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Author Topic: Marooned in Morrowind (FINISHED)  (Read 428268 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.50
« Reply #1575 on: March 13, 2014, 11:30:19 am »

Welp, here is to hoping we get caught in a horrific groundhog style cyclus of experimental deaths and reversions.  :P

But if loading past saves is dependent on the PC, all they have to do is save over the game we're in while we're dead and we'll be permanently dead.

Clearly, we must test this by finding a PC and asking them to kill us and reload a past save for science.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.50
« Reply #1576 on: March 24, 2014, 02:09:45 am »

How are things going, LB?
Dwarf Souls: Prepare to Mine
Keep Me Safe - A Girl and Her Computer (Illustrated Game)
Darkest Garden - Illustrated game. - What mysteries lie in the abandoned dark?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.50
« Reply #1577 on: March 25, 2014, 04:43:59 pm »

How are things going, LB?

I'm looking at it now, and it really wouldn't take much to finish the next episode. I've just been having difficulty feeling motivated.

Hmm. Ok, how about I'll just do it and get an update up. Also how about I not post a time estimate, since those have been pretty inaccurate lately.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.51
« Reply #1578 on: March 25, 2014, 07:17:25 pm »

Episode 51: Chatting with Divayth, Morrowind physics, and a small problem.

I agree, try to barter the phone for training
by all means ask if he'd be willing to teach us instead.
ask him (politely) if he'd be willing to teach us
Barter for Training.
consider having one of the most powerful wizards in Morrowind train us.

: "Instead of gold, would you be willing to teach me magic?"

He shakes his head.

"Basic spell school training? No, complete waste of my time. You're in that Imperial magic guild. Go ask them."

mention that Mages guild was impressed when someone without any skill in magic could solve their equations.
Inform him that among other things you and the people from your world are vastly better at mathematics. Prove it to him.

: "Hmm, ok. Speaking of the mage guild, I wonder if we might talk mathematics."

"Oh?" He seems interested. "What did you have in mind?"

: "Well, every time anyone's given me a problem to solve, even problems that they thought were very difficult, I managed to solve them very easily. Why don't you show me something and let's see what I can do with it?"

"Hmm." He considers for moment. "There are quite a few unsolved problems, especially in the field of astral curvature mechanics. For example, given a basic Euclidian mana matrix..."

He brings up his hands and casts a spell. A cube of light perhaps two feet across materializes between the two of you.

"Now, if I apply an Entian transposition, here is the result."

You watch as light from his hands does...something. The cube looks different somehow, but the change is so subtle you're not sure what looks different about it.

"This, of course, is the standard proof used to demonstrate that the underlaying structure of the universe is analog. The problem is, if we first apply Divayth's fourteeth function..."

He dismisses the cube, conjures a new one and then fills it with a smooth spectrum of pulsating colors. It looks kind of like someone took a drunken Rainbow Dash, locked her in an impenetrable glass box, told her to go fast and made a stoner movie out of it.

"...and we now apply the same transposition as before, we get this."

He casts another spell and the cube rapidly fades out and...disappears? No, it's still there. You look closely and see that the whole cube has a taken a're not even sure the word to use to describe it. It's one of those colors you don't have names for.

"The question is how to reconcile these two results. The effect of the second transposition should be a simple incrementation of the output of function fourteen. But clearly you can see that it isn't. This result seems to imply that the Planck interpretation is correct. But, if so, then how to explain the result of the original transposition? Why does it work? If Planck is correct, then astral curvature is mathematical fiction and the majority of modern schools of magic should not work. Yet, clearly they do."

There's a moment of silence before you realize that Divayth is waiting for a response. Maybe the voices will have some input, but this is way over your head. You have no clue what he's talking about. At least you don't think you do. It kind of sounds like he's saying that when he adds one plus one he gets two, but when he adds one plus a million he's not getting a million and one. Sort of. His use of the magic color cube is kind of throwing you off. But at the same time you're not really surprised by it. A lot of higher math is done on computers. Here, where math is used for makes a lot of sense that magic would be used to demonstrate it. That puts you at a serious disadvantage. He'd probably be similarly inconvenienced if you were to sit him down at a computer and ask him to use MATLAB. Either way, this isn't the kind of problem you were hoping for.

: "Umm...'underlaying structure of the universe?' isn't this kind of a physics question more than a math question?"

Divayth waves a hand dismissively.

"Don't be pedantic. I'm simply giving you a useful problem rather than an arbitrary one."

: "Ok, but I'm still kind of new to this whole magic thing. When I asked for a problem, I was hoping for something I know, look at on paper?"

He walks over to a bookshelf, picks up a book and flips through it. Then hands it to you.

"Pages 22 to 24 describe the basic problem, but I think you'll find it impractical to map the results on paper."

You look through the pages. They're full of symbols you don't even recognize. Divayth picks up the dwemer puzzle cube from his desk and resumes fiddling with it, continuing to speak as he does.

"The whole point here is that the internal boundaries of each element container are variable. If you were to render it by hand with a conventional matrix, it would be necessary to re-specify the bounds with every iteration, as well as remap elements with every increase in resolution...which incidentally is non-trivial since the majority of increments are fractional. The function I just demonstrated would require trillions of trillions of matrices to describe even a tiny fraction of a second worth of transition. Also, at the lower limit we're talking container scales on the order of ten to the power of negative thirty five meters. Writing out only two dimensions of a single frame of a matrix only a millimeter across would require a piece of paper larger than all of Vvardenfell, easily."

At least you know what most of those words he's using mean, but you're pretty much out of your depth.

: "Ok, umm...well, thank you, but...I think this is something I'm not going to be able to help you with. From my conversations with other mages I was under the impression that basic algebra was considered really advanced here."

He look at you with pity.

"That's what happens when organizations like your mage guild get involved with magic. It's all well and good to bring magic to the people, but they've doing a tremendous scholarly disservice dumbing it down like they have."

accept the deal.
my vote goes to taking the gold.
Go see the dwemer guy
Either way, I say we go through the corprusarium
Agree to sell it to Fyr, but ask if we could show it to Yagrum first and talk with him about it
we'd like to speak to the Dwemer anyway.
Accept to have it appraised by Yagrum, use your invisibility potion if you are in trouble

ask if there's a way back up once we've finished our errand.
only if we can secure way back up first.
ask about levitation first

: "To get back to the phone, I think I'll take the 600. But I'd hoped to speak with Yagrum anyway, and I'm sure he'll want to see it. How about I do that first and come back?"

He shrugs.

"That's fine."

: "One problem though, how do I get back up here?"


: "Right, but I used my only levitation potion to get up here. Is there any other way back up?"

"Only if you're strong enough to punch through my recall wards."

He doesn't even look up from his puzzle cube. Apparently that's all the answer you're going to get. You're briefly reminded of the time one of the voices told you to ask Vivec, basically a god, to train you in low level alchemy. Obviously the 4000 year old dimension-travelling wizard has better things to do than brew you a levitation potion. While you're at it, you may as well call Bill Gates and ask him to help you reinstall windows.

: "Ok, well...I'll figure something out."

"Check in with Beyte before you do. I expect she'll have dinner ready before long and I might be eating by the time you return. If I don't see you before then I'll ask her to give you 600 for the artifact."

You feel a moment of disorientation and feel your senses dull a bit. Apparently the fortify intelligence spell he cast on you earlier just wore off.

explaining how it's charged, show him the battery that provides energy for it.

Oh, and to satisfy Fyr, here is some additional information for him:
-The device has the advantage of easy mass-production back home, and not requiring any training to use
-Our people power our technology by taking kinetic energy from things like rivers and wind, and converting it to electrical potential energy.

: "...oh, speaking of the phone, in the interest of full and honest disclosure I should probably mention that it's nearly out of power. Remember how I mentioned we use non-magically generated electricity? At home it would be easy to recharge, but I'm pretty sure Morrowind doesn't have electrical outlets."

You take out the battery and show it to him. He examines it closely.

"That's a peculiar way of storing magicka. Why not use a soul? Or design it to recharge in daylight. Or siphon life force from the wielder. Or even use a conventional mana battery. That would require a caster to recharge it, but this seems to require that anyway, except with an unnecessary conversion to lightning, which it appears to be highly susceptible to. I see no benefit to this design."

: "We don't have magic where I'm from."

He gives you a look that screams "you are clearly an idiot."

: "Also, these are mass-produced by the millions and it would be difficult to capture that many souls."

He shrugs dismissively. He seems to be losing interest in talking to you.

"No matter. The device seems simple enough. I'm sure I can develop a spell to recharge it. The only difficulty will be feeding it gently enough that it doesn't melt or explode. It appears to be ludicrously fragile."

if we don't figure stuff out, Dagoth Ur is totally gonna wreck stuff, imminently, and since he's right about things really being different enough that we can't be sure how things will turn out, he should probably be prepared for that.

: "Unrelated, like you know, I spoke with Vivec, and Dagoth Ur is totally gonna wreck stuff. He's basically a mad god planning to take over the world-"

""Yes, yes," Divayth interrupts. "And has been for centuries. That's why we have the ghost fence."

find out what clover's task is

: "By the way, what was the task you gave Clover?"

"Not your affair."



It seems Divayth just solved the puzzle. You watch as he opens it and reads a small note from inside then chuckles to himself.

ask about getting past that argonian down there and getting back to him.

: "Ok, one last question and I'll get out of your hair. The rules for the corprusarium are, don't hurt the guard or the inmates, but they're allowed to hurt me?"

"Yes, the warden will explain if you ask him."

Divayth waves a hand in your direction.

"That should let him know you're here on scholarly business rather than to plunder the dungeon. So long as you don't take anything he should leave you alone. Now, if you'll- ...actually, wait a moment."

He turns his back to you and pulls a piece of paper and quill from the table. You hear the sound of writing. After perhaps 20 seconds he turns back around and hands you the cube, now sealed. It's heavier than it seems like it should be.

Received dwemer puzzle cube

"On the off chance you do make it to Yagrum, give him that."

Divayth again turns his back to you. You're pretty sure you've been dismissed. You walk back out to the vertical tube in the hallway and consider what to do. Getting back up is going to be hard enough, but how do you get down?

Yeah, 30 foot drop or so. Too bad you don't have any rope. The tube walls are close enough that you can reach both sides with your hands. Maybe you could put feet on one side, hands on the other and walk down batman-style? You remove everything breakable from your backpack and drop it down ahead of you then start to climb down.

You make it about ten feet down before you slip and fall.

Acrobatics is now 33
Health is now 55/61

: "Celestia damn it that hurt!"

You crawl over to a wall and check your injuries. Looks like nothing's broken.

: "Ok, seriously guys...we've been here for like two months now. Why is stuff like this still a problem?"

Well, good a time as any to chat with the voices in your head.

Michael, what functions does the phone have?

: "I don't know. The usual stuff I guess. Let me check."

Michael checks the various menus.

: "Let's see, autodial, address book...currently empty, notepad, calculator, a couple games, ...web browser? Checking, no...looks like it can't find any connection. Ok, let's see, we can send text messages, we can...ok, apparently we can send email and attachments. Or at least we could if we could connect to anything. And camera and video mode. Not sure whether we can receive attachments, but maybe. Download apps...again, no connection. connection. Yeah, looks like a lot of stuff we can't do because there's no cell network, but everything else basically works."

I believe, in a principal sense, that physics works essentially the same here, in that energy is conserved. That is, to do something, you have to move energy from one place to another. A mundane example would be the chemical potential energy in our muscles being converted to kinetic energy to produce motion

Michael ponders that.

: "Ok, but does the idea of 'chemical potential energy' even make sense here? I don't think I've had anything to eat or drink since my time in the Legion, yet I've never felt hungry or thirsty. Where's my body getting its chemical energy from? Does anything we know about chemistry make sense here? So far as I can tell, my body, the tube I just fell through and the air inside it plus everything else that exists here is made of light. Divayth described electricity as being a state of magicka and I can tell you because I'm looking at it that light and magicka are the same thing. So apparently electrons are made of light here. What does that do to the atomic model? What does that do to chemistry?"

"For that matter, what does that do to physics? Doesn't light have to always be the speed of light? How can objects be stationary? Or are the photons in everything moving...for lack of a better way of phrasing very small circles? Why does anything interact with anything? Isn't it mostly electrostatic forces that keep objects from being able to pass through each other? Photons have no charge, so why is the floor able to hold me up? For that matter, photons are massless. Why does gravity exist here?"

"I guess we can write it off by saying that Divayth was being metaphorical, and that everyone here are science primitives who don't know what they're talking about. Maybe photons aren't really photons and this whole 'magicka is light' thing isn't real, but five minutes ago I was looking at cellphone radiation, clear as daylight. Here, let me show you. Cellphone is off."

: "Now, I'll turn the cellphone on."

: "Can you guys see that weird glow everywhere? For that matter, do you guys see that giant ball of sunlight shining through the planet and the ground right now? I'm pretty sure the sun doesn't shine through the planet back on earth. I think there's something fundamentally going on here that we've totally missed."

: "Who are you talking to?"

You jump as Cinia floats down the tube in front of you carrying a purple crystal the size of your head in one arm.

: "Cinia, hi. Umm...just thinking out loud. How're things?"

She lifts the crystal for you to see. It looks like the same crystal used in Telvanni towers. You get up and the two of you start walking down to the main entry hall.

: "This one's ready, and Alfe's cutting the other one now. You've probably got another hour if you want a ride back to Sadrith Mora."

That doesn't leave you much time. Down to the corprusarium, get in and talk to Yagrum, get back out alive, talk to Beyte and then get up the tower to talk to Divayth if he's not having dinner, and then finally track down wherever Clover is. You seriously doubt you can do all that in a Morrowind hour and since you lost your divine intervention scroll to the water, if you don't leave with Cinia you're not sure how you're going to get off the island. And if it turns out you do need to get back up the tower, how are you going to do that?

: "Cinia, I'm about to head to the corprusrium but I need to get back up to talk to Divayth again later. Do you have a levitation potion I could borrow or buy?"

: "No. Why would I? You don't get to be a wizard in House Telvanni without being able to cast levitation."

: "Would you be able to cast levitation on me?"

: "No, I've never had a reason to pay for a target-other variant. But I'm headed back to the crystal chamber anyway as soon as I finish dropping this off at my boat. If you're here when I get back I'll take you with. You don't look heavy."

You're pretty sure it's going to take longer than that to navigate the corprusarium and talk to Yagrum.

: "Yeah, I'm going to be longer than that. I appreciate the offer, but don't feel you need to wait for me."

She laughs and playfully pushes your shoulder, knocking you off your feet and into a wall, which stops you from hitting the ground. It's a bit disquieting how effortlessly she moves you.

: "Oh, don't worry. I won't. See you later, Mitchel."

: "Michael."

: "Right, Michael."

You head down the left path from the entry hall looking for the corprusarium. You're not certain, but a few details in here seem different than you remember them. And come to think of it, you don't remember there being any 'crystal room' in Tel Fyr. Where did Cinia get the one she was carrying? If you weren't so pressed for time you'd consider exploring a bit to find out what else is different. Continuing down to where you expect the corprusarium to be, you pass a large circular door apparently being guarded by one of Divayth's other daughters.

She glances up at you,  saying nothing.

: "Excuse me. Which way to the corprusarium?"

She points at a passage and continues pacing in front of the door. Apparently not as talkative as the others. The rest of the trip is more or less as you expect it, and you're starting to wonder if the feeling that things look different than you remember is only because it looks different being here in person than it does looking at a computer screen. The door to the corprsarium is the same round style of door you've seen elsewhere, but moving it proves to be difficult. These doors are heavy. Once you get it open you look at it from the side. It's easily a foot thick.

Cautiously you step into the room. No sign of the argonian. The door automatically closes behind you and you hear a puff of air as it seals itself closed.

: "Warden?"

You jump as a voice come from your left.

: "It speaks."

Was he waiting in here invisibly?

: "Umm, hi. I'm Michael. Please don't kill me. I'm here to talk to Yagrum."

: "Understood."

: "Divayth said you'd tell me what the rules are if I asked?"

He tilts his head, examining you.

: "You are here to talk only? Then take nothing, hurt nothing, and you might live."

: "Right. But, I understand that Divayth has sort of a dungeon looting game thing going on? How does that work. In case I, you know...want to play, while I'm here anyway."

: "For the game, it is played in three ways. You take treasure, I kill you and yours adds to the pile. You hurt inmates, I kill you and yours adds to the pile. You take treasure, get lucky and escape, get greedy come back for more and I kill you. Yours adds to the pile."

: "I think I'd prefer not to die, thanks."

: "Most do."

There's a moment of awkward silence.

: "So...warden. I guess I'll just go talk to Yagrum now."

He nods. Then makes a tiny motion with a finger and vanishes. You stand there for a moment, listening. The only thing you hear is your own heartbeat. It's funny. You were just talking to a thousands year old wizard who could set you on fire or make you explode. Probably both at the same time. After that you were talking to a pretty girl carrying what must have been a 50 pound crystal in one hand and who accidentally almost knocked you off your feet just trying to be friendly. Neither of them scared you.

This guy scares you.

Taking a breath you push open the wooden gate and step inside the bowels of the corprusarium.

It a bit more crowded in here than you expected.

Spoiler: Stats (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Attributes (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: skills (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Equipped (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Faction standings (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Spells known (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Alchemy Knowledge (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Cellphone storage (click to show/hide)

What do you do?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.51
« Reply #1579 on: March 26, 2014, 01:18:36 pm »

The way I see it, we have one potion of invisibility which can help us get in or out, but not both. I vote we charge through, dodge everything we can, talk to Yagrum, and only use the potion if it's clear we need it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.51
« Reply #1580 on: March 26, 2014, 02:08:48 pm »

I vote we curl up and cry.
Quote from: SalmonGod
Your innocent viking escapades for canadian social justice and immortality make my flagellum wiggle, too.
Quote from: Myroc
Descan confirmed for antichrist.
Quote from: LeoLeonardoIII
I wonder if any of us don't love Descan.

Mr. Strange

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.51
« Reply #1581 on: March 26, 2014, 04:02:21 pm »

The way I see it, we have one potion of invisibility which can help us get in or out, but not both. I vote we charge through, dodge everything we can, talk to Yagrum, and only use the potion if it's clear we need it.
+1 to this. I don't know anything about Yagrum or corpusarium so I have no suggestions of my own for that part, but I think we should make some long term plans on what we hope to accomplish in here. Dagoth Ur is gonna cause trouble soon, and we need to get some serious leveling up done to survive it, but there are several people with that kind of power already running around Morrowind if we could just gather them together to fight him.

Also, continue to flirt with Cinia. Do what Descan suggested if when she turns you down.
Then you get cities like Paris where you should basically just kill yourself already.

You won’t have to think anymore: it’ll be just like having fun!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.51
« Reply #1582 on: March 26, 2014, 04:46:52 pm »

The way I see it, we have one potion of invisibility which can help us get in or out, but not both. I vote we charge through, dodge everything we can, talk to Yagrum, and only use the potion if it's clear we need it.

A thousand million pool balls made from precious metals, covered in beef stock.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.51
« Reply #1583 on: March 26, 2014, 07:20:59 pm »

Agree. Also tell Michael we couldnt see the magicka in his screenshot.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.51
« Reply #1584 on: March 26, 2014, 11:45:51 pm »

Alright Michael, just a few things:
1) We can't see the light. In fact, we see Morrowind with a few graphics mods. I suspect you see it in greater detail than the models and texture of the gameworld. Your magical sight might just be a new mode of perception, rather than indicative of matter here being made of light.
2) Actually, I do remember there being crystals in his tower. There's a big cluster of them in the room he's in within the game. In fact, it looks like he was standing right in front of them when he was talking to you.
3) You miss the point entirely on my allusion to potential and kinetic energy. My point was, that whether you describe it as magicka or thermal/kinetic/potential/chemical energy, some form of energy is required to make anything happen. Nothing does anything without moving energy around, whether your muscles taking from your body's energy pool or an enchanted item taking from a soulgem. Gods and Daedra likely don't do stuff without expending energy, but rather have access to limitless or near limetless pools of it. Your body probably sustains itself off of background magical energy. Futhermore, if magicka here encompasses all forms of energy, then this matter isn't much different than the familiar kind, since our matter is also technically made of energy, on the most basic level.

The way I see it, we have one potion of invisibility which can help us get in or out, but not both. I vote we charge through, dodge everything we can, talk to Yagrum, and only use the potion if it's clear we need it.
Agreed. Remember the directions I gave you: Straight ahead from the entrance, ignoring the side tunnels, through a door and a tall chamber, until you reach a brazier (that probably has a skeleton lying next to it.) Make a left. Unless this Yagrum has a different personality, he's probably in his workshop/study corner.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2014, 12:16:29 am by HugoLuman »
Dwarf Souls: Prepare to Mine
Keep Me Safe - A Girl and Her Computer (Illustrated Game)
Darkest Garden - Illustrated game. - What mysteries lie in the abandoned dark?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.51
« Reply #1585 on: March 27, 2014, 12:08:42 am »

Run Forrest, run!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.51
« Reply #1586 on: March 27, 2014, 12:20:59 am »

Michael, can you tell your own stats, in number form? We know the numbers of each of them, including health, magicka, and fatigue. If not in numbers, do you have some kind of feeling of them?
Dwarf Souls: Prepare to Mine
Keep Me Safe - A Girl and Her Computer (Illustrated Game)
Darkest Garden - Illustrated game. - What mysteries lie in the abandoned dark?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.51
« Reply #1587 on: March 27, 2014, 08:52:32 pm »

This was probably unintentional on LordBucket's part, but it would be interesting to see how Divayth seems to know about Euclid, an ancient Greek mathematician.

I'm not complaining about it, because it's pretty difficult to make up jargon, plus Euclidean is tossed around so much as a generic math term that sometimes you forget that it's named after someone.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.51
« Reply #1588 on: March 27, 2014, 10:03:12 pm »

Shit, now I remember what I wanted to ask Fyr. Someone sort of touched on it with some kind of "but we have a cell phone and come from science land" suggestion, but I don't think we handled the more important aspect of it:

Fyr's under the impression that we're from here. But we have something that's bizarre and intricate. So... where did it come from? Why is a native of Tamriel walking around with a bizarre, clearly not very Tamrielic device? He sort of brushed off our oddities as maybe being daedra from another of the infinite worlds in existence, but he never particularly reconciled the endless possibilities of the multiverse with the fact that we're supposedly home-grown.

Oh well. At least there may be dinner, where we can ask him what the point of food is.

Agree. Also tell Michael we couldnt see the magicka in his screenshot.
I'm not sure if this is true or not. The two images were different- the latter was darker in front and lighter in the chamber to the left and fireplace straight ahead. I would assume that's just a flicker effect from the lighting, but it's hard to tell from two samples.

Michael, can you tell your own stats, in number form? We know the numbers of each of them, including health, magicka, and fatigue. If not in numbers, do you have some kind of feeling of them?
I approve of asking and of informing him that we do, but he did mention ages ago that he didn't.

In fact, in digging back for it I found something even more fascinating:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
The way he phrases it almost sounds like he doesn't know that he has discrete stats, much less what their values are.

This was probably unintentional on LordBucket's part, but it would be interesting to see how Divayth seems to know about Euclid, an ancient Greek mathematician.

I'm not complaining about it, because it's pretty difficult to make up jargon, plus Euclidean is tossed around so much as a generic math term that sometimes you forget that it's named after someone.
That's a neat catch. Could be inferred as a translation issue, where the word for it is Euclidean so we hear Euclidean even though that word's origins don't make any sense here. Strictly speaking every word and grammatical construction has history that wouldn't make sense, after all.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.51
« Reply #1589 on: March 27, 2014, 10:23:10 pm »

This was probably unintentional on LordBucket's part, but it would be interesting to see how
Divayth seems to know about Euclid, an ancient Greek mathematician.

And here I was expecting people to call me out on Divayth's use of the word "anthropological" in a world where there are no humans.

Could be inferred as a translation issue, where the word for it is Euclidean so we hear Euclidean even though that word's origins don't make any sense here.

That's one possible answer.
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