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Author Topic: Abbyurn [STORY] a strange outpost.  (Read 730 times)


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Abbyurn [STORY] a strange outpost.
« on: May 24, 2013, 01:55:01 am »

[OOC] This is a story fortress as it says in the topic but I'm welcome to giving humans out to those that ask and writing up about their experiences aswell, I've acaully started this for a bit and have a population of 68 as of this writing, I have this format that you can use for picking a human

Name: Kinda need this, humans have silly names like "Boat, Toast, Bust, Window, etc"
Personality: This is optional if none is given I'll use the humans preset personality
Profession: If none provided you will get a random human
Gender: same as above will just pick if none is prefer'd
BIO: this is kinda background info, if none is provided you are basically a prisoner or someone in dire need of work.

I will also do other requests like "I don't want to be in the army" or "Can I be an *** kisser" also will be moving this to the OP aswell.

I grew up in your standard run of the mill farming community, I helped my ma' and pa' milk the goats and feed the pigs also lived with three other families in one slightly too small of a house. But this wasn't the life for me it was just too boring, too repetitive at most maybe a giant or greenskin ambush would come to attack but those were handled by the militia and if it wasn't dealt with in good time the city guard would ride in and finish off the event, one time a few over zealous goblins broke off from their warband of orcs and torched the fields, but that is as close to anything really violent that I've ever been.

Now you're probably wondering why I am telling you my life story, however abridged I've made it, is because I did something that changed my life. Forever.

   Events of 103, mid summer.
"How much longer till we get the the chosen location Toast? We have been on the road for roughly 11 months." asked the irritated Client that I had to transport to "his" new facilities, these alchemists and their extravagant demands "We are about a months travel away sir, soon your long journey will finally reach its climax." "Very well, I guess that's what I get for going to the southern ice wastes to investigate a strange occurrence around a frozen volcano." at this the thin lipped and robed client fell silent, likely lost in his thoughts

* * * * *

"W'at the bloody 'ell is t'at" said Bust my best friend as he pointed at a troop of guards that had a strange looking wagon between them "I'm not sure" "Well it's like to be a bloody noble, t'em being all high and like." Bust spat on the ground and hefted the bag of rat weed to his other shoulder "C'mon David, 'ets get this harvest back home. 'ere the wolves get 'ungry" he let out a bad imitation of a fell laugh, which I chuckled at because it was just so terrible.
"Yeah, also I want to see what is in that wagon"
"Oh no David last time you gon' and done something like t'at we almost got arrested"
"Come on Bust, where is your sense of adventure? Not like anything interesting happens here"
"W'at you talkin' aboot, c'urse a plenty things of interest 'appen 'ere, just last week a goblin made off with Feb's socks."
"That's not interesting, it's annoying. Well anyways lets hurry up and get this home." Bust nodded and we trotted off towards home, which turned into a race.

* * * * *

The wagon creaked to a halt in front of the Inn which had a weathered sign that swung gently in the breeze 'The Cryrout' was written on it. Sighing and stepping off the wagon which would have been a relief for one sitting for a long time, only it was agony as my back muscles cried out in pain from the bouncing around on the rough roads and my legs where shaky from not being used for awhile. The walk to the door was quite awkward but I could care less, been a few weeks since I have gotten to sleep in a decent bed, hell even a meager bed "Hi t'ere how may I 'elp you?" broke my train of thought as the Inn keep spoke in a rather difficult to understand accent, reaching into my pocket I felt two objects and tossed them at the keep "A room for myself, food and drink for them men outside." the keep was shocked to see two golden coins with the symbol of the council stamped into them "r-right t'is way sir."

* * * * *

"Well Bust, what do you think is in it?"
"I 'unno but that noble don't walk like any noble I've seen b'fore, I t'ink we should just go back home and forget this."
"Nope, I want to know what's in that wagon" without waiting for Bust I crept towards the wagon making sure to stay in the shadows of the town houses, I saw Ann come out of her Inn with some tankards and handed them out to the guards, couldn't have happened at a better time. Keeping low I dashed to the wagon while the guards where distracted by Ann a few even made some cat calls towards her, hooking a hand on the wagons top step I vaulted myself to the riders platform landing gracefully like a cat. Turning back I saw Bust quietly climbing up I gave him a wink which he probably missed due to the darkness, and passed through the wagons compartment flaps.

* * * * *

I could hear some commotion outside the room's window so I walked over to see, just curious as to see how Toast's men would react to "positive reinforcement" for their devotion and loyalty. Looking out the window I could see the guards receiving tankards of the local brew, which around here is made from rat weed 'sewer brew' is what they call it. But something else caught my attention as two figures were moving around my wagon, turning towards the door I made for the stairs at a fast pace.

* * * * *

The inside of the wagon wasn't as ornate as a nobles, more of a wealthy merchant, if said merchant didn't take care of their belongings. There wasn't much that was shiny or looked to be of value, but I saw a writing case, unlike Bust and most of the villagers my father thought me how to read and write which probably accounts for me not having the local accent. Opening the case I saw a mess of papers strewn about but on the very top was an interesting note, on the top it read 'Mysterious Glowing Powder Found at impact site After the long 8 month travel to the ice wastes to investigate the fallen star I have discovered a interesting material around the edges of the impact crater, which also activated the frozen nearby volcano, it is a green glowing powder which shows signs of great magical energy. So far no known adverse effects to lifeforms but still have it in Rai Class Containment just to be safe, I will bring this sample to Abbyurn for farther research. - Xer' what is this? And why is so quiet... It's quiet. Putting the note back and closing the case I bolted for the exit only to have it blocked off by a rather burly guard, which promptly grabbed my arm and hauling me into the twilight.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2013, 12:29:38 pm by Hugo_The_Dwarf »


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Re: Abbyurn [STORY] a strange outpost.
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2013, 12:27:25 pm »

One of the more bulkier guards of Toast's that I had mistaken for a man retrieved the other figure from my wagon, the other was about to enter only for Toast to grab the fella himself, both figures were brought to me it was surprising for the lack of struggle maybe they were spies? Agents of those that wish for our kingdoms secrets? Because any petty thief would be trashing about like a rabbit caught in a snare "Names and what you were doing in my wagon." the two stood silent "Well I surpose for your transgression life time imprisonment in the kings dungeons." Toast and his company began to shackle them as I turned to head back to my rented room "NO!" this made me pause, the voice didn't sound local and was free of the horrible accent "My name is David, and I didn't really know what I was doing in your wagon. It was a mix of see what was in it, and maybe steal something so I could say 'yeah I did that' at least let my friend go, he had nothing to do with this." turning I looked the at the fella that spoke he was the smaller of the two "Your friend was here and attempting to enter my wagon, he is just as much at fault as you. I may have an alternative to your lifetime alternative you will still be a prisoner but you will see the sun and live on better standards then a lowly criminal." The bigger fellow that was staring at the ground was now staring at me, looks like he is interested "W'at is et?" clearing my throat I addressed to the both of them about my tower, and how it is still under construction and that it is under constant attack, that I require more manpower to see it's completion and protection. "It will be better then the prison life, but also more dangerous."

* * * * *

The noble or whatever he is, wizard, alchemist his offer was better then being tortured by the kings dungeon keeper until the end of days, but then again I'd be his subject, slave for the rest of my life. Bust was looking at me probably waiting for my answer either way I think he would go to hell and back with me, but would rather choose the alternative given to us. With a sigh I prepared to give my answer "Yes, I choose to become your subject" "aye, me aswell." the noble Xer appeared to smirk as a child would when they know they are getting some new toys "Good, well we have roughly a month or two before we get there. Hope those shackles aren't too uncomfortable"
And this is where my entire life changed.

[OOC] this is a story fortress as it says in the topic but I'm welcome to giving humans out to those that ask and writing up about their experiences aswell, I've acaully started this for a bit and have a population of 68 as of this writing, I have this format that you can use for picking a human

Name: Kinda need this, humans have silly names like "Boat, Toast, Bust, Window, etc"
Personality: This is optional if none is given I'll use the humans preset personality
Profession: If none provided you will get a random human
Gender: same as above will just pick if none is prefer'd
BIO: this is kinda background info, if none is provided you are basically a prisoner or someone in dire need of work.

I will also do other requests like "I don't want to be in the army" or "Can I be an *** kisser" also will be moving this to the OP aswell.


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Re: Abbyurn [STORY] a strange outpost.
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2013, 02:51:45 pm »

The wagon ride was the longest month I've ever known and thought that maybe this tower wasn't too far from home, in case I ever had the chance to run but that idea went right out the window as the wagon was quite a bit faster then any of the wagons I've seen and these guards were like animated suits of armor for them to be able to trot along with the wagons speed with all that gear and not be hindered or fatigued in the least, but then again if what I heard is true they've been doing this for roughly a year now. I also found out that the Noble Xer his full name is Xerath and he's not a noble at all, but a man of science employed by the high council he was also a very impatient man as his orders of "Kill them all" whenever bandits decided to try to raid the wagon, also can see why Toast and his company are employed by him they do their job well and without question maybe they are just animated suits of armor with painted faces of a great detail.

I was awakened one morning not from the jarring of the wagon or the jingling of my restraints I was used to that, it was Xerath shouting "Finally!" sitting up from the spot on the back of the wagon that was me and Bust's temporary prison for the past thirty days and peered around the corner of the wagon to see a not so impressive wall and a simple gate that most small cities have, but beyond that was what looked like a super-sized apartment with several windows dotting the north and south sides some men and women where tending to their washing's that they hung out their windows. Behind that was a massive structure which looked to be part tower and part monastery and the closer we got to the gate the louder the sound of water got and the sounds of work and idle chatter, what kind of place was this?
Spoiler: Images (click to show/hide)

"Well what we have here Toast? Some new additions to our fancy colony?" said a woman in her forties that had a splint on her right arm and had a two-hander strapped on her back a crutch in her left hand and a tower shield strapped on the same arm "These two were caught trying to steal from the wagon at the last village." the woman cocked an eyebrow and eyed me and Bust up "The big one will do fine in the quarry, the smaller feller can work on making blocks." "Whatever you say Heather, just make sure those recruits don't die in the next ambush. You know how Xer gets upset about losing manpower." the older woman chuckled "Oh I do." and Toast lead us to the apartment building "Now you two, this is your home now. There should be enough rooms for you two to claim one, think of this as moving to the big city instead of a life time sentence. So kiddos make yourself at home, also you can refer to me as Notch there is another fella that goes my Toast and he serves under The Plain Wonders. Since you're new he might act a bit funny when you call his name, always jittery that one. Everyone here is friendly, but my best suggestion is don't bother Xer even if your legs got eaten by a bear and you're dying of unholy dust, it doesn't interest him. He might be upset you're dead, but that's because that is one less pair of hands working."
With that Notch went farther into the apartments and around a corner, well might as well get settled in this is my home after all.

After conversing with some of the other residents, which a great deal weren't much of talkers a woman with coppery grey hair came through the front door like she was looking for someone she turned in the direction of the tables and scanned a bit before she saw me "David!" her voice was familiar and I tried to figure out who she was as she made her way towards me and Bust "My, I 'eard a few lads were br'ught in from Stillwater, and I figured maybe it was someone I knew. Long behold it's you David, and you too Bust nice to see some old acquaintances." she had a large grin on her face "Lady Cryr'ut?" Bust said in amazement "I 'ad th'ught you dead after t'at raid in 101" Ward now that I remember her let out a Laugh "aye I th'ught too as well, but I managed to get out the back of my Inn before the orcs sacked it. C'urse I ran a good distance bec'use a bloody goblin was c'asin me, a group of travellers saw me and one was a hunter before I knew it the goblin was shot dead. I ran so far I didn't know my way back, so they said they'd take me with them. And they showed up here." so Ward has been here for about three years? "Why'd you stay here for so long Ward? Why not come home?" Ward stood there for a moment "Well I did think of coming back to Stillwater but I had no idea how to, I've never traveled in my life and I found that my cousin was in The Defensive Bells under Heather so I decided to just stay, a few weeks later my Husband came here and our daughter too. Not a bad place to live, rent is as cheap as just doing work around here, you get a place to stay, food, and safety." that explains why Cryrout's entire family left. "What about this Xerath guy? What is so special about him?" Ward looked about to make sure noone overheard that, taking a seat next to me she whispered "Not here, we will talk about that later." she then got up and left as to make it seem her break was over.


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Re: Abbyurn [STORY] a strange outpost.
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2013, 10:49:33 pm »

Reading Xerath's note in his wagon the month before had gotten me thinking for the longest time, what was that powder he found? What fell from the sky? What is this place really? Why was he employed by the council? These thoughts were broken when a horn resounded through the outpost and several of the people in the complex got up and gathered up weapons, the militia was under armored as the only source of protection seemed to be a steel breastplate and mail shirt under it. I hurried outside to see a melee going on at the front gate it was a mess of bodies as the rag tag militia were pressing some greenskins, just a few goblins until a few orcs rounded the corner and what must have been a troll armed with a large crossbow in which it promptly began firing into the fray not caring where the missiles went just as long as it hit something, there was screams of pain from both parties all seemed lost as a great deal of the militia was either dying or rendered unable to fight. Another horn echoed through the outpost this time I could feel the ground shaking slightly turning towards the tower I couldn't believe what I saw, from the massive doors three elephant sized creatures charged out; two of them where larger then the third and they looked like trolls only with more human features, the third looked exactly like a human, only they all had feet that elephants had. the three charged in unarmed save for simple clothing the first giant crippling a goblin with a backhand swung low breaking it's leg and sending the greenskin into the wall, it's next was a kick square in the chest of an orc, the smaller giant tangled with greenskins hovering around the wounded, and the third got right in the troll's face it was the most frighting thing to see as two giants pushed, shoved, punched, kicked, and grappled each other even a few trees were knocked down in the process.

The greenskins seeing that their invasion had failed began to retreat but even as they ran the giants still chased them down trampling any wounded greenskins on their way like a child would jump in a water puddle after a heavy rain, as they were being driven off, the wounded were carried off into the complex and the dead accounted for 6 had died in the field of battle, coffins were being assembled by masons that were not tending to the wounded or gathering the equipment. I saw Xerath trudging over to the main gate with an air of fury so I headed over to the gate to see what he would do "You interrupted my work for a petty ambush!" Heather calmly looked back at him "We needed the extra help we are und-" "I don't care the reasons why your militia failed to hold their own! You should have trained them better, had the proper equiptment forged, it's already cost me a small fortune to get those weapons of yours! Yet you fail to fend off a small greenskin rabble." Xerath stopped his rant to reach up and rub his temples with a thumb and forefinger "My creations are not yet ready to see full out combat, yet do I have enough. Shaping these beings takes time, and time that I am not shaping I am researching. It is vital for me to complete my work, and keep the council informed of my progress." with that he waved his hand in a dismissive gesture and stormed off back to his tower and wordlessly the giants he referred to as 'creations' followed without any sign of command from Xerath, they simply 'knew' he wished them to follow him, or maybe they were just really good guessers. I could see Bust helping with the wounded, so I joined him.

[OOC] anyone feel free to claim a human, I don't mind writing in different perspectives.[/OOC]