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Author Topic: Necropia: Adventurer Succession Survival Game (Players Wanted!)  (Read 21907 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Necropia: Adventurer Succession Survival Game (Players Wanted!)
« Reply #150 on: July 28, 2013, 06:25:18 am »

I'm interested in this just because it's an Adventurer deal, and likely won't end up taking too long for me to die horribly 3 times in a row either when it's my turn.

Sign me up!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Necropia: Adventurer Succession Survival Game (Players Wanted!)
« Reply #151 on: July 28, 2013, 08:11:16 am »

Lovely. I shall get the save and start as soon as I am able.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Necropia: Adventurer Succession Survival Game (Players Wanted!)
« Reply #152 on: July 28, 2013, 10:11:18 am »

I'll take a turn as well I guess.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Necropia: Adventurer Succession Survival Game (Players Wanted!)
« Reply #153 on: July 29, 2013, 08:45:33 am »

Shame! Those vampires are brural. Just fyi, you can get followers if you level up a fighting skill to a decent level, even if you don't kill anything. I managed just by leveling up throwing a bit.
I got to Competent in a couple things, so next time I'll try when Proficient.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Necropia: Adventurer Succession Survival Game (Players Wanted!)
« Reply #154 on: July 30, 2013, 01:15:30 am »

Okay, first adventurer. Story should follow soon.

The Wondrous Tale of Kulur Meetrights, a female peasant, part 1

Kulur stood in the decaying ruin of the house. Once, it was an ordinary house, just like any other in her village, but years of neglect and outright vandalism brought what was once home to several families to little more than a ruin, a stern reminder that all things come to pass.

She rummaged through the rotten floorboards, hoping to find something interesting to show to her friends and peers when she saw a faint metallic glint coming from one of the walls. She moved up to it and examined it. There was a secret compartment behind the rotting board.

She grabbed the board and pulled with all her might. The board was not entirely rotten through, so it took her two good pulls before it snapped in two, revealing a patina-stained copper spear. Kulur's expression turned to a smile when she took it. "Lo and behold! It is I, Kulur, knight of the realm!" she said in a joyous tone. "But what do I see before me? Vile spawn of evil!" she shouted at a wall. "Take this! And this! And a little bit of that!" she exclaimed as she stabbed, bashed and mauled at it with her blunt copper spear. After several strikes, she was incredibly tired and collapsed to the ground. The wall was in even worse condition than before, the rotten wood full of cuts and dents. Kulur started to laugh. "I am the greatest knight in the kingdom of Linannath, and by the power invested in me by this magical spear, I now crown myself Queen of all humans!" her laughter echoed across the village.

Kulur heard someone approach. She turned her head and saw Pena, one of her friends. "Hey, Pena! Look what I found!" she shouted and raised her copper spear. Pena looked at it and let out a snicker. "Where did you find that old thing?" he asked. "Well, I was rummaging through this ruin when I found a secret compartment, and this was hiding in it. Pretty neat, huh?" She replied and swung the spear at empty air.

Pena took a step closer. "Well, it's definetly well-made." he caught the spear's shaft mid-swing and examined the copper head "But it's also blunt." He said. "If you want to use it on something, you should sharpen it."
"What can I sharpen it with?" Kulur asked.
"Well, you can use this." Pena produced a sharpening stone from his belt. "I only use it to sharpen newly-made bolts for my crossbow, and I don't plan on making any more any time soon" he tapped his quiver, full to the brim "so I think I can lend it to you."
Kulur took the stone. It was cold to the touch and very heavy.
"Now, here's how you use it." Pena took the spear and stone from Kulur. "First, you wet the sharpening stone" he took his waterskin from his belt and poured some water on the stone "Now, you press if firmly against the spear edge, like so, and you drag it across the edge, like this." Kulur watched his demonstation carefully. "That's about the gist of it. Be careful not to overdo it, though, as that will damage the edge." Pena said and handed the spear and stone back to Kulur.
"Okay," she said "now that I know how to make it work, what can I use it on?"
Pena scratched his head. "Well, I heard the village elders talk about some night creature lairs, about an hour or two's walk outside the village. You can try your luck there, I heard there's a night creature by the name of Anir. It's not a full moon, so it shouldn't be in its beastial form."
Kulur smiled. "Great!" she said and stood up. "I'll get ready and set off. Do you want to come with me?"
Pena swallowed. "I'd like to, but the militia have to report to the village elders for something." he said.
"Oh. Okay then. See you when I'm done!" Kulur said and ran off.
"Kulur! If you think you can't handle it, don't go!" Pena shouted after her, but she was too far away already.
Pena shook his head and set off to meet the village elders.

Kulur took stock of her belongings. A copper knife she took from the kitchen (It's not like the family she shared her house with would mind), a waterskin, some food, a backpack and a dress made from leather of some kind of shark, the closest to armour she had. She put on her backpack and waterskin and set off eastwards. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping and it was a glorious day to start an adventure.

After a short walk, she came upon a lair of that horrible beast. She tried sneaking towards the entrance but gave up on the idea. The lair was located on a sandy plain, and there weren't a lot of places she could hide behind.

Slowly, she approached the lair entrance and steeled herself for an encounter with the beast that lived within.


Inside the lair, Anir was pissed. His lairmate Itke, a vampire, thought it would be a good idea to invite his girlfriend Omat, an Olm Woman vampire, over for no particular reason other than to gloat about how he killed that one guy, Sarvesh Lovechannel or whatever it was and how he's now "The Bane of All Things Living". For Gods' sake.

"Hey, babe, did I ever tell you about how I killed that adventurer, Sarvesh?" Itke said to Omat. "You did, Itke. Fifteen times in the last hour, in fact." She replied. "I'm hungry. Where do you keep the food here?" She asked "Well, Anir knows. Anir! Show the lady where you keep the food." Itke shouted. Anir sighed. "Right this way." he said and set off to the other end of the cave.

It was when they were halfway there when a realisation struck. "Wait a minute. You're a vampire. You don't need food." he said to Omat. She smiled weakly. "Guilty as charged." she said. "But why did you ask Itke..."
"Did you listen to that man for more than 15 minutes once?" Omat interrupted.
"Well, if you would, you'd find out that he is boring as hell."
"But why-"
"Why do I date him? Well, I'm an Olm Woman Vampire. Humans and dwarves want to kill me on sight, olm people and elves hate me for being a vampire, and most vampires aren't into me. Someone like Itke doesn't come along very often, and it can get very lonely when you're a vampire."
Anir frowned. "But why don't-"
"Why don't I date non-vampires? Again, the vampire thing puts most men off. Not to mention that whole sucking blood thing. It's hard to maintain a relationship when you also see your lover as 'lunch'."
Anir opened his mouth.
"Don't even think about saying it. Most people resent the vampires who turn them. Again, not something you want to base your relationship on."
Anir decided it would be best to remain silent.
They walked in silence for a while. Then, they heard something.

Anir looked at Omat. "We'd best help him." he said. She nodded in silent agreement.


Kulur jumped away from the vampire. She heard stories of vampires, and they were definetly not creatures to mess with. This one also kept the skeleton of the previous adventurer as a trophy. Defnietly not pleasant. "Come closer, human girl." The vampire said with a grin. "And I'll show you what happened to the last fool who tried to cross my path."

Kulur turned and ran out of the lair. It was a bit safer outside, she decided.


Itke stood at the lair entrance proudly. That'll show those humans. Then, he heard panting behind him. "Oh, Anir. You have returned from the pantry."
"What was that noise?" Omat asked.
"Hmm? Oh, that? an adventurer, nothing to be afraid of. I scared her off." Itke replied.
Omat facepalmed. "You fool!" she shouted. "She's now going to go back to her village and return with an angry mob! We cannot possibly stand up to them!"
Itke shrunk in size a little. "Well...." He began.
Omat waved her arm in disapproval. "Gods damn it, Itke. Come, we'll go and take care of that adventurer girl."
"Erm, I'd rather stay here and prepair the lair for an attack. Take Anir with you. He's better at this fighting thing." Itke said.
Anir's face turned red with rage. "WHAT?" He exclaimed. "YOU COWARD! YOU IDIOT YOU-" He was interrupted by Omat, who grabbed him by the shoulder.
"Okay, Anir. We can do this. Let King Coward here"
"Hey!" Itke yapped
Omat ignored him "hold the fort while we take care of his dirty work."
Anir nodded.
"Good." Omat said and released her grip. She and Anir climbed out of the lair.
Itke scrambled for the deepest end of the lair, taking his prized skeleton with him.


Kulur waited in ambush next to the cavern entrance. The vampire would come out and she'd stab him in the face with her spear. Or so she planned.
She saw a human figure come out. Kulur thrust with her spear and hit it in the arm. It grunted in pain and looked at Kulur. It opened its mouth

Its voice boomed. It pulled the spear out of its arm and swung its arm at Kulur, who promptly dodged it. When she looked at it again, she noticed that "it" was not in fact "it", but a "he", and that it was, in fact, a completely naked human being, not a vampire.

Kulur grinned. A human she could deal with. She charged at him and stabbed him in the other arm with her spear, the spear embedding in the wound. The human counterattacked and missed and the spear remained embedded in the wound. Kulur twisted it and pushed it deeper into the man's arm. The man howled with pain, ripped out the spear and ran.

Kulur ran after it, but felt something grab her. She turned and saw a hideous Olm Woman.

The Olm Woman said and barred her teeth. Kulur saw the fangs and knew that she was dealing with a vampire. She squirmed and freed herself from the vampire's grip. The vampire tried to bite her but struck just empty air. Kulur turned, pulled the knife from her belt and threw it at the olm woman. The knife spun in flight and hit the Olm Woman in the foot with the hilt.

Kulur tried to run, but the Olm Woman caught up with her and punched Kulur several times all over her body, badly bruising her and breaking one of her fingers. Kulur dropped to the ground and tried to crawl away. The Olm Woman punched her in the foot.

Kulur struck back and hit the Olm woman with the shaft of her spear. The Olm Woman stumbled backwards. Kulur saw the opportunity and charged.

The fight descended into a frenzied melee, with both sides dealing and receiving hits, with Kulur at an obvious disadvantage.

When it looked like she was about to be overpowered and salin, Kulur stabbed at the Olm Woman with her spear one last time. She stabbed her in the upper body and the Olm Woman howled with pain, jumped away and ran off, shouting cuss words at Kulur.

Kulur tried to catch her breath. The battle was intense. She walked to the dagger she threw and picked it up when she heard a loud panting noise. She quickly turned, checking to see if the vampire returned. She didn't.

What was causing that panting noise was the human she wounded before. He returned, his bleeding stopped. He saw Kulur and started to run towards her. She did likewise.

They reached one another and Kulur struck first, stabbing the man's lower body. He fell over and retched. Kulur raised her spear and stabbed the man, again and again, spraying everything with his blood and vomit until his breathing stopped.

Kulur pulled out the spear and wiped it in her already blood-stained dress. Then she spat on the body and left.


Itke cowered in the deep end of the lair with the skeleton next to him. He then heard footsteps approach him.
"Who are you?" He shouted. "I'm not afraid of you! Show yourself!" he raised his fists.
Out of the dark, Omat stumbled into view. "Omat!" Itke shouted and ran towards her.
She raised her hand and stopped him. "Anir is dead." she said. "That woman killed him."
Itke's eyes widened in shock. "Wow." He said. Then, he saw what Omat looked like. "Gods' sake, Omat. It looks like she gave you quite a beating as well. You should've remained here with me, I'd keep you safe."
Omat rolled her eyes. "Just shut up and give me a hug."


Katslet's day was pretty ordinary so far. He was sitting in his house, eating his lunch when someone knocked at the door. "Gods damn it, whoever has the nerve to interrupt me during lunch..." he muttered under his breath. "Yes?" he said as he opened the door. Then, he went pale.

Outside the door stood Kulur Meetrights, her thumb broken open and she was stained with blood and vomit.

"Hey, Doc. I've just came from my first successful adventure! I have slain Anir Fragranttrussed, the creature of the night!" she said in a cheerful tone.

It took a while for Katslet to process all of this. "Well, that's great news!" he said, after a long while. Kulur smiled. "Thanks!" she said and was off.

Katslet closed the door behind him and returned to his lunch. What a strange girl, that Kulur, he thought.

OOC: Okay, Part 1 is up. Stay tuned for Part 2!
« Last Edit: July 30, 2013, 03:44:23 am by Krevsin »


  • Bay Watcher
  • AKA Aira; Legendary Female Gamer
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Re: Necropia: Adventurer Succession Survival Game (Players Wanted!)
« Reply #155 on: July 30, 2013, 01:03:08 pm »

Gokajern has been added to the turn list.

Krevsin, you've got me hooked. Bring on the rest of the story!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Necropia: Adventurer Succession Survival Game (Players Wanted!)
« Reply #156 on: July 31, 2013, 05:40:05 am »

The Wondrous Tale of Kulur Meetrights, a female peasant, part 2

Kulur washed the blood and vomit off in the town well. She was feeling pretty good about herself. She has proven herself as an adventurer to the villagefolk. What she needed now was a merry band of companions to accompany her on her next quest.

She saw Pena walk out of a nearby house.
"Hey! Pena! Wanna join me and travel the world, seeking quests and adventures and stuff?" She shouted at him.
Pena shrugged. "Sure, why not. It's not like I'm of any use here." he said.
"Great!" Kulur exclaimed. "Now I just need a couple of people more."


It was early afternoon when Kulur's search for companions ended. The only person she could persuade (other than Pena) was Cemir, a hunter with a bow. She was also quite enthusiastic about joinig Kulur's merry little band.

They gathered on the village square.
"Okay, guys" Kulur began. "I got us another assignment from Rakbin, the swordsman. We are to travel to a lair near the village and slay  Teme Authorred, a vile creature of the night. Any questions?"
Cemir raised her hand. "Which one of the nearby lairs? There are, like 5 of them."
Pena nodded in agreement.
Kulur shrugged. "I don't know. We'll just start at the nearest one and work our way from there."
Pena and Cemir raised their eyebrows.
"Come on, guys! There's 3 of us! We can easily take on whatever's waiting for us in those lairs."
Cemir pointed at Kulur's swollen finger. "It seems like you couldn't."
"Well, I wasn't prepared. But trust me, guys, It'll work out just fine."
Pena sighed. "Let's just go."


The group approached the hole that marked the entrance to the lair.
"Okay, this is it!" Kulur said. "Follow me."
Cemir and Pena looked at eachother, shrugged and followed their leader.

Kulur advanced slowly towards the deeper end of the lair. There was no significant booty or corpses here, so she assumed that this would be a pretty easy fight.
Suddenly, a man jumped out of the shadows.

"I am Teme-" he began but was sharply interrupted by a crossbow bolt to the throat.
"Good shot, Pena!" Cemir exclaimed and fired her bow at the night creature, hitting him in his leg.
Kulur charged at the peasant and stabbed him in the head, killing him instantly.

"Okay, this was easy." Kulur said. "Let's go back to the village and brag." She said with a smile.


It was late in the afternoon when Kulur gathered her band of adventurers in the village square again. It was significantly larger than the last time. Kulur then went on and introduced them to eachother.
"Cemir, Pena, this is Rakbin, he's a swordsman."
"Hello." said Rakbin and shook Cemir and Pena's hands.
"And this" Kulur gestured at a man carrying a long pike "is.... what's your name again?"
The man shrugged. "Don't know. Me mum never told me."
"Well, this is Pikeman, then."
Pena extended his hand. "Pleased to meet you."
Pikeman looked at the hand, then at Pena. "Well, it's lovely that you are pleased, but let's skip the pleasantries. I was promised glory and treasure."
Pena retracted his hand.
The group was consumed by the awkward silence.

"Okay," Kulur decided to break the silence "I've found a quest worthy of a fine group of adventurers such as ourselves."
She unrolled a map and pointed at a marking in the middle of nowhere. "This is Bloodspire, an ancient dwarven fort that has been abandoned long ago. All of its dwarven treasures are ours for the taking. So, what do you say? Are we up for it?" She looked around at the group.
Everyone nodded.
Kulur rolled up the map and said: "Okay, let's go then!"


The group travelled eastwards, the mountains constantly visible to their right. The trip was so far a pleasant one. Pikeman knew some funny jokes, Cemir knew how to play the flute and the rest were quite keen on discussing what they're going to do with the dwarven riches when they get them.

They stopped at nightfall, lit a campfire, sang some songs, talked for a while and then decided to go to sleep.

Kulur had the strangest dream. She was a lone wolf on the hunt. She had been stalking her prey for several hours. She sniffeled at the air. The scent was getting stronger, as if her prey decided to stop for some reason. She quickened the pace of her approach.

Now, she could see her prey. A lone human, camping in the woods. Kulur barred her fangs and pounced.

There was a great deal of confusion as the human revealed himself to not be just a lone peasant, but a steel-clad dwarven adventurer. Kulur tried to run away, but the dwarf was too fast. He caught up with her and sliced her in two with one swing of his mighty axe.


Kulur woke up and found, to her surprise that she was surrounded by fierce-looking goblin warriors. She quickly reached for her spear but a goblin lasher lashed her right arm. She turned her gaze upwards, and the last thing she saw was a goblin pike closing in on her face.

OOC: Okay, it didn't turn out as well as I wanted, but I guess we got a decent story out of it. I didn't even have the time to give Kulur a nickname.

Anywho, I'll try out another adventurer soon enough, expect the save then.


  • Bay Watcher
  • AKA Aira; Legendary Female Gamer
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Re: Necropia: Adventurer Succession Survival Game (Players Wanted!)
« Reply #157 on: July 31, 2013, 08:37:03 am »

Aw, such a shame. It was going so well! Ah, well, losing is fun and all that. Looking forward to the next one.

By the way:

"This is Bloodspire, an ancient dwarven fort that has been abandoned long ago. All of its dwarven treasures are ours for the taking."

You do know that Bloodspire isn't abandoned, right? I used DFHack to keep it active while ending the game. Just to avoid any confusion. : )


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Necropia: Adventurer Succession Survival Game (Players Wanted!)
« Reply #158 on: July 31, 2013, 09:48:49 am »

I didn't know that Kulur does not know that. (I'm so good at making coverups  :P)

Thanks for the reminder anyway.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Necropia: Adventurer Succession Survival Game (Players Wanted!)
« Reply #159 on: August 01, 2013, 04:57:18 am »

Well, I tried another adventurer, "On Carminegleam". He started in Sweltermerchants, a ghost town. I took him to the temple and then wandered around the ghost town.

Then, I met a dog on top of a building, so I thought to myself: Well, there's a good opportunity to train my fighting skill and I engaged the dog in combat whereupon he immediately pounced upon me, I dodged and fell 3 Z levels down to my death.

I tried to make a story around it but failed, so I'll just give you the death screen and the save.



  • Bay Watcher
  • AKA Aira; Legendary Female Gamer
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Re: Necropia: Adventurer Succession Survival Game (Players Wanted!)
« Reply #160 on: August 01, 2013, 06:11:22 am »

Aw, killed by clumsiness. And that makes it my turn! I'll get started tonight after work. Wish me luck!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Necropia: Adventurer Succession Survival Game (Players Wanted!)
« Reply #161 on: August 01, 2013, 12:03:42 pm »

Good luck!  Watch out for vampires!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Necropia: Adventurer Succession Survival Game (Players Wanted!)
« Reply #162 on: August 01, 2013, 02:49:05 pm »

Well, I tried another adventurer, "On Carminegleam". He started in Sweltermerchants, a ghost town. I took him to the temple and then wandered around the ghost town.

Sweltermerchants is where my first adventurer, Kesp Cleanpants, came from.

There's a giant lusty tortoise demon there. Not much else.
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.

Timeless Bob

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Re: Necropia: Adventurer Succession Survival Game (Players Wanted!)
« Reply #163 on: August 01, 2013, 03:44:05 pm »

Giant Lusty Tortoise Demon?
What, like one of these?
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
Bloodlines of the Forii


  • Bay Watcher
  • AKA Aira; Legendary Female Gamer
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Re: Necropia: Adventurer Succession Survival Game (Players Wanted!)
« Reply #164 on: August 04, 2013, 01:12:51 pm »

16th Obsidian, 4078
My name is Specut Velvetpeaches. That’s right, you heard me, baby. Velvet. Peaches.

And you? You are the woman of my dreams.

Bikda, baby, you gotta come with me. Let’s get out of this shitty little hamlet and find a better place to live.

I… I see. Well, there must be something I can do to change your mind. Anything?

If that’s what you want, my love, then that’s what you’ll get. One dead vampire, coming right up.

Specut treks to the west, sharpening rocks along the way and daydreaming of his beautiful bride to be.

Well, then, this must be the place.

And that must be the guy.

Guess I’ll just chill out here in the shadows and chuck rocks at his head until he’s dead. I mean, it can’t be that hard to kill a vampire.

Ohshit. Did he see me?

Guess not. Egomaniacal dipshit, probably just randomly yells that out at the darkness because he’s so lonely. *snort*

Oh, snap. That actually worked?

Indeed. That is one dead vampire. Now, to return to that dump to tell my beautiful Bikda the good news. We’re going to be so  happy together!
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