the walls, and the courtyard was empty. Every inch of the structure was coated in snow, beautiful in the sunlight.
Vultures circled overhead. Casser ignored them, and approached the keep.
Inside, it was dark and cold. An emaciated camel burst from the shadows and charged. Thinking quickly, Casser drew his dagger and threw it at the beast, striking its head. The camel collapsed, dazed, and Casser took the opportunity to tear its throat out with his spear.

The keep was empty, apart from a few equipment coffers which Casser helped himself to. He took a shiny pair of copper boots, a crutch, an iron cap, and a superiorly crafted cryolite amulet. He draped it around his neck, admiring the fine polish on the item.

With the midday sun in the sky, Casser left the abandoned keep. A few stabs of his spear dispatched a passing badger, and provided a free lunch.
He continued to travel eastwards, towards the biggest city in the northern deserts: Yellowconfused. Soon, night began to fall, and Casser was only halfway. Night was dangerous, he had been told, but with nowhere to shelter, he would have to keep moving in the darkness.

It was pitch black by the time Casser arrived in Bristlegrasp. It was merely a hamlet, on the outskirts of Yellowconfused, but Casser could shelter here, and maybe gain a bit of fame...

[EDIT] OOC: Meanwhile, I found death. I asked some randoms about quests, and they told me about a vampire hiding in a cave in the same region tile. It turns out vampires are pretty hard to kill without skills or attributes above Average, so it bashed my skull in. Instantly.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2013, 02:02:30 am by InsanityIncarnate »
Please don't shitpost, it lowers the quality of discourse
Hard science is like a sword, and soft science is like fear. You can use both to equally powerful results, but even if your opponent disbelieve your stabs, they will still die.
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